Ying Teng was trampled under the feet by Qin Wentian. He only felt that his dignity was ruined. His eyes spurted on fire. The Immortal Stage was about to erupt. Qin Wentian stepped on his foot and shocked his body, making him unable to condense Xianli. The attack can only be placed on the ground and allowed to be trampled by Qin Wentian.

“Qin Wentian, my Ying Teng swears that you will not be able to survive, you can’t die.” Ying Teng How proud he is, Ying Clan’s Heaven’s Chosen character, status is honorable, when he was so insulted.

“Boom.” It was a heavy stepping down. Ying Teng felt that the internal organs would be broken, but he would not be at the point of dying, and he could not stimulate the Immortal Sense in his body. Qin Wentian would control it very much. it is good.

“Continue to be arrogant.” Qin Wentian expression ice-cold, Ying Teng, wants to play with him in the palm of his hand, for his use, as a tool to open the treasure storehouse, threatened by people of Southern Phoenix Clan and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect He, then he will teach how Ying Teng respects people.

“You have the courage to kill me.” Ying Teng swears, Qin Wentian’s behavior is more painful than killing him.

“It’s too much trouble to kill you. Your Ying Clan’s expert has to chase me again. It’s your usual style to kill the small ones. I am real so low, how can I collide with Ying Clan.” Qin Wentian Smiled and said, making the people of Ying Clan ancient clan dark and relaxed, and sure enough, Qin Wentian did not dare to kill Ying Teng.

“However, I have a lot of time, killing you is too much trouble, but slowly tormenting your words, Ying Clan is always embarrassed because you are out of competition with your peers and you have been wronged to chase me.” Qin Wentian turned around, The corner of the mouth smirked and said: “After all, Heaven’s Chosen is injured and suffers some setbacks. It is also the driving force for moving forward.”

As said, Qin Wentian stepped down again and banged, the hearts of all people followed, and Ying Teng screamed. The crowd seemed to be able to feel the pain of Ying Teng at this time, and I am afraid I would like to smash Qin Wentian.

But what he said is also true. Ying Teng suffered some setbacks when he was injured outside. Ying Clan couldn’t make a big fan of Ying Teng’s appearance, so he was humiliated. Ying Teng himself did not face his family and said it, looking for elders to help? Then he probably won’t be able to stand in Ying Clan ancient clan in the future.

“Ying Teng, you can also go back to the elders and tell you how you were humiliated, so maybe your elders will take care of you in the future.” Qin Wentian seems to be able to guess Ying Teng’s thoughts and continue, Ying Teng is as dead as he is, how could he say it.

“This madman.” All people looks at Qin Wentian. A tremor, it is definitely a madman, so humiliated, Ying Teng will probably leave heart’s demon in the future.

Jiang Ziyu in the distance looks at Qin Wentian to torture Ying Teng, his eyes glittering.

“You will be careful with this person in the future.” Jiang Ziyu said to the people around him, he felt a wild, crazy but calm from Qin Wentian, he did not kill Ying Teng, but let Ying Teng bear It’s more painful than death, but it’s not going to put him in a disadvantage. At this moment, Qin Wentian, who was scorned by Ying Teng before, can be like two people. If she gets the chance, she will let you regret.

Qin Wentian abused Ying Teng while sweeping all the other people in the battle, indifferently said: “Remember the mercy, don’t kill them, let them lie down and move.”

“Good.” Jun Mengchen replied with a smile. It seemed to be a little excited. They were armed with absolute advantage. The people who crushed Ying Clan didn’t take long to let everyone down.

At this time, Ying Teng could not move, lying softly on the ground, Qin Wentian reached out and lifted him up, move towards bronze gate, where the palm print was printed on the bronze gate, the door opened, Qin Wentian will Ying Teng threw it out, and everyone else did it, throwing out the people of Ying Clan.

When Zhang came in, he went out fiercely. It seems that they did not gain anything from this trip, and they were humiliated by the blasphemy.

“I heard that you want to kill me?” Qin Wentian looked around and looked at the people of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect and the Emperor Zi door. The tone was ridiculous. Those people had a glimpse of it, secretly Qin Wentian bastard, this guy I ignored them before, and after I solved the Ying Clan people, I moved them.

“Dongsheng Ting is dead?” Qin Wentian suddenly asked, making all people expression cold and staring at Qin Wentian.

“It seems that it is self-defeating, but unfortunately did not kill him personally. In this case, perhaps Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi will be ‘good’ to you, I will not do it, please.” Qin Wentian gave way. Let them go out.

The people of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect and the people of Purple have stepped out and their faces are ugly. Indeed, the death of Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi are likely to take them out, Immortal Emperor is angry and may be terrible. They are thinking, if you want to go back to life, if you don’t go back to life, I am afraid that Immortal Emperor will order it.

