“You are really self-sufficient.” Qin Wentian sarcastically said that Dongsheng Ting actually thought that Qin Wentian would take revenge after seeing it by Immortal Emperor Dongsheng Immortal Sense and would not dare to kill him on the spot.

Dongsheng Ting’s eyes have been staring at Qin Wentian. He saw the indifference of the other side’s mouth. He felt a cold chill. Could it be that he really dared to kill himself?

Thinking of this, Dongsheng Ting gradually developed a heart of fear.

However, at this time Qin Wentian did not look at him again, but to Nanhuang Yunxi said: “Yunxi, you look at him, I will solve Zi Yunwu.”

“Good.” Nanhuang Yunxi nodded slightly, Qin Wentian’s foot move move toward another battle direction, Zi Yunwu at this moment has been a little panicked, the fighting methods in front of people are too strange, sealing art is not numerous, Immortal Stage is perfect, The ray of yin and yang fish hit the body and kept sealing his power, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

The black dog is also powerful, the ghost is not scattered, like the black ghost, the speed is terrifying, and it is also good at sealing the strength.

At this time, Qin Wentian came to this side, making Zi Yunwu pale, and said to the mysterious man with a bronze mask: “Hello, you want to immortal weapon, I will give it to you.”

“I gave you a chance before, now I will take it myself.” The mysterious man responded hoarsely, a path of yin and yang fish pattern killing, sealing the opponent’s attack, Xianli, and even Immortal Stage.

In the hands of Qin Wentian, Demon Sword screamed, and the Immortal Stage was madly filled with his body. His body rushed out, and a sword smashed in the past. A great Terrifying Great Peng phantom screamed and turned into a Great Peng sword. Cut the void, the purple immortal weapon in the hands of Zi Yunwu to kill, blocking the Wen Wentian’s attack.

Next to the black dog claws smothered, Zi Yunwu crazy, the other hand blew past, collided with the black dog, the other side, with the bronze mask of the mysterious expert Immortal Stage, swept out, a path The yin and yang fish pattern rushed into the body of Zi Yunwu, and Zi Yunwu only felt that Xianli was not working smoothly and his face was pale.

He wants to take back the palm attack, but sees Qin Wentian sneer, Demon Sword in his hand sends out a terrifying sword qi storm, tearing everything, move towards his body assassination.

Zi Yunwu took out the life magic weapon. Like Dongsheng Ting, he wanted to escape. A ray of light rushed straight into the sky, but Zi Yunwu’s body did not move. Space Power was blocked by Seal Power flowing in void. He can’t get out.

At this time, the mysterious expert palm with a bronze mask was directly printed on him, and a huge yin-yang fish pattern penetrated into his body, and Ziyunwu’s immortal light was dim.

The bronze mask expert double-handedly slaps out, and the light of Immortal Stage keeps pouring into his body. Gradually, the fairy power of Zi Yunwu is constantly dissipating, and his Immortal Stage is shrouded in yin and yang fish patterns and sealed.

“I will give you everything you want. If you kill me, my uncle will not let you go.” Zi Yunwu shouted loudly at the bronze mask.

His bell barely fell, Qin Wentian’s Demon Sword has been placed on his neck.

Zi Yunwu’s face was pale as paper, turned his head and looked at Qin Wentian.

“So what about me?” Qin Wentian smiled at Zi Yunwu, but the smile fell on Zi Yunwu’s body, but it looked so strange.

“The previous things were written off,” Zi Yunwu said to Qin Wentian.

“Do you tease me?” Qin Wentian coldly said: “Zi Daoyang is not killing me, but you want my life. I didn’t dare to kill Ten Thousand Demon Island. It seems that I think Qin Wentian is bullied. As for the cancellation, you What do you count and do the Lord of Emperor Zi?”

“I will plead with my uncle,” Zi Yunwu said.

Qin Wentian sarcastically, he looked at Zi Yunwu’s neck Demon Sword and said: “You said that under my sword, Emperor Zi’s Immortal Sense came out?”

Zi Yunwu’s face is pale.

“However, I don’t have much interest in this.” Qin Wentian smiled at the strange monster, but the person with the bronze mask had already begun to collect the magic weapon and all the storage rings on Zi Yunwu. After doing this, he went further. Dongsheng Ting over there.

Nanhuang Yunxi looks at this bronze mask mysterious man’s eyes reveal a doubtful meaning, her beautiful eyes look at Qin Wentian, only Qin Wentian facing her nodded slightly, let the road open, let the bronze mask person take Dongsheng Ting.

“You let me go, help me kill Qin Wentian, I promise, you will have more magic weapon.” Dongsheng Ting whispered to the bronze mask, confusing him with Qin Wentian.

However, the indifferent eyes in the bronze mask glanced at him, and the cold rushed to people, ignoring it.

