Xumi is a world of high-end storage, not only the power of space natural law, but also the power of Xumi, the so-called Xumi mustard.

Xumi mustards hide a vast world of space in the particles.

The power of Xumi natural law, with its wonderful power, is just like the ability of Heaven’s Chosen of Sky Mist Immortal Country to make a particle-like strength a powerful force of God Form and a terrifying power. , destroy the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

Evergreen Immortal Country’s expert expressions are a bit unsightly. They raise one’s head and look at void. The huge battle platform space, like all the starry God Forms, is to suppress everything. Every particle is incarnation, it crashes and can make life. The birth of the Evergreen Immortal Country, there are many very powerful characters in the princely identification, forcing the attack to break open, but at this time the other Sky Mist Immortal Country’s expert defense does not forget the attack, and it hurts in the blink of an eye. Digital Expert of Evergreen Immortal Country.

It didn’t take long for the battle to happen. It seems that the outcome of this battle is already doomed.

“This person innate talent incredibly high.” Qin Wentian took a look at the expert of the Immortal Stage 8th level, and the opponent’s God Form Immortal Stage is almost perfect, it should be 5th rank king grade Immortal Stage, the difference is perfect Saint Immortal Stage, coupled with the power of its Xumi and the power of the God Form, there are other powerful natural law attacks on the strength, turned into this sturdy secret skill divine ability to kill, terrifying.

In this battle, the Evergreen Immortal Country side is defeated, and there is no genius who can compete against this person.

Sure enough, the battle showed a one-sided trend. Under the leadership of the Sky Mist Immortal Country terrifying genius, Evergreen Immortal Country quickly collapsed, one by one, and the battle ended very quickly.

All people looks at the end of the battle is a bit lost, I did not expect Evergreen Immortal Country to be so fast, so fierce, Sky Mist Immortal Country’s mission, in the 3rd level realm, defeated the Evergreen Immortal Country prince.

“You let me win.” Tianlan Jiang said with a faint smile on his face, “His Royal High Long, it seems that after the original event, Evergreen Immortal Country was badly hurt, and the talent of the younger generation seemed to be a lot worse. In this case, once Evergreen Immortal Country is fighting again, I am afraid it will be a disaster.”

Tianlan Jiang’s words are unmistakable, and he seems to be using the compare notes to remind Evergreen Immortal Country of things.

“Younger generation strength is normal. However, Jiang Dianxia denied the strength of Evergreen Immortal Country because of a compare notes. Sky Mist Immortal Country didn’t look good at my father, but now my father has become Evergreen Immortal Country. The great emperor, in charge of the Immortal Country, the endless Earth Territory, can not be touched by other countries, and now it is, and naturally it is the same.” Changqing Longhao said with a smile, the words are not profound, it seems that you Sky Mist Immortal Country launched a plot Defeated, don’t even think about invading Evergreen Immortal Country in the future.

“haha, not all. The strength of the younger generation reflects the strength of this party to some extent.” Tianlan Jiang responded with a big smile.

“It’s a joke. I carefully prepared a battle and won the victory. I thought it would be able to overwhelm everything. Believe oneself infallible.” A distant voice rolled in, and I saw a few figures coming from the void. The characters, they came to Changqing Longhao’s body to sit down, someone immediately gave way, these arrivals are the princes of Evergreen Immortal Country.

“It’s getting more and more lively.” Tianlan Jiang smiled indifferently, the all people on the battle platform had retired and saw Supreme Sword Sect, their heads expert said with a smile: “I didn’t expect the battle to be so wonderful. That being the case, my Supreme Sword Sect is also coming together, my Supreme Sword Sect, and I want to meet Evergreen Immortal Country’s talented younger generation compare notes.”

His voice fell, and nine figures stepped out at the same time, directly moving towards the battle platform, but in an instant, nine people stood on the battle platform, these nine people are in three realm, Immortal Stage 4th level Immortal Stage 6th level, the 3rd level in the Immortal Stage.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are solidified. Supreme Sword Sect’s uniform action is not like a temporary decision, and the person is barely fell. The nine people go out involuntarily. It is so natural, as if already It’s a good decision. If it’s a coincidence, I’m afraid no one will believe it.

Changqing Longhao’s face sank at this moment, unlike the previous challenge of Sky Mist Immortal Country, which was already foreseen. Everyone understands that Sky Mist Immortal Country is not good enough to suppress his Evergreen Immortal Country, even mad Proud to come to the Imperial Palace, I want to take the best two Princesses away. p>

But Supreme Sword Sect, but there is no previous omen, Evergreen Immortal Country does not know, Supreme Sword Sect will do the same thing at this time, and Sky Mist Immortal Country, which means that Supreme Sword Sect, very likely and Sky Mist Immortal Country teamed up.

Immortal Territory eastern part The forces of Evergreen Immortal Country are in the middle of the forces, in the north, Sky Mist Immortal Country, in the south, Supreme Sword Sect, one south and one north, Evergreen Immortal Country is sandwiched in the middle, and if these two forces have teamed up with the deal with Evergreen Immortal Country, it is definitely a bad news for Evergreen Immortal Country.

At the moment, Supreme Sword Sect’s shots are hidden in this meaning.

Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s expert expression is also slightly changed. Everyone here is a very intelligent person. How can you not see the subtlety of the situation? Qin Wentian saw Supreme Sword Sect before, but he was very polite to all parties. I did not expect that it was always brewing such a sudden challenge.

“Evergreen Immortal Country is in the middle of Sky Mist Immortal Country and Supreme Sword Sect. If these two forces are going to join forces to suppress the deal with Evergreen Immortal Country, this is definitely a disastrous news for Evergreen Immortal Country, and we are Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is also very passive in its involvement.” Next to Qin Wentian, an Immortal King expert is facing the Qin Wentian sound transmission.

Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is a bit thin in the Immortal Territory eastern part, a newly emerging force, surrounded by powerful parties, so Thousand Changes Immortal Sect wants to make some influence, using the relationship between Qin Wentian and Qing’er. Undoubtedly, Evergreen Immortal Country and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect can be handed over, but they will also bear the hostility of Sky Mist Immortal Country. This is relative and has advantages and disadvantages.

But with the entry of Supreme Sword Sect, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is too close to Evergreen Immortal Country, and from the perspective of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, it does more harm than good.

“Well.” Qin Wentian nodded softly, and he naturally understood this.

But from his personal standpoint, these Immortal Country disputes are temporarily ignored, but Sky Mist Immortal Country uses Qing’er as an excuse to make words and humiliation, and let Qing’er marry Tianlan Hai. But it is absolutely impossible for him to accept.

The atmosphere of the banquet has gradually become wrong. Anyone can see that this plot against Evergreen Immortal Country is slowly kicking off. Sky Mist Immortal Country joins Supreme Sword Sect with Evergreen Immortal in the name of the compare notes. Country’s Imperial Palace, openly slammed against Evergreen Immortal Country.

Moreover, Supreme Sword Sect Throughout neither did anything out of things, it’s actually compare notes of the battle platform, Supreme Sword Sect just say they want and Evergreen Immortal Country Wang Hou Zaidi compare notes about it, nothing more, Evergreen Immortal Country Can only fight.

Changqing Longhao’s cold eyes are glittering, looking at Heaven’s Chosen around her body. The Evergreen Immortal Country civil strife did weaken Immortal Country’s strength. Many outstanding characters of innate talent were annihilated in that disaster, and hostile to Great Emperor Changqing. There is also a lot of Immortal Country Heaven’s Chosen in one party, but after the defeat, most people are desecrated. Now the strength of all levels of Evergreen Immortal Country can be said to be worse than Sky Mist Immortal Country, even if you can compare with Supreme Sword Sect. ratio.

These two forces seem to take this opportunity and don’t want to make Evergreen Immortal Country rise again.

“Please enlighten me.” Above the battle platform, Supreme Sword Sect people are looking forward to Changqing Longhao. Many of the experts in the XmmXrd level in the Immortal Stage of Evergreen Immortal Country are eager to step out and want to fight.

In the end, Changqing Longhao chose nine experts to let them set foot on the battle platform.

In an instant, Supreme Sword Sect nine great Immortal Stage expert blooms infinitely sword might, the middle one, the most powerful, his Immortal Stage 6th level, the Sword Intent that is diffused in him, is the king of the supreme, the real king Supreme Sword, His eyes were sharp and his fingers flicked, and the sword might seem to condense on him and control the other people’s sword might.

“Not good.” Evergreen Immortal Country’s all people have changed their face. This person turned out to be the king of swords in Supreme Sword Sect Legend. Born Sword King, he can control any sword qi gear might even control the strength of the sword on others. For your own use, it is the true sword of the Supreme.

“Evergreen Immortal Country’s Heaven’s Chosen is terrible, and it will be defeated.” Many people whispered, Qin Wentian looked at the Immortal King expert, just listening to the other whispered: “Supreme Sword Sect has its own inheritance, There is a talented enchanter who can inherit the Supreme Sword soul after the inheritance. There is no one in the billions. It is born to be the king of the sword. Every time such a character appears in Supreme Sword Sect, it will become the leader of this group. I have to train Supreme Sword. Sect sword main candidate, which is somewhat similar to Southern Phoenix Clan’s inheritance Saintess, but inheritance Saintess will select one every 100 years, but such a person may not be able to appear in Supreme Sword Sect for thousands of years.”

When the two men spoke, the battle had already erupted. Qin Wentian looked at him and saw that the king of the sword was born with great grace. The sword was unparalleled, and the Sword Intent of the nine expert was all gathered together. It was like the light of lightning. In an instant, one person was screamed through the body, screaming, hitting the light curtain, but not killing, obviously the other party controlled perfection.

Evergreen Immortal Country The rest of the experts launched attacks, but saw the king of the sword standing proudly void, a beautiful sword in the palm of the hand blocking the front, smashing all attacks.

His fingers again moved toward a direction, in a moment the path of sword light flew directly, the human eye could not keep up with the terrifying speed of the sword, pū cī is a light sound, the body was pierced again, defeated .

“No suspense.” Qin Wentian saw this scene thinking, the vast space, the forces expert gave birth to the same idea, looks at the battle platform, witnessed Evergreen Immortal Country, an expert fell and was defeated!

Ps: In order to make it easier for everyone to see the Immortal Territory eastern part forces, there is no trace in the public number to draw a map, we WeChat search my pen name ‘Jing Wuhen’ attention, and then send the map two words to see!

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