Azure Profound Immortal Territory, the endless square part area, endless, endless city, countless forces, because the center is the most prosperous area of ​​the entire Immortal Territory, the area is also the most extensive.

Immortal Territory centre part has a city named Nine Cauldrons City.

Nine Cauldrons City is in a very central location in the centre part, with the West Sea in the west, endless, with Flood Dragon infested, and even Monster Dragon is rumored to be in the West Sea.

Not only that, the other three directions of Nine Cauldrons City belong to the area under different powers. This Nine Cauldrons City belongs to the city of freedom. It is bustling and vast, and there are countless experts coming and going to the city.

The name of Nine Cauldrons City is due to Jiuding, the city’s nine great position, Jiuding guard, Legend, Jiuding is Divine Cauldron, the town of Heavenly Dao Destiny in this city, making this city prosperous for many years, Eternal is not bad.

One thing that happened today is a rumor. In the past, there was a starlight on the Vault of Heaven from the sky, like the divine light, on the Immortal Territory, and then in the Immortal Territory Nine Cauldrons City. .

Then, Nine Cauldrons City boiling, all the experts came, when there was a strong temperament to the extreme, the Nine Cauldrons City endless area, come here to watch, then, the entire Immortal Territory centre part shock, the ancient Heavenly Dao Saint Academy The news of Nine Cauldrons City swept the centre part Earth Territory.

The forces of all parties rushed to the scenes, and they were so vast that they would have a good time. Soon, the bustling Nine Cauldrons City became a crowd of people, and the city was suddenly full of splendor. .

Moreover, people from all sides who come to Nine Cauldrons City are Monarch forces. Everyone has extraordinary temperament. There are no mediocrity, mediocre people, even if they arrive, they can only become spectators.

Subsequently, Immortal Territory’s powerful forces in the East, West, South, and North regions also descended into the Nine Cauldrons City, which emerged from the air. They came across the region and were the most outstanding figures of all powers. Once, only for the Saint Academy.

“Immortal Territory Southern Phoenix Clan, Southern Phoenix Empress has been known as beauty in the south of Immortal Territory. Her descendant is really beautiful.” At this time, many people in Nine Cauldrons City saw void in the ho The mighty figure, many of them, many of them are beautiful and unusual, it is the immortal? Southern Phoenix Clan people.

“Southern Phoenix Clan is one of the three ancient clans in the South. It is very powerful and profound. If you can marry a Southern Phoenix Clan Saintess, it is a beautiful thing.” Some people dreamed.

“These southern forces are coincidentally, the people of Jiang Clan ancient clan, the mysterious Jiang Clan ancient clan, there are many people coming here.” There is an expert looking towards the rear of Southern Phoenix Clan, a line The extraordinary expert comes down, the Immortal Territory Southern Jiang Lineage disciple.

“Ying Clan ancient clan is the biggest.” Someone said with a smile, looking at the other direction, although far apart, but still can see the mighty momentum of Ying Clan ancient clan expert, they are the best, they take the dragon Coming from the hustle and bustle, Megatron is wearing a dragon robe for the first person.

The adventurous forces expert went ahead in the city. In the central area of ​​Nine Cauldrons City, there is a Saint Academy located there, shrouded by endless starlight. This Saint Academy is looming, standing in the existence of nothingness, but true. visible.

This ancient Saint Academy does not seem to be too big, but spans a thousand miles, but some people whisper: “The rumored ancient Saint Academy is the world of Xumi, it doesn’t look big, but once you step into it, it is One world.”

“Can you go in directly?” someone asked.

“Immortal Emperor characters can’t get into it, let alone you, this is Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, it has its own natural law, and it’s free to enter.” There is a voice response, obviously, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy is now coming to Immortal Territory, this The rumors of the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy about the ancient era gradually spread, and more and more people heard about it.

A few days later, the Immortal Territory Oriental Expert arrived.

Sky Mist Immortal Country is powerful, Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty is amazing, Heavenly Monster Palace is coming from Great Monster, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is out of the ordinary, and Beast God Church is driving a lot of powerful Ancient Beast, not only for each time. The square expert came to this fairy city, and there are many Great Monsters appearing, which is extremely shocking.

On this day, the expert of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect also arrived. Bai Wuya came to the expert, and the mighty lineup was filled with thousands of people. Qin Wentian is also among the mighty people.

“Which people are these people?” someone in the city asked, a little strange to Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

“I don’t know.”

“Immortal Territory The newly emerging power of the East, Sovereign Qian Bian dominance’s Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, who occupied the six states of the 13th state of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect Dongsheng, is now conquest a battle with Eastern Saint Immortal Sect.” The well-informed person said that the Immortal Territory centre part is far from the East. The centre part is bustling and endless. There are many interesting anecdotes and disputes between the major forces. The people who care about the movements of the distant East are naturally Not many, only those top rank forces may pay attention to one or two, ordinary characters are most concerned about their own practice.

“A lot of experts, Immortal Territory, our strength is even worse.” Jun Mengchen whispered that after he retreats, he is now entering the 2nd level of Immortal Stage, innate talent, however, Immortal Stage 2nd level is placed in a remote small city, which may be a strong one, but looking at the entire Immortal Territory is just the beginning of the expert road.

