The emperor of Evergreen Immortal Country, in addition to the turbulent years, this ancient and powerful Imperial city, is firmly ruled by the Immortal Country Imperial Family, nobody dare in the Imperial city casual presumptuous, everyone in the Imperial city, by Immortal Country protection.

Just like Southern Phoenix Immortal City, if a city wants to be brilliant and strong, it must have its natural law, giving the city people a sense of security, so that the city can be strong enough to make those powerful. People are coming in and placing their families in the city, and they can also promote various transactions in the city, making them more prosperous. This is a virtuous circle.

Today, among the Imperial Palaces in Evergreen Immortal Country, there is an influx of experts, and there is a torrent of turmoil, with the wind and rain looming.

These influx of experts, even including the many powerful forces of the Immortal Territory eastern part Earth Territory, the power of the immortal rank, they naturally came from the Evergreen Immortal Country by Sky Mist Immortal Country, they want to see, This time, Sky Mist Immortal Country presents the book to Great Emperor Changqing, and in the end, in what direction, Great Emperor Changqing is everyone, everyone knows, he will not easily compromise, then Sky Mist Immortal Country is a big fan Come here, will it be easy to stop?

In this matter, in the Imperial city of Evergreen Immortal Country, there is a line of walks and walks, this entire group temperament out of the ordinary, many people standing there, giving people a feeling of looking up, making passersby look Look at this group of people.

“The few people should be Immortal King characters, can’t see the depth, is this the Imperial city power or the external forces?” Some passers-by said, with curiosity.

“It should be a foreign force. There have been many forces in the Imperial City these days. It is rumored that some Immortal Emperor forces are coming to the Imperial City. The storm is not small.”

“Well, there was a battle in the Imperial City in the last few days. The cause seems to be Heavenly Monster Palace. The Heavenly Monster Palace is also close to my Evergreen Immortal Country. It is the Immortal Emperor. Its Palace Master is terrifying and is said to be unfathomable. ”

“This is natural. If the Heavenly Monster Palace is weak, it is in the middle of the Emperor Zi and Evergreen Immortal Country. I am afraid it will not exist anymore.”

“The people of Supreme Sword Sect are here too. The group of sword cultivators are full of sharp and arrogant rumors. It is rumored that one eye can kill.”

Qin Wentian listened, and many people talked about some of the super powerful forces of Immortal Territory eastern part. Immortal Territory eastern part and southern part are different. Immortal Territory There are three very old clan in the southern domain. The three sides are unique and no other forces can match. No forces can reach the strength of the three, so many of the forces created by Immortal Emperor can’t be expanded.

The influence of the Eastern Region is slightly balanced. Immortal Emperor has more power. Once Dongsheng was under the jurisdiction of Immortal Emperor Dongsheng, the other side was Immortal Territory. The Evergreen Immortal Country was located near the eastern part. It is surrounded by major forces. Sky Mist Immortal Country, Dongsheng Thirteen, Heavenly Monster Palace, Supreme Sword Sect and other forces are in the surrounding areas. Of course, there are some strong influential figures. They do not govern the vast Earth. Territory, but the influence is still very great, such as Emperor Zi and Emperor Ji, strictly speaking, Emperor Zi is close to the Immortal Territory centre part.

In addition, there is the powerful Ancient Imperial Court such as Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty, and many hidden forces exist in the Immortal Territory eastern part.

Qin Wentian also studied the power of the Immortal Territory eastern part. I was very surprised. Immortal Territory is too big. It is only the eastern part zone. There are already many terrifying strengths, and many Immortal Emperor characters have not opened up big forces. Existence, these are just top ranks of the emperor rank. As for the Immortal King level, it is impossible to count, and countless.

“everyone Senior, let’s find a place to stay,” Qin Wentian said. The entire group is the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect and the Qin Wentian entire group, including several Immortal King experts, accompanied by Qin Wentian. Since you want to visit Evergreen Immortal Country, the lineup can’t be too weak.

“You have the final say in this line.” One person whispered, letting Qin Wentian take the lead.

“Well, junior is not welcome.” Qin Wentian nodded gently, first looking for an inn to stay, the inn has its own restaurant, where fish swim with dragons, easy to hear the news.

Sure enough, Qin Wentian sat here for a while and heard someone sighing Sky Mist Immortal Country.

“The Sky Mist Immortal Country hasn’t moved since it was sent to the National Book, nor has it entered the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country. I don’t know what it means, but now Sky Mist Immortal Country has finally moved further, but It was not the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace, but a gathering of friends from all over the world, initiated by a younger generation Prince of Sky Mist Immortal Country, saying that it was a gathering with the heroes of the parties, and I don’t know what it is. ”

“I see this Sky Mist Immortal Country is intended to make a wind and rain, lest the world do not know the date between Sky Mist Immortal Country and Evergreen Immortal Country.” Someone laughed.

