The advent of Ten Thousand Demon Island seems to mean that the entire Immortal Territory has arrived, and Nine Cauldrons City is completely boiling.

The area where Saint Academy is located, the vast area, the lineup, and the random camp are the forces of Immortal Territory Monarch, a powerful force. However, even the ordinary Immortal Emperor forces are not too conspicuous, only the most The strong top rank forces can be the focus.

Qin Wentian looked at it at a glance, but he couldn’t see the end. The power to come here was too much, and he was endless.

“Even the Ancient Emperor City is far from attractive.” Qin Wentian whispered.

“Ancient Emperor City has always been in Immortal Territory, the top rank Heaven’s Chosen of all parties will go, but the time to go is different, but Saint Academy is different. The appearance of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is a chance. The last time it appeared is ancient era And the arrival of Saint Academy means that the Ancient Great Emperor era is open. How can you not appeal to Immortal Territory? With the name of Ancient Great Emperor, the Immortal Territory earthquake can be made.”

Bai Wuya whispers, Immortal Territory’s top ranks, who don’t want to be an Ancient Great Emperor, stand at Immortal Territory peak, and Heavenly Dao Saint Academy has this harbinger, how can they not come.

“It’s all gone.” At this point, an ice-cold sound came out, and I saw the mighty crowd in void letting a road, above the Vault of Heaven, there was a line of experts coming, these experts had a terrifying monster Qi, what surprised many people is that some very powerful experts, like animals, are sitting on the body, they are walking across the body, their bodies are huge, and they have terrifying Immortal King power.

“Immortal King is a servant.” Qin Wentian eyes flash, looks at the group of overbearing experts, seeing each other’s monster qi sky, eyes are all demon, he immediately knows that this is Monster Race expert.

“Immortal Territory Western Heavenly Peng Great Monster Clan, Heavenly Peng Clan has the ancient Heavenly Peng bloodline, is a truly pure bloodline Great Monster, tyrannical, powerful Human Race martial cultivator driving Monster Beast, Heavenly Peng Clan has many servants The demon is the master.” Someone next to him said that Qin Wentian’s eyes are glittering. People and demon are different races. The demon looks at people, just like people watching demon, whoever controls the other.

Heavenly Peng Clan is the purely pure Heavenly Peng Great Monster Clan in the West. In their eyes, Heavenly Peng Clan is the highest existence, and the Human Race martial cultivator is low-lying.

“Get out of the way.” This group of Great Monsters drove the Human Race expert forward, speed incredibly fast, sip open, and rushed to the front of the Saint Academy, and soon came, they looked unparalleled and looked around.

“A group of evil creatures dare to be so rampant.” Only a satiric sound came out, making all people eyes flash, and I was shocked. Some people dared to ridicule Heavenly Peng Clan.

Heavenly Peng Clan’s expert glance is glittering, sharp and bound, move towards the person who speaks, it is a group of experts standing in the forefront, they are amazing, noble and incomparable, like the natural Monarch.

“Nine Emperors Immortal Country.” all people eyes flash, Nine Emperors Immortal Country is the top rank power of the Immortal Territory centre part, cultivation nine great emperor, powerful, with super power, is Immortal Territory centre Part One of the three largest Immortal Country, in its heyday.

“Get out of it.” Heavenly Peng Clan An expert screamed, his voice was sharp, his eyes were golden, and terrifying was extreme.

“Presumptuous.” A young Nine Emperors Immortal Dynasty screamed.

“A group of evil creatures in the Immortal Territory western part is also a slap in the face, so don’t be arrogant.” There is a voice coming out, the person who speaks is the expert of Zhui Ri Immortal Country, and the Nine Emperors Immortal Country is the Immortal Territory. The center part is one of the three largest Immortal Country.

“Hey.” A loud-shaking screaming came out, and a smashing slaying slashed into the heavens and the earth, with war chariot rolling in the distance, crushing void, a row of mighty Great Monster coming here, they The forehead is engraved with a king, as if made by Heaven, it has an amazing power.

“White Tiger Great Monster Clan.” all people look a flash, White Tiger Great Monster Clan is best identified, their Royal Clan people, the forehead has an ancient character, the king word contains amazing power, there is terrifying baleful aura from freed.

“I don’t want to go to war?” Nine Emperors Immortal Country’s expert said faintly, this is the Nine Cauldrons City, Immortal Territory eastern part area, and I will be afraid of these Great Monsters, even though these bloodline pure Great Monsters are in full swing, they are Immortal Territory centre part top rank The big forces, and they will be afraid.

“Hey.” White Tiger Clan’s war chariot rolled forward, the amazing power fluctuated in the sky, the baleful aura swept the vast space, Nine Emperors Immortal Country expert coldly snorted, the same walk, a time 璀璨immortal light Shining between heaven and earth, the emperor’s gas is powerful.

“The Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is the common cultivation sacred land of the shemale. All of them can come here. Since the Saint Academy appeared, everyone has something to fight for.” Just listen to a laughter, somewhere, a line of white clothed The Fairy characters are floating, beautiful and unparalleled, and the Fairy looks are superior, even more so than the Southern Phoenix Clan, which makes people want to be close.

“The people of Yao Tai Immortal Palace in the north.” Bai Wuya, next to Qin Wentian, whispered, telling everyone that the forces of the parties, so that the younger generation of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect knows one or two.

