The ancient palace, many experts come together, many of them young men and women, staring at Qin Wentian, with curiosity.

They have heard too much about the clan’s Legend. They also know that Saint Lord is what meaning, but it is still interesting to see Qin Wentian’s young face.

“Call the people and go to the ancestral land.” The middle-aged screamed, the sound spread throughout the space, and the experts were surging. Many people moved towards somewhere and went back. At the same time, some people hosted Southern Phoenix Clan and Thousand. The person who changed Immortal Sect, the middle-aged to Qin Wentian said: “Saint Lord, about your identity, you may need Saint Lord to go to my ancestral home to explain to Saint Lord.”

Qin Wentian sinks and then nods and says, “Okay.”

“Good hospitality.” The middle-aged commanded the next person, some people led the life, and the middle-aged took Qin Wentian move towards the other direction.

“Senior, is this a world?” Qin Wentian asked curiously.

“Saint Lord, my name is Qiongliu, Saint Lord directly called the name, just don’t call Senior.” Qi Dongliu busy: “This is indeed a world, but naturally can not drink the outside world, but the first generation In order to help my family find a place to live, Saint Lord created this place to create Three Realm Heavens.”

“Three Realm Heavens?” Qin Wentian wondered.

“Yes, Three Realm Heavens, this is First Realm Heaven, with Second Realm Heaven and Third Realm Heaven.” Qi Dongliu explained, this makes Qin Wentian eyes flash, he can’t help but think of the three bronze gates outside, don’t Tell me These three bronze gates correspond to Three Realm Heavens in the mouth of Dongliu?

Qiongliu took Qin Wentian through many caves and came to a barren land. This ridiculous land is like an old battlefield. It has an ancient battle platform. The ancient battle platform is surrounded by boulders ancient peak. At this moment, quite a lot. Standing on top of the peaks, they are all suffocating, full of enthusiasm, powerful and powerful, with a gaze and a powerful battle.

Qi Dongliu took Qin Wentian in the middle of the peak in front of the ancient battle platform, looks at all people around, and Dongliu started talking: “Not yet greetings Saint Lord.”

“greetings Saint Lord.” All people looked at Qin Wentian and immediately became greetings, but Qin Wentian also found that some young people’s eyes were not so pious, and the look at his eyes revealed the intent.

“Saint Lord Mo?, First Realm Heaven Some young guys, most of them lack awe in the history of the clan, but my people in Battle Saint Clan are great men, even if they lack awe in Saint Lord, but never Dare to be disrespectful to Saint Lord.”

Qi Dongliu said, Qin Wentian eyes flash, the name of the good domineering clan.

“Battle Saint Clan!” Qin Wentian whispers, Immortal Territory has many ancient clan, such as Southern Phoenix Clan, Ying Clan, Jiang Clan, all inheritance for countless years of race, in addition, Immortal Territory and countless Ancient clan exists, such as the power of the South Korean gold family, but like this one, dare to call the Battle Saint Clan clan, Immortal Territory is rare.

“Yes, Battle Saint Clan.” Qi Tongliu nodded and explained to Qin Wentian: “Saint Lord should not know my family, and my family is also ignorant of the outside world, but according to the clan ancient book and the ancestral training of generation to legend, I know that our Battle Saint Clan is a strong family that existed in the real period of ancient times. It stands in the peak of the endless world, and it is unparalleled in the world.”

Hearing the voice of Qiongliu, the youthful eyes above the peaks are beating and sharp, and there seems to be fighting blood in the body. The rumors of this to accent to legend have been instilled in their minds since their childhood. Let them not forget their identity, not forget the power, one day, able to return to peak.

“Battle Saint Clan, ancient strong, the world’s top?” Qin Wentian eyes glittering, he thought of the memory in his mind, the memory that father left for him, the family that father rebelled, is such a strong family?

“Of course, this is history. Now, in addition to adding some brilliance to my Battle Saint Clan, there is no other use.” Qi Dongliu suddenly and again, seems to be somewhat lost: “We know from the ancient book and the ancestral training. Many times ago, my family suffered a dramatic change and encountered a crisis of destruction. The most important root of my Battle Saint Clan expert, Saint Bone, was taken away, and the catastrophe was almost destroyed. The ancestors escaped, so I have today’s Battle Saint Clan.”

Qin Wentian heard Qiongliu’s words, he believes that there is a strong race, there will be a glorious period and a period of decline in the long river of history, how many endless world strong people, billions of years of history, who can guarantee Can a certain strong family be immortal?

This Immortal Territory has been unified by many Ancient Great Emperors, but it is not the same as falling apart, the heroes are together, time, can change too much, how many powerful powerful ancient clan disappear in history, no more of them, this Battle Saint Clan can be saved to this day, leaving a lineage to exist, but it is also lucky.

“My family has not been annihilated. It survived. It was the first generation of Saint Lord. In order to avoid the disaster, the first generation of Saint Lord let my family take refuge here and sever contact with the outside world. Only one generation of Saint Lord stepped in. At this time, select some people to go out and survive, and at the same time, work hard for the ultimate goal of my family, to find the Battle Saint Bone that the Battle Saint Clan ancestors were captured.

