Looking from afar, the opposite Vault of Heaven, also appeared a giant figure, body, terrifying, he seems to sleep in the void, lying quietly, it is the nightmare Immortal King.

Eastern Saint Immortal Sect also had 100,000 Immortal army. When the two sides expert confronted each other, they looked far away and stopped. The terrifying pressure really had the world’s doomsday feeling, too terrifying, and two. The 100,000-strong army stands on this vast and endless land, and is the army of Immortal.

Qin Wentian, Jun Mengchen, Inferno, and Zi Qingxuan are all in the army. However, in addition to wearing the armor of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, they are also covered with a strange divine weapon, which is Qin. Wentian’s immortal weapon, taken from Battle Saint Clan, is covered in the body, and only the immortal light flows. At the same time, they also have a mask on their heads, which has the ability to isolate Immortal Sense. Their appearance.

And Little Rascal, incarnation, a fierce White Tiger mount, has a huge body, but it makes Ye Qing look at it, but for Qin Wentian, they have never asked her to dress up.

Among the 200,000-strong army, whether it is the army of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect or the army of their Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, there are countless such people hiding themselves, this is the Immortal Sect war, if they killed in battlefield What should I do if the person who is out of the ordinary is punished after being punished? Even Ye Qing, her team, has a lot of such people, but Ye Qing has some surprises. Qin Wentian is just so cautious when they first came.

“Captain, how do you count military skills?” Jun Mengchen asked Ye Qing.

“You see the Immortal King expert beside the generals above, there is the Immortal King expert in charge of the war, their Immortal Sense swept the entire battlefield, imprinting the battle scene in the mind, knowing how many enemies you killed.”Ye Qing started Talking, Jun Mengchen raise one’s head, I saw that there were several Immortal Kings next to the general, the Immortal King expert was powerful, Immortal Sense enveloped the space, they were able to analyze countless scenes in an instant, and an Immortal King was enough to calculate the battlefield. Military merit.

“The whole army battle, Immortal King characters have also been dispatched, the generals of the cattle personally on the battlefield to supervise the battle.” Xiao Yehan sighed: “Brothers are careful, this is the first time we have experienced the whole army, too dangerous.”

“It seems that you have recruited a lot of new troops.” Nightmare King is still sleeping there, but there is a voice directly in the mind of all people.

“However, a group of young people are still trying to fight with Legion of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect to earn military merit. I have to tell you about it today. Some things can’t be done, and I am prepared to pay the price.” “Nightmare King’s voice is so cold that all people are trembled and the fighting is shaken.

“You are less confusing here.” The general screamed loudly, his voice was loud and loud, and he resounded through Vault of Heaven: “Immortal Territory Immortal, eager to seek strength, not to be tempered, how to break through the self, to your Eastern Saint Immortal Sect Legion The blood sacrifices the path of the expert, which is not very good.”

“To boast shamelessly, let you remember this battle today.” The name of Nightmare King sounded again, and I saw the next side of Nightmare King. Another Immortal King expert became bulky and said: “焱Army, derailed.”

His voice fell, and suddenly a thousand people Legion walked out of the army of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect. All of them were wearing flame armor, dark flames, and terrifying.

“This Legion is Yan Yuan of Yan Yuan Immortal King. After the death of Yan Yuan Immortal King, his subordinate Yan Yuan Legion was assigned to the major Immortal King. This place is only one of them. It is extremely powerful and belongs to the trump card Legion.” Ye Qing expression Dignity, Eastern Saint Immortal Sect directly let the squadron out of the battle, some difficult to cope.

This is in the call, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect should fight, you need to also send a thousand people Legion, otherwise, it is not afraid to fight, weak momentum.

“The elite expert of Immortal Stage high realm.” Qin Wentian eyes flash, it seems that this is a carefully selected person of a thousand people Legion, deal with Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

“The mad cow, out of the ranks.” Beside the general of the cattle, the general of the warlord was loudly shouted, and suddenly there was a thousand people Legion stepped out and stepped onto the battlefield. Both sides went forward and stopped in the middle of the two armies. .

The mad cows are all mad, all of them are wild, and they are carefully selected and selected as the ace Legion. They are powerful and all have the beast Astral Soul.

In the same way, Yan Jun, all of them have Blazing Flames Astral Soul, who are good at the power of flames. This kind of expert with similar ability synthesizes Legion and condenses battle formation, which can exert the strongest power.

“Array.” The two warlords were loudly shouted, and suddenly a thousand people marched in the array, and a terrifying blazing air burst from the Yan army. In an instant, a huge Fire Dragon appeared, covering the sky, the yellow sand land It is extremely red and extremely terrifying.

“Hey.” A sound of heaven-shaking came out, the mad cows smashed, and the body of the beast Astral Soul bloomed, a violent and incomparable demon cow appeared, double-angled, suffocating.