Look at those people who left, Qin Wentian looked at Jiang Ziyu again, said with a smile : “Brother Jiang.”

Jiang Ziyu looks at Qin Wentian, smiled: “Brother Qin really don’t plan to visit my Jiang Lineage?”

“No, I will go there later when I want to go.” Qin Wentian said with a smile.

“That’s good, I look forward to the arrival of Brother Qin.” Jiang Ziyu smiled and waved, and went out with the people of Jiang Family.

“Do you want me to please?” Qin Wentian said to the rest of the forces, they expressed iron blue, now Qin Wentian, they are all in full, difficult to shake, if fighting, Immortal Stage top rank expert can resist People with weaker realm will be easily killed, and it seems that they can only be evacuated.

This time the ancient mountain is white, God’s Hand didn’t get it, the so-called Emperor Yi treasure storehouse, these armor, even God’s Hand is needed to open.

Soon, all the experts left, leaving only the people of Southern Phoenix Clan and the people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect.

They walked inside, the bronze gate closed automatically, there were a lot of cockroaches here, although the shapes were different, but the power should be similar, along the middle of the road all the way, they went to another bronze door, it seems this Both front and back are doors.

Qin Wentian suddenly felt a little funny, here is the don’t tell me to prevent someone from tracking and giving him the enemy to use? If so, the people who do this are indeed farsighted.

Open this bronze gate, a burst of light, and a breeze, Qin Wentian standing at the door, looks at the front in a daze.

“This…” Nanhuang Yunxi cry out in surprise, not only she and Qin Wentian, everyone saw the situation in front of them, all stunned there, the eyes obscured by the armor, glittering the shocking light.

Qin Wentian stepped forward step by step. This is a ladder. Going down the stairs, they landed on the boulders of a mountain. There is a steep mountain in front. However, there is a seat on top of this mountain. The palace, in order, made this mountain range perfect.

They are in a high position, look down to have a good view, and even see the Human Race in there.

The eyes continue to move towards the distance, because the distance is too far away, the buildings in the distance and the Human Race are very small like ants, but they are all moving, that is… a city.

The body was suspended and came to the top of the mountain. Move towards looking around. He found that the location of the mountain range he was in was not the end of space. Instead, it was the middle of the city, like Like the mountain range, the king can see every corner.

Here, there is not only Human Race, but also a city, like a world.

Below the palace community, I saw a path of figure rising into the sky, those figures are all wearing armor, there are hundreds of people, they floats in the air, eyes watching Qin Wentian their entire group, split on both sides There are a lot of experts coming down, and there are people moving towards here. The experts who are coming are extraordinary, the expression is fascinating, and it seems to have a strong fighting power. One of them has a middle age and looks out to Qin Wentian. They wonder: “How can there be so many people coming, not just who opened the door?”

Qin Wentian took a step forward and started talking: “It’s me.”

Looking at Qin Wentian in middle age, he immediately turned to Qin Wentian and shouted: “Welcome to Saint Lord.”

“Welcome to Saint Lord.” In all directions, the experts who came down were yelling at Qin Wentian and shouting.

“Welcome Saint Lord to come.” Those sergeants wearing armor even kneel on the ground, this moment, the sound of this mountain range, like the mountain crying out and sea howling, shocking people.

Qin Wentian stunned, and Nanhuang Yunxi, they also stunned, and did not understand what happened.

Saint Lord?

Why are these people respecting Qin Wentian and calling it Saint Lord?

“Can you explain it,” Qin Wentian said.

“Saint Lord, please come with me.” The middle-aged reached out and Qin Wentian walked out, and all the people in the rear followed up with curiosity.

Middle-aged leads the way. He takes Qin Wentian down to the buildings. The palace building is not so strict, but it is simple, unique, with exotic features, and gives Qin Wentian a A strange feeling, this feeling is very wonderful, as if these buildings contain a fighting power, this is an invisible trend, the battle.

“Can Saint Lord remove the armor? These scorpions are made by our people. Saint Lord doesn’t need to be prepared for us.” The middle-aged said to Qin Wentian, Qin Wentian smiled, he really did not Feel the malice, so I will take it out and reveal the truth.

Looking at Qin Wentian in middle age, glanced in a sharp edge, saying: “Saint Lord is so young, really unusual, should be younger than the previous generation Saint Lord.”

“Previous generation Saint Lord, Emperor Yi?” Qin Wentian eyes flash, don’t tell me This is not the opening of Emperor Yi. Emperor Yi is just like him, just like outsiders?

Ps: The first chapter of the 7 month 1 update on the first day of this month is the 999 chapter. This is the 1076 chapter. This month, the 78 chapter is updated. At least the update is at least two, and the two days are added. There are still many sayings. How slow is update, there are also saying that every day update chapter, no trace really do not know how to say good!

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