“I haven’t got to the place yet, or I’m afraid that there is more expert.” Qin Wentian said with a smile, Bai Wuya Immortal Sense spread, continue to rate Thousand Changes Immortal Sect people, finally, they came to the Saint Academy area from the sky, here, The experts have been gathered, and all of them are top rank power figures.

“The people of Southern Phoenix Clan are here too.” Jun Mengchen pointed to the front and said, Qin Wentian looked over there, Southern Phoenix Clan Saintess came, and the first person, Qin Wentian, was the Dao Protector Saintess Nanhuang of Southern Phoenix Empress. Jinghong.

“Go and say hello.” Bai Wuya said to Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian nodded slightly, step by step, among the Southern Phoenix Clan crowd, Nanhuang Yunxi and Nanhuang Shengge two beautiful women also came out, only to see Nanhuang Shengge is still as beautiful as the painting, Xiao Xiao said: “Young Master Qin Also come.”

“Miss Shengge long time no see.” Qin Wentian smiled and nodded, looking at Nanhuang Yunxi, only to see Nanhuang Yunxi faintly said: “I heard that you have made a big noise in Evergreen Immortal Country.”

“You know it.” Qin Wentian said with a smile.

“Sky Mist Immortal Country launched the Immortal Territory judgement and wanted to get Qing’er to marry it.” Nanhuang Yunxi said: “I thought you would come together with Princess Qing’er.”

“How do I feel vinegar?” Jun Mengchen next to him slammed Qin Wentian’s eyes and glanced at him, seeing the bright colors of Nanhuang Yunxi beautiful eyes, Qin Wentian said: “This guy I like nonsense.”

“Get used to it.” Nanhuang Yunxi looked at Jun Mengchen and made Jun Mengchen’s eyes flash, saying: “Nanhuang Yunxi, when am I used to talking nonsense?”

“I have passed.” Nanhuang Yunxi looked at the two people. Even with Nanhuang Shengge returning to the camp of Southern Phoenix Clan, many people looked at them and saw Nanhuang Jinghong also, Qin Wentian. Nanhuang Jinghong was slightly nodded, but Nanhuang Jinghong was also slightly nodded, but it was quite shocking to Southern Phoenix Clan.

At this point, Qin Wentian felt a hint of ice-cold, his eyes turned, and then saw a line of expansive expert, that is the expert of Ying Clan ancient clan, in the crowd, Ying Teng is in it, his eyes gloomy And cold is very close, staring at Qin Wentian, killing intent is strong.

The humiliation of God’s Hand Villa, Ying Teng will not forget.

However, Qin Wentian just looked at the other side at random, and then he turned his eyes away and returned to Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. He was too lazy to pay attention. Ying Teng was in his heart, even his opponent could not count. The contempt attitude made Ying even more Teng expression 狰狞.

“Ying Teng, is he humiliating you?” Someone asked by Ying Teng.

“Yes, I will kill him.” Ying Teng said coldly.

“I will remember him.” The people around Ying Teng whispered.

“Heavenly Dao Saint Academy doesn’t know when it’s time to open, let’s wait for news nearby.” Bai Wuya said, it’s irrelevant for people at this level to rest. This area is wide and can be practiced while sitting on the ground.

More and more experts are coming, the super power of the Immoral Territory centre part, the Immortal Territory, the western celebrity ancient clan, and the Immortal Territory northern strong sect, have come.

Evergreen Immortal Country is finally here, and Qing’er naturally comes with it.

In addition to these top rank ancient clan Immortal Country top rank forces, there are many loose cultivator Monarch experts with the younger generation to Nine Cauldrons City, ordinary people are afraid to offend people at random, you do not know to walk on the road The person who is the core of the ancient clan sect.

On this day, in the Nine Cauldrons City, a fearful demon’s might come suddenly, and the momentum was heaven-shaking.

In the Saint Academy area, the parties expert raise one’s head, and they see a black-pressed expert in the distance. They are demor’s might terrifying and are divided into different lineups. Each lineup may represent a force. This multiple lineup gathers. Together, all the heavens and the earth are covered by Demon Dao.

Ten Thousand Demon Island’s big demon sects are horrible, and it seems that they are now together for the sake of this, and they have joined forces.

“Ten Thousand Demon Island people dare to come to my Immortal Territory Nine Cauldrons City.” I heard only one of the old man in the lineup said that his body was terrifying and his eyes were swept to void.

“Jokes, my Ten Thousand Demon Island don’t tell me is not Immortal Territory?” There is a black clothed expert faint opening: “This time my Ten Thousand Demon Island came here, there is no Demon Emperor character coming, Saint Academy is coming to Immortal Territory We, Ten Thousand Demon Island, are also coming to Saint Academy. We don’t want to make trouble, but please everyone.

“You came to my Immortal Territory centre part area and dare to be so arrogant?” Someone said coldly.

“Ten Thousand Demon Lord has sent a lot of Demon Emperor to infiltrate the Immortal Territory. If you want to launch a war against us, then wait for Demon Emperor to kill you or sect.” black clothed Demon Dao expert The palms are waving, and the strong say that all people are coldly snorted, but there is no fear.

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