“Kill.” Yan Jun launched an attack, the dark shiny terrifying Fire Dragon swallowed, to destroy everything, mad roaring, heaven and earth discoloration, monster qi turned into storm, a violent demon swan in the void, The Vault of Heaven was full of violent sounds, trampled and rushed to the Fire Dragon, and even if it was burned by the flames, it was still fearless and slammed into the body of the Fire Dragon.

“The power of Legion’s battle is terrifying.” Qin Wentian was shocked, looks at the super great formation battles on both sides, the Diablo Fire Dragon is overbearing, the mad cow is fierce and fierce, but at all, but still faintly weak, but those The array of experts are out of the ordinary, crazy bloom Xianli to withstand the pressure attack, the array can not be scattered, once both sides have a battle formation collapse, it will be a crushing defeat.

“Retreat.” Finally, the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect Warlord ordered the retreat, and ultimately failed to defeat the mad cow battle formation.

“Return to the team.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect’s expert also said that the mad cows returned.

“The nine people are killed and killed.” Thousand Changes Immortal Sect The warlord again, and suddenly came out of the other camp out of nine experts, all nine of them are sharp, full of temperament, Qin Wentian eyes look at one of them, instant face ice -cold, killing intent glittering, one of them, was a person who started with Luo Huan and Qin Yao. It was a crime of Nightmare King. He fled to this battlefield, which is really extraordinary.

He really wants to rush out and put on the armor of Battle Saint Clan to kill each other, but this is battlefield. He knows that he can’t be impulsive. Since the other party is in battlefield, he will have to kill each other sooner or later.

Qin Wentian found that these nine people are exactly nine small realms, from Immortal Stage 1st level to Immortal Stage 9th level, one realm per 1st level.

“Captain, is this also called?” Qin Wentian asked.

“Well, every realm is a person. This is a style that battlefield is fighting. We must fight for the same nine people. Otherwise, it will be retreating and weakening. Before the two sides start the war, they must split one in the battle. The winner, the Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, is aggressive and well prepared.” Ye Qing said: “And, this style of warfare is a life-and-death battle. Only the living, can leave the battlefield.”

“So, nine people, it is impossible to draw, there must be one party to win.” Qin Wentian whispered.

“Yes, the closest situation is also five wins and four defeats, and will definitely win the game.” Xiao Yehan said.

“A battle will be born and died, the winner will be born, the loser will die, the winner will be remembered, and the battle will be done once, who will fight.” In the void, Thousand Changes Immortal Sect, the superintendent shouted, defeated, died; win, the next battle.

Inferior warfare, you can change immortal weapon, in battlefield, you need to kill ten peers of the same level, or kill hundreds of realm people, or kill three people above their realm, in order to remember a lower battle.

“I fight.” I saw a path of figure standing out. In an instant, hundreds of realm people want to fight. There are many experts in Legion who are eager to fight.

Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen went out at the same time and shouted: “I am willing to go to war.”

Ye Qing and the others eyes flash ,looks at Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen, these two guys are so courageous, in order to fight for the battle, life and death must fight.

The eyes of the Warlord swept away, and then began a ginseng war, saying: “You, you, you…”

In the end, his eyes fell on Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen: “There are two of you, playing.”

“Yes.” Nine people led the move, move towards the battlefield in front of them.

“try harder, come alive.” Ye Qing is facing the Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen sound transmission.

Qin Wentian looked back at Ye Qing, nodded.

“Reassured captain.” Jun Mengchen waved his hand and said confidently.

The nine people listed, nine different realm, came to the battlefield and went to the opposite side of the same realm.

Qin Wentian, the person of the 2nd level of Battle Immortal, Jun Mengchen, the person of the 1st level of Battle Immortal, Qin Wentian glanced at the Nightmare King disciple, who took Qin Yao and Luo Huan, who was the Immortal Stage 7th level The strength is bound to terrifying.

“War.” shouting loudly, the two sides of the army are solemn, staring at the battlefield.

Eighteen people, the momentum of the body broke out, and there are many experts to fight in an instant.

Opposite Qin Wentian, is a young man with a stunning color, he said with a malicious smile: “Hidden identity, are you afraid of accounting after the fall? Dare to participate in the fairy battle with my Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, do you think you can still live? !”

Qin Wentian’s eyes outside the mask did not look at each other, but looked at the other sides of the battle. Sure enough, the Nightmare King disciple was very strong. Both sides of the strange monster put the opponent in trouble. In this battle, he could not die and would win. .

Qin Wentian wants to kill each other, but the two armies fight, their own natural law, Immortal King can not be violated, if he dares to violate the battle natural law, I am afraid that Immortal King in the instant void will kill him.

Opposite the attack at at Qin Wentian, the other side has time to appreciate the battle of other people, but it makes him a funny color, this guy is simply courting death, he is the identifier of Immortal King expert in Eastern Saint Immortal Sect, Selected to participate in this life and death nine-person battle, this life and death nine people fight, they will win.

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