“The person who invited this invitation is Tianlan Hai, a Prince of Sky Mist Immortal Country, but it is rumored that this person is a character, three hundred years old, cultivation base is only Immortal Stage 3rd level, innate talent Although quite outstanding, for the Prince of Sky Mist Immortal Country, it can only be considered reluctant. It is rumored that he is beautiful and exaggerated. It is much worse than other Heaven’s Chosen Prince. Sky Mist Immortal Country is coming to Evergreen Immortal Country. The fulfillment of the agreement is likely to be married to the prince Prince. If so, it is undoubtedly a humiliation of the Princess of Evergreen Immortal Country.”

“Is there any interest in everyone?” someone asked.

“Where is the time and place?” Many people are really interested in getting together, although they are not eligible to be invited, but it’s okay to look at it in the distance.

“Only two days later, the location was set at Juxianlou.” The man replied, many people greeted each other, Qin Wentian quietly drank a glass of wine, then got up and left.

Sky Mist Immortal Country Prince, Tianlan Hai.


Two days later, there was a lot of pavilions at the top of Juxian Building. The terrain was very high and the view was excellent. Many of the pavilions were sitting there and admiring the beauty dance on the middle stage.

The dancing woman is wearing a thin shirt and a white jade skin. They are covered with light gauze and full of body, but they have the waist of a water snake. When they dance and twist their bodies, they feel weak and boneless. The dance is pleasing to the eye, even the bloodline.

“beauty, wine, exhilaration.” Sitting on the top of the pavilion, a young man with a white face, a little bit of luxury, when he was drinking, his eyes were dancing on the front stage. Go, there are occasional electric flashes in the eyes, revealing the same brilliance.

“The sea hall will really enjoy it.” Some people said with a smile, Tianlan Hai seems to have only beauty: “I am alive, how long the years are, and it is not a pity to enjoy the beauty of the world.”

“People are beautiful, but the glamorous gas is too heavy, I am afraid that it has been played by many people.” I saw a place in the pavilion, with several young people, their temperament is sharp, and there is no impurity in the eyes. To those women’s eyes, there is a hint of abandonment, and it seems that this kind of dusty woman is dismissive.

“haha, Supreme Sword Sect’s sword art is sharp and the words are so sharp. What kind of beauty is the beauty in everyone’s eyes?” asked Tianlan Hai.

“To pure and beautiful, perfect woman.” One humanity.

“A woman like this is afraid of being very rare.” Tianlan Hai said.

“Really? Sky Mist Immortal Country don’t tell me not coming for this?” Another person said, the man’s shirt is gorgeous, wearing a golden robe, is the Immortal Dynasty character, and it’s the Immortal Territory eastern part. The power of Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty’s expert.

Tianlan Hai eyes flash ,eyes There is a faint glimmer of light, eyes sweeping the people of the pavilions, these young people sitting in the pavilions on the Juxian floor are people with identity, out of the ordinary, although Tianlan Hai did not say, But ordinary people can’t dare to sit in this pavilion at will.

Qin Wentian, also sitting in a pavilion, next to him, there are two young people, sitting there silently, is the person of Battle Saint Clan, this time Jun Mengchen he did not come, but closed, Prepare to impact the Immortal Stage 2nd level, Little Rascal and Inferno are also accompanied by the practice of Qingcheng.

“It is rumored that Evergreen Immortal Country’s Princess Qing’er and Princess Liuli are both clear as ice and clean as jade. Can it be a pure and beautiful woman?” asked Tianlan Hai.

“There is a smell, but I can’t see it with my own eyes.” Someone laughed.

“Under the Sea, you are not…”

“This time, Sky Mist Immortal Country came to Evergreen Immortal Country. Everyone must have heard of it. Evergreen Immortal Country promised to marry the most outstanding Princess in the millennium into the Imperial Family of my Sky Mist Immortal Country. The marriage of generations is good, my Sky Mist Immortal Country will never forget, this time deliberately to come to Evergreen Immortal Country, I think, Great Emperor Changqing Senior as a great man, will naturally answer.” Tianlan Hai said with a smile : “How do everyone think?”

“This is not known.” Tai Hua Immortal Dynasty’s expert smiled, and this kind of thing would naturally not be easy to express.

“Is it this time for your next visit,” said a voice, and Tianlan Hai smiled and pointed to the beautiful woman who danced in front: “If you can let Princess Qing’er or Princess Liuli dance in front of me, then What a happy thing.”

All people See Tianlan Hai’s arrogance, all expressions are stagnation, caressing the wine cup, but it is very disrespectful to the two Princesses, and there is a faint meaning, so that Princess Qing’er and Princess Liuli are so in him. Dancing in front of you? This Tianlan Hai, I dare to think, or say, Sky Mist Immortal Country, is imperative?

“pū cī !” An out-of-date laughter suddenly came out. All the people in the pavilion turned their eyes and looked at the pavilion in one of the corners. There were three young people in the middle. The middle of the cultivation base was the weakest, laughter. It was from his mouth that he lowered his head, looking at the wine table, slender fingers and playing with the wine cup, but with a low head, there was a cold meaning.

“You, what are you laughing?” Tianlan Hai looked a bit sullen, raising one’s head in the direction of Qin Wentian’s, and playing with his own wine cup.

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