God’s Hand Villa, a terrifying breath swept the world, only a figure vacated and angry, this moment, like doomsday.

“My son.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng came to void, a roar, his robe fluttering, the peerless Xianwei oppressed this void, then stepped out and went straight to the ancient mountain.

“Boom.” In the direction of God’s Hand Villa, there was a hustle and bustle in the sky, and Emperor Zi stood there, and there was also a violent anger that swept through the world, revealing the pressure of suffocation.

God’s Hand Villa all people are shocked by expression, look at Emperor Zi and Immortal Emperor Dongsheng rushing to the ancient mountain. What happened, the two Immortal Emperors are so angry?

Just now Immortal Emperor Dongsheng shouted at me, Could it be that Dongsheng Ting had an accident? This is very likely, but why is Emperor Zi so angry?

They really want to know what kind of major event happened in the ancient mountain, but unfortunately they can only rely on guessing. They saw Dongsheng Ting in the ancient mountain and madly entered the ancient mountain. The sound of the earthquake came out like a void riot, but he Still can’t kill, every time it is shaken back by the ancient mountain, which makes people even more sigh of the tyranny of Ancient Great Emperor Emperor Yi. When Emperor Yi was there, how terrifying?

“Who knows who the person with the bronze mask is, who is the family power, who can tell me, there must be a reward.” Emperor Zi sounds extremely cold, eyes sweeping all people, suddenly everyone people flash It seems to remind people who Emperor Zi said, who has a bronze mask, has been mysterious and low-key, with a black dog into the ancient mountain, as to who he is, no one really knows.

“I also have a lot of rewards.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng stepped back, still with terrifying killing intent, he looked at all people, eyes had blood red color, he witnessed the horror of his own son Dongsheng Ting, Almost abolished, lying softly on the ground, killed by cruelty, he saw the despair in the eyes of Dongsheng Ting, and the eyes that asked him for help.

But it didn’t work. He couldn’t save his son by the Immortal Territory. He gave Dongsheng Ting a powerful immortal weapon magic weapon, so many European Saint Immortal Sect Immortal Stage experts were accompanied to ensure foolproof and ensure Dongsheng Ting. I won’t have an accident in the ancient mountain, but Immortal Emperor Dongsheng never dreamed that it would be the end. His son died in the hands of a mysterious person who didn’t know who it was.

All people said that no one knows who the mysterious man with the bronze mask is, and who he is from, who he is, who is the power.

Sovereign Qian Bian also showed a hint of interesting expression. It seems that Dongsheng Ting is dead. The person who killed him turned out to be the masked mysterious youth.

At this moment, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng’s eyes suddenly turned, and fell on Sovereign Qian Bian’s body, coldly asked: “this person mysterious, Sovereign Qian Bian, is it your Thousand Changes Immortal Sect?”

Sovereign Qian Bian reveals a little funny expression: “Dongsheng, do you like to vent your anger? I hope that it is done by people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect. Your protection of Dongsheng Ting must be extraordinary and can kill him. But extraordinary characters, and there are so many experts to protect Dongsheng Ting.”

Immortal Emperor Dongsheng expression A cold, Qian Bian said yes, so many experts protect Dongsheng Ting, why is this, what happened in ancient mountain? Emperor Zi does not understand, their Immortal Sense feels the powerful Seal Power, which is a huge seal map, powerful immortal weapon magic weapon, seal space, who has such a seal immortal weapon magic weapon? He can’t think of it.

“My son, I will revenge for you.” Dongsheng Ting clenched his fists, murder terrifying, he glanced at the direction of Feather Emperor, his eyes were not good, Feather Emperor was unaware, continued drinking, talking to the people next to him, he I have already reminded everyone that if you want to enter an ancient mountain, you will have a danger. Since you have chosen to go in, you can still anger to him if you die.

However, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng died a son, and it would be uncomfortable to see anyone.

“This group of idiots.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng thinks of those who protect Dongsheng Ting, a group of waste, damn it.

Within the ancient mountain, those experts who were dragged by Southern Phoenix Clan and Thousand Changes Immortal Sect all people would not have thought that Immortal Emperor Dongsheng had killed killing intent for them. Protecting Young Master was not good, although they could not blame them, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng Even if they are angry with them, it is normal. This kind of thing is too much in Immortal Territory. If they know that Dongsheng Ting was killed, they are afraid to be afraid to go out of an ancient mountain.

At this time, Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi had left the land of Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu die, and there was no need to worry about him. At this time, Nanhuang Yunxi beautiful eyes fell on the face of Qin Wentian and asked: “Are you? know him?”

“What do you say?” Qin Wentian smiled at Nanhuang Yunxi, who knew that it was impossible to completely bypass Nanhuang Yunxi.

“You seem to have been at large, but in fact he has been waiting for him to enter, the man’s sealing ability is very powerful, and terrifying magic weapon, he is your friend, who is it?” Nanhuang Yunxi was curious.

