Look at the end of the battle, Evergreen Immortal Country Nine sons of the princes are defeated, body blood, all people secretly sighed, it seems that this generation of Evergreen Immortal Country younger brother is slightly worse.

However, it is no wonder that after the turmoil, the lineage of Changqing Immortal Emperor did not multiply too many descendants, and Sky Mist Immortal Country has been behind the scenes controlling the internal disturbance of Evergreen Immortal Country. Supreme Sword Sect has also developed silently for many years, and the foundation is more turbulent than the turmoil. After the Evergreen Immortal Country is going to be deep.

In a sense, the words of Tianlan Jiang are not unreasonable. Younger generation youth reflects the essence of a force. If the overall strength of a young generation of a certain force is obviously stronger than other forces, it means that this power is already deep. .

Of course, the compare notes on this battle platform may not represent the overall power of the younger generation, but at least some clues can be seen.

Nine Supreme Sword Sect’s experts stand in a row, facing the young man at Evergreen Immortal Country: “You let me win.”

“Complete, Supreme Sword Sect is worthy of Sword Dao Supreme School, and also born a king of natural swords, in contrast, Evergreen Immortal Country is not good.” Tianlan Jiang calm started talking: “With this strength The Longhao’s Highness even denied the agreement of the two major Immortal Country, but it surprised me.”

“Compare notes are compare notes. As for the agreement is another matter, Jiang Dian next and then confuse the two, it is too much.” Changqing Longhao sounds cold, it is very unpleasant.

“How can’t you confuse it, Evergreen Immortal Country has experienced turmoil, and even some rules of Immortal Territory have forgotten.” Tianlan Jiang coldly said: “The land of the vast Immortal Territory, the land of my eastern part, the natural law here. If Evergreen Immortal Country is abandoning the agreement, my Sky Mist Immortal Country is eligible to ask the Immortal Territory eastern part to carry out the Immortal Territory judgement. If Longhao’s Highness has forgotten this ancient rule, he can go back and ask the Emperor.”

“The rules of hundreds of thousands of years ago, you also took the words and threatened me Evergreen Immortal Country?” Changqing Longhao expression gradually sharpened, and his Evergreen Immortal Country stood on one side, self-contained Immortal Country, and now, Sky Mist Immortal Country turned out to be It’s ridiculous to use the so-called abandonment rules many years ago to force the Immortal Territory eastern part to carry out the Immortal Territory judgement.

No wonder they will come to the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace compare notes, which seems to be ready.

“It seems that His Highness Longhao knows too. You Evergreen Immortal Country is not keeping the Immortal Country. Don’t tell me, is my Sky Mist Immortal Country directly declaring war with Evergreen Immortal Country? In that case, it is a disaster for both countries, so I have to The big forces came to judge, and I believe that the Immortal Territory eastern part will have justice in their hearts.” Tianlan Jiang slowly opened, and from the beginning of the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city, he step by step and step by step, apparently long-planned. .

“Senior, what is Immortal Territory judgement?” Qin Wentian asked the sound transmission of the Immortal King character next to him.

“This is a thing many years ago. When Immortal Territory was unified many times ago, the forces were dominated by the strongest Ancient Great Emperor characters, but they didn’t dare, but Immortal Territory was too big, Ancient Great Emperor The pursuit of supremacy is simply the innocent governance of Immortal Territory. It is still the political power of all parties. There are often some frictional disputes between the various forces. Or, at this time, to avoid the chaos, the messenger of Ancient Great Emperor It will let the Immortal Territory parties launch the Immortal Territory judgement, and the top rank forces will determine the final direction of the matter.”

Next to the Immortal King expert explained to Qin Wentian: “Only after the Immortal Territory split, preferably after an Ancient Great Emperor, Immortal Territory has long been a strong and strong party, no absolute king to dominance, naturally Disputes continue, the so-called Immortal Territory judgement does not exist, but the Immortal Territory judgement incident occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was the last time, and it has never been.”

“In the past, under the jurisdiction of Ancient Great Emperor, the big forces had contradictions. The ancient Great Emperor messenger did the Immortal Territory judgement for balance, but now there is no such thing as the Ancient Great Emperor. Immortal Territory has long been a stronghold of the parties. Sky Mist Immortal Country said that to launch the Immortal Territory judgement, does it mean that the joint forces will forcefully test Evergreen Immortal Country, and those outside forces that interfere in other countries are simply rude.” Qin Wentian was angry.

“That’s what it means. Sky Mist Immortal Country wants to make a self-proclaimed Immortal Territory judgement, the agreement is established, the Princess of Evergreen Immortal Country will be taken away, and the Evergreen Immortal Country will be jokes.” That Immortal King sound transmission.

“If Evergreen Immortal Country doesn’t agree?” Qin Wentian said.

