Qin Wentian ignored the thoughts of the other party and still watched the battle. In addition to him and Jun Mengchen, there were two Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple. Obviously, Immortal King was not a random choice. It seems that people from the military, in fact, there are counts.

The other two Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple should be able to win. They have an advantage in the battle. He and Jun Mengchen have no problems. Then, the remaining five matchups only need to take one game, which is enough.

However, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is prepared, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is not, the other nine people are indeed elite expert, the other five games, has three wins and losses is already very obvious, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect side will be defeated, in addition The two games are still deadlocked.

“Since you want to see the battle, then I will accompany you.” Qin Wentian’s opponent said indifferently, looking at other battlefield, Jun Mengchen, he is not in a hurry to fight, a Celestial Phenomenon 1st level opponent, he can easily take it down, No effort, a punch is enough, why bother.

“Hey.” A heaven-shaking great shout came out of the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect army. It turned out that they had already killed opponents on this side, it was the Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple.

But after a while, the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect army screamed and they won.

Soon, the battle became two wins and four defeats. The snoring of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect was getting louder and louder. It was a shock to the world. As long as they won another battle, they won. Except for Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen, only the last two. Still crazy.

“Must win.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s person secretly said in heart, if it is defeated, the outcome will be split, even if the other two win the game is useless.

The yellow sand is rolling, the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect disciple mouth spurt blood, blood lines appear in the palm of the hand, let the other side hit his body, the blood color palm print hit the other person’s body, in an instant the blood light sky, the other side screams , disappeared in the sky, and triumphed.

“Hey.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is in unison, and there is a glimmer of hope.

Ye Qing They look at battlefield, and there are only two Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen left. I can’t help but feel nervous.

“The two guys must win,” Xiao Yehan said.

“I am afraid that it is fierce and fierce.” Hao Yang said: “If you don’t understand anything in battlefield, you dare to be so bold. If you are defeated, it is a sinner. Death is not enough to sin.”

“Hao Yang.” Ye Qing snorted and Hao Yang shut up and didn’t say anything more.

Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s army is looking at the other side, the momentum seems to have weakened a bit, this is the battlefield, the defeated party’s momentum, will be suppressed in invisible, and they, only need a battle, they will be defeated.

Jun Mengchen’s opponent shot, Immortal Stage blooms, shouting loudly, the world is discolored, his fists are broken, the light shines, and everything is broken.

“Hey.” Jun Mengchen coldly snorted, seeing the other golden tiger whistling down, raising his fist, the imposing of the Immortal Stage broke out, suddenly like the king of the world, he boxed out, the world changed color, destroy everything, bang The loud noise, the other’s fists made a sound of kā chā, stunned, and the Immortal Stage cracked.

“Kill.” Jun Mengchen coldly shouted, one finger killing, killing everything, a loud bang, the other screams, the Immortal Stage broken, the body torn, directly on the spot.

This scene of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s Legion smashed, and then issued a heaven-shaking roar, and the momentum returned, but occupied the top, killing the opponent, this is too morale, and under the circumstance, suddenly smothered the Eastern The army of Saint Immortal Sect.

Now, just watch the last matchup.

“Great.” Xiao Yehan praised: “I didn’t expect this guy to be so powerful. Now, just need Tian Wen to win, we will win.”

The 200,000-strong army is paying attention to this war.

Jun Mengchen turned his head and looked at Qin Wentian. He had a smile in his eyes. He won nine battles in life and death.

“Hey.” Qin Wentian’s opposite expert step, Immortal Stage turned into a golden fairy, containing terrifying strength, this moment, his feet down the ground.

“Very powerful strength.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect people are nervous again, this person is terrifying, I don’t know if they can win.

“The last battle is good, and everyone is eye-catching. Take your life to sacrifice this victory.” The expert loudly shouted, the footsteps trampled on the earth, the rumbled sound continued, there was a sense of heaven falls and earth rends, the golden body fairy roared, Power is endless, the opponent’s palm is killing, like a big handprint, a palm seems to be able to smash the earth.

“It’s the Immortal Sect dis king discipline. It seems that this battle is not suspenseful.” The core character of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect saw this scene secretly said in heart, terrifying large palm print covered Qin Wentian’s body, like a mountain top, destroying everything, Letting Thousand Changes Immortal Sect expert gaze, Qin Wentian didn’t even sneak away, and was in a daze, it was, was scared by the powerful strength, knowing that it must die?

“Waste.” Hao Yang snorted, and the people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect were stunned. The palm of his hand had fallen and slammed into Qin Wentian’s body, and Qin Wentian was smashed.

“Boom.” Palm print fell, covering Qin Wentian’s body, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect people have issued a heaven-shaking buzz, morale rose, celebrating this spike victory, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect is absolute silence.