“It’s still Fairy Yao Tai’s talk.” White Tiger Monster Race’s expert looks at Yao Tai Immortal Palace. The woman’s said with a smile: “Yao Tai’s land is full of beautiful women, and it’s a well-deserved reputation. Beauty is like a cloud, and I have the opportunity to come to our family. Maybe Have the opportunity to end the love of adult demon.”

White Tiger Monster Race Many experts laughed, and their eyes did not hide the sinful meaning.

“Evil creature is an evil creature.” Nine Emperors Immortal Dynasty’s expert indifference.

“Hey.” A gust of wind whistled and went straight to the side, all people raised one’s head, and saw a group of experts running straight in the distance, many of them carrying the sedan chair, the sedan The status of the person must be very honorable, otherwise there will be no such awkwardness.

“This is also the power of the North, the expert of the Beiming Immortal Dynasty.” Bai Wuya has extensive knowledge and sees a certain force to know where the other party is.

“Younger Sister Youhuang is coming.” Igoror King, a powerful beauty of Yao Tai Immortal Palace, said with a smile, and saw the fairy car coming, the curtain moving with the wind, in which there is a faint face.

Qin Wentian looked at the fairy sedan, the inside of the world, there is a sense of familiarity.

“Who is this person?” Qin Wentian asked.

“It should be the Princess Beiming Youhuang of Beiming Immortal Dynasty, the famous beauty of the Immortal Territory in the north, and the innate talent is extremely outstanding and powerful.” Bai Wuya said, and then the sedan curtain was opened, and one of the beautiful figures with a perfect figure came out. The face is amazingly beautiful, but the cold and proud are unparalleled, revealing the noble spirit.

“Is it her?” Qin Wentian eyes flash, there is a strange light in his eyes, and Little Rascal on his body makes a squeaking sound, squinting at the other side.

This woman has actually seen him. When he was in Ancient Emperor City, there was a ghostly woman. It was a vain existence. Can it be attached to others to control the body battles of others, just like the Underworld female ghost, the beauty is suffocating, positive It is the woman in front of me.

At this moment, the woman’s true body appears, the temperament is completely different, and the cold and proud is noble, it is the aimof and remote Beiming Youhuang, the Immortal King-class distinguished Princess of the Beiming Immortal Dynasty.

Beiming Youhuang seems to be aware of her eyes flash, move towards Qin Wentian, and then saw Little Rascal in Qin Wentian’s arms, a sharp edge in the beautiful eyes, Little Rascal’s head shrunk, milky milky Road: “holy crap, this female ghost also has inheritance, she will swallow this baby.”

“Greater Emperor Fan Tian’s inheritance.” Qin Wentian eyes sharp, Beiming Youhuang also has the Great Emperor Fan Tian’s inheritance, she used to enter Ancient Emperor City, I am afraid for other Great Emperor Fan Tian inheritance.

Beiming Youhuang cold and proud’s gaze removed, not looking at this side, but looking at the Saint Academy.

“This woman is so cold.” Little Rascal snorted and was a little jealous of Beiming Youhuang.

At this time, there are dragon roar loud sound sway the heaven and earth in the distance. Raise one’s head, I saw a real Great Monster True Dragon rolling in, and they went straight to the forefront and turned into human figures. The body landed on the ground, making the Immortal Territory centre part expert glance, and the Monster Dragon family of the West Sea Dragon Island came.

The major forces, faintly ranked according to the strength, only the top of the elite emperor rank other forces, are qualified to be in front, even the level of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, can not stand in the forefront of those positions.

There are so many powerful forces in the entire Immortal Territory, the central part of the three major Immortal Country, Nine Emperors Immortal Country, Zhui Ri Immortal Country, Boundless Immortal Country, as well as Eclipse Heaven Saint Cult, Thunder God Temple and other super forces, the South has three major Clan, western part has Heavenly Peng Clan, White Tiger Clan, 蝎Royal Clan and other bloodline pure Super Monster Clan, as well as Ten Thousand Demon Island and other powerful, a whole episode of the Immortal Territory spread in Nine Cauldrons City The prelude seems to be really a symbol of the era.

Behind the loyalty of the parties, there is an endless stream of watching the crowds. The entire Immortal Territory is here. I don’t know how many peerless enchanting people appear, and they are satisfied with their style.

There are many contradictions in these forces, such as the Sky Mist Immortal Country and the Evergreen Immortal Country, but at this moment, Sky Mist Immortal Country is not talking about the Immortal Territory judgement, it seems that all the grudges will be They are temporarily left open and ready to step into the Saint Academy.

Finally, this day, among the Saint Academy, there is a path of the sky beam that descends from the sky and turns into a starry sky. The starry sky is covered by the endless starlight, on which there is an altar, where there is a hand The figure of scepter.

This figure is looming, like the existence of illusion and unreality, it is not really true body.

“Immortal King characters outside of Emperor Realm have the opportunity to enter the Saint Academy, practice for more than 100,000 years, no charge, now, Immortal King within 100,000 years old can go to this altar, one hundred people.” The scepter Phantom said, his voice fell, those top rank forces have the innate talent outstanding Immortal King stepping out, want to enter the ancient era of Heavenly Dao Saint Academy.

This Heavenly Dao Saint Academy does not accept Immortal Emperor. It only accepts Immortal King and Immortal Stage characters. Moreover, you must first accept the innate talent review before you have the opportunity to enter!

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