“The forces involved in the Immortal Territory judgement must be level forces, and since we are in the Immortal Territory eastern part, the judgment is carried out by the top top rank forces of the eastern part. As long as the forces participating in the Immortal Territory judgement have more than half consent, Evergreen Immortal Country will need Execution, if Evergreen Immortal Country and other negative judges negate the judgement, you can conduct a judgement battle, and the pro-party and the negation party fight, the two sides agree that the battle can be Immortal Stage level, Immortal King level, or even Immortal Emperor level, such as Emperor Ji and Evergreen Immortal Country objection; Emperor Zi and Sky Mist Immortal Country and Supreme Sword Sect agree, then Emperor Ji and Evergreen Immortal Country can fight against each other. Every battle must be born and died. The judgement is invalid; if it is defeated, it will cost twice the agreement.”

Immortal King expert continued sound transmission Qin Wentian and said: “If Evergreen Immortal Country loses and does not implement the agreement, it means that it has declared war on the other forces. Of course, Evergreen Immortal Country can also declare war directly, without the battle of judgment. But in this kind of war, no one is willing to carry out. Even on the Sky Mist Immortal Country side, the battle is too big. Sky Mist Immortal Country, they must not dare to say that they are sure to directly destroy Evergreen Immortal Country.”

“So, today’s battle is just a pioneering battle. Sky Mist Immortal Country keeps pressing Evergreen Immortal Country, and combined with Supreme Sword Sect to show strength, is to let Evergreen Immortal Country keep the contract, a little bit of suppressing Evergreen Immortal Country.”Qin Wentian eyes flash, next to Immortal King, nodded lightly, this battle has been long-planned.

“My Evergreen Immortal Country, there is no other force to judge.” Suddenly, there is an ice-cold overbearing voice in the void, which is shocked by the Imperial Palace. I don’t know who said it, but the invisible The pressure of the Immortal King expert feels a strong pressure, it should be a fairy emperor rank.

“Yes, the thing of Ancient Great Emperor era, Sky Mist Immortal Country has come out to speak, it is ridiculous.” Changqing Longhao also ice-cold said: “I repeat, the agreement of the year, can not represent my Evergreen Immortal Country, First of all, this convention is invalid.”

“Is it?” Tianlan Jiang sneered, and then he saw his palm waving, and suddenly a scroll fluttered in the void. The scroll bloomed in the air, floated in the air, and slowly opened, all people looked at it. Seeing the handwriting on the scroll and the payment, the eyes are all glittering.

“The seal of the landing must be Evergreen Immortal Country everyone and the Highness is not strange, this is the Immortal Country seal, now you deny it?” Tianlan Jiang said faintly, the seal is a picture, the Changqing pattern of Evergreen Immortal Country, The Immortal Country seal, which was engraved with the Emperor-rank of Great Emperor Changqing.

“Everyone should see it clearly.” I saw Tianlan Jiang waving his hand, and the picture scrolled back. He was picked up. He looked at the experts and asked: “Everyone thinks Evergreen Immortal Country is Do you have to comply with the agreement?”

Many of the powerful forces have avoided the look of Tianlan Jiang. This is the battle between the two Immortal Country. How can they dare to intervene?

“It is the agreement of Immortal Country, it is natural to obey.” The expert of Yangkongshan is lightly started talking.

“With the contract, Evergreen Immortal Country is my Immortal Territory eastern part top rank, and should follow the contract.” Supreme Sword Sect’s expert statement officially confirmed that they and Sky Mist Immortal Country seem to be standing on one side, presumably Sky Mist Immortal Country promised some of their benefits.

Changqing Longhao expression is not very good-looking. He turned his eyes to the other two forces. He only listened to the direction of Heavenly Monster Palace. There is expert smiled and said: “The contract is in, I think Evergreen Immortal Country should abide by it.”

“Everyone is not too big to watch the fun.” Changqing Longhao coldly, Supreme Sword Sect, Sky Mist Immortal Country, Heavenly Monster Palace, and Emperor Zi, it seems that these people are interested in promoting the Immortal Territory judgement.

For the forces such as Heavenly Monster Palace and Tai Hua Emperor Dynasty, they are really happy to watch the two Immortal Country. Anyway, they only need to watch the excitement. Even if the two major Immortal Country wars are interesting, they weaken the strength.

“The contract is still there, but it is still somewhat controversial. Both Princess Qing’er and Princess Liuli are excellent younger generations, and my Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty has many outstanding young people over the years. If Evergreen Immortal Country is interested in me and Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty Marriage, the two Princesses have a home…” Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty’s expert smiled, making the people of Sky Mist Immortal Country and Evergreen Immortal Country secretly swear the old fox.

“The two Princesses’ marriage contract, my father and Emperor Bai, have their own ideas. The two Princesses also have the power to choose. It is absolutely impossible to be affected by the so-called contract, and they will not sacrifice themselves for the benefit of Immortal Country.” Changqing Longhao coldly said, Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty people smiled and said: “Since my Highness says so, then my Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty will not speak much, just when I have never said anything.”

The atmosphere of the banquet was slightly dignified. Looking at the situation, the Sky Mist Immortal Country was enough to launch the so-called Immortal Territory judgement. If Evergreen Immortal Country disagreed with the result of the Immortal Territory judgement, then the battle would move towards which direction evolved. Will it cause the Immortal Territory eastern part?

Ps: On Monday, brothers ask for a few recommended tickets!

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