Sky Mist Immortal Country, Evergreen Immortal Country The land of neighboring countries, with its endless city, vast territory, is the very old Immortal Country, the environment is extremely terrifying.

At the beginning, Evergreen Immortal Country experienced great turmoil, and the hands of Sky Mist Immortal Country reached into it, affecting Evergreen Immortal Country’s fortune. The civil war consumed the strength of Evergreen Immortal Country, and the award of die was countless. Finally, Great Emperor Changqing won. But it is also a tragic victory. The civil war is definitely a history that is unbearable for Evergreen Immortal Country.

After the Evergreen Immortal Country civil war, the hands of Sky Mist Immortal Country shrank back and did not interfere with the interior of Evergreen Immortal Country, but today, in the Imperial city of Evergreen Immortal Country, a squad from Sky Mist Immortal Country ,Arrived.

The mission did not directly enter the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country. When they stepped into the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city, it was the entire Imperial city vibration. Within the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial Palace, it caused an uproar, Great Emperor Changqing. They were all alarmed, and often there were Wang Hou characters who met the Emperor and discussed the matter.

Everyone understands that Sky Mist Immortal Country is not good.

The same as Immortal Country, and as a neighboring country, the two Immortal Country have numerous battles and frictions in the historical long river. Today, Sky Mist Immortal Country has gradually gained the upper hand in the civil war consumption of Evergreen Immortal Country, Evergreen Immortal Country How can people not understand the ambitions of Sky Mist Immortal Country, they can’t wait to bite Evergreen Immortal Country a little bit and turn them into the territory of their Sky Mist Immortal Country.

This time, I will be deliberate.

Moreover, the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country has heard about this, and this time in the Sky Mist Immortal Country mission in Evergreen Immortal Country, there are several important figures, including several Immortal Country Prince.

On this day, the mission of Sky Mist Immortal Country presented a book to the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country, which was sent to the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country and sent directly to Great Emperor Changqing.

Evergreen Immortal Country, the Emperor Palace, the Great Emperor Changqing sits on the True Dragon seat of the hall, and the Chinese book sent by the look at Sky Mist Immortal Country, his expression is still calm, but there is already a ruin in his hands. Force, in an instant, the book of the Sky Mist Immortal Country was destroyed.

“Tianlan made a delegation visit and hoped that Great Emperor Changqing fulfilled the agreement of Immortal Country that year.” A voice screamed out, like a blue smoke flowing out of the ruined national book, the sound of this sighing, resounding throughout The main hall.


Many of the princes in the hall stood up and expressed iron blue. One of the princes started talking: “The thief and the Immortal Country of Sky Mist Immortal Country agreed to interfere with my Immortal Country by the power of Sky Mist Immortal Country. We didn’t find Sky Mist Immortal Country, but they dared to mention the Immortal Country.”

“Yes, Sky Mist Immortal Country, arrogant.” Another prince said coldly, many princes showed anger.

Great Emperor Changqing waved his hand and said: “No need to say anything, they come, and the reception is good. As for the appointment, I have to see how they speak.”

“Yes.” All people nodded, this thing, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble, in the Imperial Palace, it is impossible to calm down in a short time.


Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, Qin Wentian is in peace of mind, although Immortal Stage Realm is difficult to upgrade, but Qin Wentian practice is tough, he tries his best to improve realm in the shortest possible time. In the Immortal Territory, Immortal Stage Realm may be able to live without worry, but to become an expert, the Immortal Territory, the Immortal King level, must be on foot.

The Immortal King character, who has the right to speak in Immortal Territory, can become a strong, open up a tyrannical force, and even dominance many cities, become the king of a state.

On this day, Qin Wentian practice is over, and look at Qingcheng is thinking, can’t help but say with a smile : “Qingcheng, thinking?”

“Some problems with practice.” Mo Qingcheng came over to Qin Wentian and turned and smiled.

“You can ask me if I don’t understand, you can also go to Senior Bai.” Qin Wentian walked to Qingcheng and said softly.

“Well.” Mo Qingcheng nodded: “Right, Taishan Immortal King sent someone over the other side, saying that after you practice, let you go to him, he seems to have something to look for.”

“Okay.” Qin Wentian nodded: “I will talk to you first, go tomorrow.”

“Let’s go first, Taishan Immortal King Senior comes to you, presumably a major event.” Mo Qingcheng shook his head, beautiful eyes staring at Qin Wentian.

“Well, I will go when I go.” Qin Wentian pinched the face of Qingcheng and immediately moved toward the direction of the fairy temple of Mount Immortal King.

Qin Wentian found Taishan Immortal King and said: “Senior looking for me?”

“Well, something, I think I should tell you.” Taishan Immortal King nodded.

“Senior please.” Qin Wentian said.

“You are still young and come from Granule World. I don’t know much about the history of Evergreen Immortal Country. I will simply talk about it.” Mount Immortal King started talking: “Evergreen Immortal Country broke out in the Civil War, Great Emperor Changqing Competing with Immortal Country for another rule, both have many supporters, Immortal Country experienced great turmoil, in this turmoil, with the participation of another Immortal Country, the neighboring country of Evergreen Immortal Country, the mighty Sky Mist Immortal Country They are supporting the Great Emperor Changqing opponents.”