“Yunxi, you know it.” Qin Wentian smiled at Nanhuang Yunxi and said nothing. Nanhuang Yunxi smiled and nodded. “Now, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng doesn’t even know how Dongsheng Ting died.” You are deliberate.”

“Guess?” Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi looked at each other and everything was in the air. Nanhuang Yunxi naturally understood that she would not mention it outside. After all, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu were also participants.

Qin Wentian blinked in the eyes of cold glint. He did this, that is, Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi didn’t even know how their descendant died. He didn’t kill Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu directly, even though he already The two Immortal Emperor have offended, but whether it is Immortal Emperor Dongsheng or Emperor Zi, there is still a line, at least the two Immortal Emperor will not kill him personally.

Immortal Emperor Dongsheng did not kill him personally, mainly because the Immortal Emperor of the battle between Thousand Changes Immortal Sect and Eastern Saint Immortal Sect could not intervene, otherwise Sovereign Qian Bian could kill him, followed by a little identity.

Emperor Zi didn’t do it himself. He didn’t kill him at all. Qin Wentian only defeated Zi Daoyang in Ancient Emperor City. He made Emperor Zi to be a genius, but a great emperor suicide because of this. Bian’s discussion Qin Wentian, how does Immortal Territory see his Emperor Zi?

Qin Wentian, a reason for Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi to kill him.

And if they witnessed the death of Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu in the hands of his Qin Wentian, the reason is enough. Even if he is a great man, he may kill Qin Wentian at his own risk. In that case, he will put himself in a place. Very dangerous situation, can not, Qin Wentian will naturally avoid making himself too dangerous.

This is why Qin Wentian asked Di Tian to come here. When Dongsheng Ting wants to kill him in the ancient mountain, he doesn’t have the same thoughts, let Dongsheng Ting, can’t go out, after this, Di Tian can disappear again. Immortal Emperor Dongsheng and Emperor Zi can’t find anyone. No one knows that Di Tian is him. The only person who knows that the two are related to Royal Saint Sect has been destroyed.

“Saintess.” The two voices came from the ancient mountain move in, and it was the expert who guarded Nanhuang Yunxi. She saw Nanhuang Yunxi and Qin Wentian both, and immediately stepped forward.

“The rest of the people didn’t come over?” asked Nanhuang Yunxi.

“It should still be fighting.” The man responded, after all, the two sides of All Immortals, not so fast.

“Let’s go back and see.” Nanhuang Yunxi said, and then drove the Fengzhou forward. Sure enough, they encountered a group of wars expert in the middle of the road.

“Is it okay?” The Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple, wearing a diamond armor, asked Qin Wentian to come back and ask.

“Isn’t this good?” Qin Wentian shrugged with a smile.

“Dongsheng Ting and the Emperor Zi are being opened?” the man asked as he fought.

“Dongsheng Ting’s magic weapon is too powerful, and there are still many immortal weapons on it. I and Yunxi are being chased all the way, but it is awkward, but the masked expert is also an extraordinary figure. He has a very powerful seal magic. Weapon can restrain Dongsheng Ting. The person should value the treasure of Dongsheng Ting and cut off Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu. The space is sealed. I think Dongsheng Ting may be fierce.” Qin Wentian Lang said, it seems to be deliberately speaking to the people of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect and Emperor Zi.

Sure enough, their faces changed, an expert coldly said by Eastern Saint Immortal Sect: “The magic weapon under the court of the court, but Immortal Emperor deliberately handed it to him, how could it be restrained, rest in this nonsense.”

Qin Wentian sarcastically swept the man and said: “I am not talking to you, what is the mouth? As for Dongsheng Ting, as you think about it, he is unparalleled in the world, nobody can be enemies, and you can wait for him to come back.”

The man saw Qin Wentian’s ridiculous smile changed and immediately started talking: “Let’s go.”

While he spoke, all people were madly attacking, and the distance was opened. Then their people steadily moved toward one direction, and then glittering left, Qin Wentian came back. Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu did not appear. This is indeed something. Evil door.

“Senior Martial Brother Qin.” In the distance, Jun Mengchen and Inferno’s figure glittering, and Southern Phoenix Clan’s expert.

“How can they not fight?”

“Dongsheng Ting is in trouble.” Qin Wentian smiled. The Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple who hunted Dongsheng Ting before Qin Wentian sound transmission looked at Qin Wentian deeply, but said nothing.

“We continue depart, many people have gone deep into the ancient mountain, and the battle has been delayed for a lot of time.” Someone started talking, Qin Wentian glanced at him, Jiang Family is not there, obviously looking for God’s Hand charm, This is the purpose of their entry into the ancient mountain.

“Well, this ancient mountain is bottomless, mysterious, everyone is careful.” Qin Wentian started talking, before he lured Dongsheng Ting has gone deep into the ancient mountain, but still feels like a corner, this Emperor Yi left The secret skill inheritance is not that simple!

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