However, at this moment, Qin Wentian’s armor, suddenly flowing 璀璨immortal light, the momentum of the majestic, amazing, Qin Wentian whole person, covered by immortal light, his body, as if it is Indestructible Body, this When terrifying strength hits him, he can’t destroy his defense.

“How is it possible?” The snoring of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect came to an abrupt end, and the remnant remained, how could the defense be so strong? Even with the immortal weapon, you can reduce the shock, and you have to be shaken out, and the strength is really hit on him.

“You are so weak?” Qin Wentian indifferently said, he reached out and smashed the palm of his hand with a dark, radiant palm. His Immortal Demon body, mortal body perfect, with God’s Hand tempering, like the divine body, the district Immortal Can King disciple break his mortal body? It’s ridiculous.

The other party was touched by Qin Wentian. If the face was ruined, the Immortal Stage shattered and the body flew out. Then it fell to the ground and smashed the smashing force.

Like the battle of Jun Mengchen, spike.

“War.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s army issued a heaven-shaking scream, shocking Qin Wentian’s soul tremors, the momentum was too terrifying, even two games, and all spikes, this moment, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect Morale has reached peak and steadily suppressed the Legion morale of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect.

“Let’s go back.” Qin Wentian, they returned, cheering loud sound, Ye Qing looks at Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen, said with a smile: “Great.”

“Dry beautiful.” Xiao Yehan also sighed that the people in the team had cocked their thumbs at Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen. At this moment, Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen were truly integrated into the team and recognized.

p> “Previous things, sorry.” Hao Yang apologized to Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen, Qin Wentian was nodded to him, did not mind the other side’s small views on himself, he was not so stingy.

“Nine people fight, a battle is nothing, many of you are the elite of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, others are the heroes of my Dongsheng thirteen states, and they are just a group of temporary mobs, they need to rely on the military to get resources. Practice, it is easy to destroy them.” The other inspector, Immortal King expert, swelled and encouraged morale, and suddenly the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect expert was stunned.

“The defeated army will also dare to speak bravely. Since you are going to fight, I will fight with you. I will fear you and fight.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s warlord expert is also a big man. In an instant, the two sides burst out. Terrifying pressure, sweeping the world, Legion headed forward.

“The formation.”

“The formation.” The two warlords expert commanded the battle in the air. Although they did not directly participate in the battle, they could command the fairy war.

The Eastern Saint Immortal Sect’s expert formed different battle formations, including the fat formation, the nightmare battle formation, the maddening battle formation, etc., while the Thousand Changes Immortal Sect has only one kind of battle formation, the cow battle of Gods, and the 10,000 people. With a huge boundless 100,000 Bull God, the power can destroy everything.

The heavens and the earth rushed, the scene of destruction, the yellow sand rolled, turned into a terrifying storm, the 200,000 army formed a great formation, terrifying momentum, Qin Wentian really in the battlefield, really felt the terrifying of the battlefield and the majestic The trend.

Qin Wentian is just one part of the battle formation. At this moment, I can clearly feel that my own smallness, even the expert of the Immortal Stage 9th level, is still a negligible part of the 20th Army.

The two sides collided together, the battle formation launched an attack, and everyone in the army released their own power, poured into the battle formation, and the strongest group controlled the operation of the battle formation, a loud bang, Qin Wentian It was a shock, just a blow. There was a feeling of heaven falls and earth rends. The earth was constantly torn open and there was an abyss.

Qin Wentian Their battle formation is a demon battle formation. Under continuous collision, everyone Xianli is consumed in terrifying. Many people are even injured by the earthquake. Another heaven-shaking collision, the two sides of the battle formation are directly inserted into each other. In the battle formation, innumerable people’s bodies flew in the air, both sides were tens of millions of people, instantly caught in the other’s crowd, the battle formation collapsed.

“Battle formation disintegrated, and then battled on the basis of the 100-man team, don’t mess.” void Governor Immortal Wang commanded the power of the small battle formation, still far better than the individual.

“Everyone gathered together and made a match.” Ye Qing said, Qin Wentian, they gathered in an instant, according to the previous drill, instantly formed a monster formation, with Ye Qing as the core, leading the entire battle formation, everyone’s Xianli Into the battle formation, gathered in Ye Qing’s body, mobilized by Ye Qing.

The chaotic battlefield is constantly attacking and blocked by the battle formation. This is the advantage of the battle formation, but at this time, in front of Ye Qing, there is a strong battle formation, a huge demon, by an Immortal Stage top. The rank expert controls the battle formation, very dangerous.

A demon big palm slammed down, terrifying corroded the natural law, Ye Qing controlled the battle formation to resist, the monster formation emerged 璀璨immortal light, but was eroded by the opponent’s big hand.

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