Qin Wentian quiet listening, he really does not understand this fairy war, but Qing’er seems to be sent to the Lower Realm Granule World’s, it is conceivable that the situation faced by Great Emperor Changqing must be very serious, Otherwise, the girl’s hidden identity will not be lost in Granule World, and even the connection will be cut off, so even if Great Emperor Changqing competes for Emperor-rank failure, Qing’er can still live safely.

As for the specific battle, he certainly cannot be clear.

“Sky Mist Immortal Country has an ancient history and is super strong. It is far from the previous Dongsheng thirteen states. When the Emperor Changqing’s opponent was supported by the Sky Mist Immortal Country, it was promised that it would be within a thousand years. I will marry the best Princess of Evergreen Immortal Country and marry Sky Mist Immortal Country. Even in that year, I sent some of his younger generation Princess characters to Tianlan, in other words, now Great Emperor Changqing’s opponent lineage, also Not completely destroyed, but married to the Sky Mist Immortal Country Imperial Family.”

Qin Wentian was shocked. This kind of behavior can be described as disappointing, but it is even more foreseeable. In the beginning of the battle between Great Emperor Changqing and the other side, neither side has to win, it must be a fierce battle.

“Today, the people of Sky Mist Immortal Country have arrived at the Imperial City of Evergreen Immortal Country and presented their credentials to Evergreen Immortal Country.” Taishan Immortal King calmly opened, Qin Wentian’s eyes were a stagnation, and his eyes gradually lingered. It’s faint, with cold glint glittering.

“This is not what Great Emperor Changqing promised. What is the qualification of Sky Mist Immortal Country for Great Emperor Changqing to perform?” Qin Wentian coldly said that in an instant he thought of Qing’er, Sky Mist Immortal Country, and his purpose was not good.

“That said, but the opponent of Great Emperor Changqing also had the right to speak in Immortal Country. On behalf of Evergreen Immortal Country, Sky Mist Immortal Country let Evergreen Immortal Country fulfill the agreement. Although some words are strong, it is also a division. It’s famous.”Dao of King: “This is a bad thing for Evergreen Immortal Country, and it will also affect Princess Qing’er.”

“Qing’er pay respects to join Emperor Ji disciple, and practice at Emperor Ji, Emperor Ji, should stand on the side of Qing’er and Great Emperor Changqing.” Qin Wentian said that he is a natural master of Qing’er I also learned that Emperor Ji is good at Changkong, and is a very strong Immortal Emperor.

“I know this, but there is one more thing I don’t know if you know.” Taishan Immortal King said again: “Zi Daolong, the son of Emperor Zi, once visited the Imperial Palace in Evergreen Immortal Country and visited Great Emperor Changqing, although I don’t. I know the specific what happened, but during that time you happened to be in the Imperial Palace of Imgreen Immortal Country, Zi Daolong, it should be a dignitary, but it did not, this thing may make Emperor Zi dissatisfied with Great Emperor Changqing, now, Emperor Zi is the same There is a subordinate, at the Evergreen Immortal Country Imperial city.”

Qin Wentian eyes flash, I didn’t expect Great Emperor Changqing to protect myself. For Qing’er, who has never been masked, Qin Wentian has a good impression. He should also love Qing’er.

“I will tell you one more thing. The relationship between Emperor Zi and Great Emperor Changqing has always been good. There are even rumors that they are likely to have a side of the side, but the age is slightly different, in different eras. Emperor Zi and Great Emperor Changqing are some friendships, at least on the surface.” Taishan Immortal King said again, Qin Wentian remembered that Zi Daoyang had said to Qing’er that year, it seems that it is not a lie.

Zi Daoyang, in fact, is quite awkward, and must have been concealed by Mo Xie.

“Many thanks Senior.” Qin Wentian said, Taishan Immortal King was directly assigned to Sovereign. He knew a lot of news and seemed to be very concerned about Evergreen Immortal Country.

“What can you think?” asked Taishan Immortal King.

“I want to go to Evergreen Immortal Country.” Qin Wentian said.

“Good.” Taishan Immortal King showed a smile, it seems that Qin Wentian will do this, which makes Qin Wentian somewhat confused, this Mount Taimmaltal King does not know what meaning.

“I will let people go with you.” Taishan Immortal King said with a smile: “To visit the Evergreen Immortal Country as a Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.”

“This…” Qin Wentian looks at the other side, only to see Mount Taimantal King took a shot of Qin Wentian’s shoulder and smiled and said: “I really hope that you can bring Princess Qing’er, so that Evergreen Immortal Country and Emperor Ji , but I have a shallow relationship with my Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, haha.”

“Senior, too!” Qin Wentian said nothing, Taishan Immortal King smiled and said: “Why, if the inheritance Saintess of Southern Phoenix Clan is not married, I have thought about whether you will turn Nanhuang Yunxi into your hand.”

Qin Wentian is completely speechless. The idea of ​​Mount Taimortal King is really embarrassing. If he did, then Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, Evergreen Immortal Country, Emperor Ji, Southern Phoenix Clan, these four forces will have wonderful connections. This strength is enough to shock the Immortal Territory. It is no wonder that the original Mount Immortal King went to Southern Phoenix Immortal City and it seems to be a bad Ah!

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