“Why don’t you go out together?” Qin Wentian asked.

“Saint Lord doesn’t know, my family has been breeding very fast many times, but it’s really awakening to Battle Saint Clan bloodline. The people who gave birth to Battle Saint Bone are extremely rare. These people, Saint Lord, also saw it. This is The last generation of Saint Lord and Saint Lord You have grown into the Battle Saint Bone for countless years of separation, of course, just First Realm Heaven, and some people have gone to Upper Realm Heaven.”

Qin Wentian looked at all people and frowned. “Is it too little?”

“First Realm Heaven’s Battle Saint Clan has no Upper Realm Heaven, because after entering Immortal King Realm, the tribe will choose to go to Upper Realm Heaven, and our Battle Saint Clan people innate talent incredibly high, many will step Into Immortal King Realm, go to Upper Realm Heaven, where the younger ones, and then Saint Lord went to Second Realm Heaven, you should be able to see more people.” Qi Dongliu said, Qin Wentian has long noticed that here People are Immortal Stage Realm, it turned out to go to Upper Realm Heaven.

“It seems that, as I guessed, the other two bronze gates should be connected to Upper Realm Heaven. This is probably to prevent people who step into it from having too much strength. Feel free to take a lot of Battle Saint Clan. Let people take it out.” Qin Wentian thought of it in his heart.

“Qi Dongliu, did you not say that your ancestor’s Battle Saint Bone was deprived? Why did the people awaken to the birth of Battle Saint Bone?” Qin Wentian did not understand.

“According to the ancient book of my Battle Saint Clan, the ancestors’ Battle Saint Bone is the most important inheritance Saint Bone of my Battle Saint Clan. It contains the infinite mystery of All Heaven Grand Dao and has a chance to inheritance to the descendant. Every once in a while, there may be a born Battle Saint. However, in the disaster that year, Saint Bone was deprived and no inheritance. The people in our family have guessed that my family can no longer be born with the Battle King. The universal innate talent is also weaker than that of the era, and the strength of the inheritance has been diluted.” Qi Dongliu sighed, making Qin Wentian tremble inside.

If Dongliu said that it is a true history, people who have Battle Saint Bone can now set foot on Immortal King Realm. How many people can they have terrifying? It may be really a peak strong, such a brilliant era, it is hard to imagine.

“When the first generation of Saint Lord continued the lineage for my family, I couldn’t bear to disappear into history. I took the life of the danger to make such kindness, and I didn’t ask for it, but my family thanked the first generation of Saint Lord. Da En, let the first generation of Saint Lord practice my family Battle Saint Method, the first generation of Saint Lord is also a super-human figure, he derived a strong divine ability ability from my family Battle Saint Method, Saint Lord you should be Rely on this divine ability to step into here.”

Qi Dongliu continued: “And, the ancestors and Saint Lord reached an agreement that in the future, the people of my family will assist the people who got his inheritance, as Saint Lord, each generation of Saint Lord, able to mobilize half of my family’s strength to the outside world. As for the people who stayed, in order to continue the existence of Battle Saint Clan, the people of my family, respecting Saint Lord, but also hope that Saint Lord can help them grow together, these people who go out with the Saint Lord, they will not Come back, in addition to assisting Saint Lord, they also shoulder the mission of retrieving the deprived inheritance Saint Bone and returning to our family’s peak glory.”

Qin Wentian glanced, suddenly asked: “If there is a lot of Saint Lord in the same era?”

“This is unlikely. The first generation of Saint Lord said that people who can get his inheritance divine ability to open the door to this place means having the potential to dominate the outside world. Such a person, an era will not appear multiple. Even if it does, it is impossible to get this inheritance at the same time. There is almost no such probability. If it does, then respect the two Saint Lords.” Qiongliu said with a smile, Qin Wentian eyes Flashing the edge, dominate the Immortal Territory The potential?

This first generation of Saint Lord is really confident.

It turns out that God’s Hand Secret skill is not created by Emperor Yi, but the previous generation of Emperor Yi, which was owned by the first generation of Saint Lord.

Qin Wentian suddenly remembered a person coming and asked: “Do you know Feather Emperor?”

Feather Emperor, rumored to be Emperor Yi servant.

And the people of Battle Saint Clan, respecting Emperor Yi is the previous generation Saint Lord.

“Feather!” Qiongliu eyes flash: “I have seen the ancient book genealogy. Among the people who went out with the previous generation of Saint Lord, one person named Qi Yu, I don’t know if there is a relationship.”

“So, most of them are correct.” Qin Wentian smiled and said that the original Feather Emperor guarded not only the secret skill of Emperor Yi, but also his people, then the old man beside Feather Emperor, they are also Battle Saint Clan. People?

Ps: Monday, August 1st, don’t stingy the brothers’ monthly and recommended tickets, the new one month, continue to work hard!

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