“I am the son of Immortal Emperor Dongsheng. As long as you follow what I said, I will never say anything.” Dongsheng Ting continued, but he saw the other hand reaching out and holding his head like a pet. Going forward, Dongsheng Ting’s face was ugly, and he was the son of Immortal Emperor Dongsheng. What a noble identity, now he is being carried on the ground.

The bronze mask person dragged Dongsheng Ting to the side of Zi Yunwu and threw it there, like a dead dog.

“What are you doing?” Dongsheng Ting’s body shook a little and was so humiliated, and he felt faintly that he was dying step by step.

No one cares, he only saw Qin Wentian’s irony booth eyes.

Qin Wentian looked at the two people’s eyes full of indifference, and began to plan to kill him outside, so if so, then pay the price.

“Yunxi.” Qin Wentian looked at Nanhuang Yunxi and Nanhuang Yunxi, even though she was still confused.

Why is Qin Wentian so confident to kill Zi Yunwu and Dongsheng Ting? Be aware that the other party has always been dominant.

Also, why did the person with the bronze mask come so timely, just in conjunction with Zi Yunwu and Dongsheng Ting, but did not rob Qin Wentian and her thoughts, and even tacitly joined Qin Wentian and her, which made Nanhuang Yunxi has many doubts in his heart.

When Zi Yunwu and Dongsheng Ting saw the people in the bronze masks approaching them in an orderly manner, Qin Wentian was at the side of the look at the time, and the two suddenly felt that there was a chill in the body and the back was cold.

Dongsheng Ting stares at Qin Wentian and the person with the bronze mask, they know?

“Who are you?” Dongsheng Ting asked, and the person at the bronze mask asked, apparently, what he thought of, everything, could not be so clever.

Sealing space, cutting off their retreat, is this really just a coincidence?

“You.” Zi Yunwu was also chilly, but the person who saw the bronze mask came to him, his palm slap directly in his body? The powerful Seal Power madly penetrated his body, Zi Yunwu only felt himself All of Xianli was banned, and a powerful Seal Power raged in his body. Soon, Zi Yunwu felt like he was all surrounded by a symbol imprint, all.

“What are you doing?” Zi Yunwu wanted to talk, but gradually found that he couldn’t even spit out his voice. The whole person was caught in a seal spell, and a fear of death came to him. He never had a bit of luck. Mentality, all around is shaking.

Dongsheng Ting has been at the side of the look at, he is weak and soft, and his body is also tremble, it seems that Death God is approaching step by step, this is really going to kill him.

Qin Wentian’s eyes looked at Dongsheng Ting and Dongsheng Ting just looked at him.

“Qin Wentian, let me go once, I will never look for you again in the future.” Dongsheng Ting’s voice was full of fear, and finally he was soft, and he dared not speak to Qin Wentian in a threatening tone, but pleaded.

“You don’t say that I will die in this ancient mountain?” Qin Wentian said indifferently, let him go?

If he lost Qin Wentian, there is no doubt that he will be killed mercilessly by Dongsheng Ting. He also threatened to kill Granule World’s people. He went to Evergreen Immortal Country to visit Qing’er.

He Dongsheng Ting, still want to live?

“I admit that we used to have some contradictions, but everything is over. As long as you let me go, I promise to persuade my father to be unscrupulous.” Dongsheng Ting was really panicked and his voice was weak.

“Is it your best to advise father?” Qin Wentian showed an ice-cold smile: “Unfortunately, I don’t intend to let Dongsheng old dogs go.”

Said, he said to Nanhuang Yunxi: “Yunxi, let’s go.”

Nanhuang Yunxi a glimpse, then nodded, then Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi move toward void, the mysterious expert with a bronze mask waving, the void magic weapon appeared a gap, Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi went out.

Dongsheng Ting is staring at the bronze mask: “Who are you, no matter what you want, I can promise you, you let me go.”

The bronze mask man walked to his side, and like the deal with Zi Yunwu, the palm print was on his body. Soon, Dongsheng Ting was all terrifying seal symbol imprint.

After doing this, the bronze mask person waved his hand, and the seal symbol light flowing on the four sides of the mountain wall faded, revealing the powerful charm of the mountain wall. He and the black dog’s body floated up, move towards one side of the mountain wall, leaving Under Zi Yunwu and Dongsheng Ting, the two could not speak, and they were desperate, waiting for the best execution.

The person in the bronze mask waved, and Xianli gathered into an arrow, facing Zi Yunwu.

“No…” Zi Yunwu wanted to make a snoring, but found that he couldn’t make a sound.

“Hey!” The arrow broke through the air, stabbed to the heart of Zi Yunwu, the overbearing strength, coming directly, pū cī, the arrow lost, a terrifying breath came, Emperor Zi overbearing majestic figure came, he furiously Shouted, at first glance, I saw the mysterious figure with a bronze mask. I also saw the mountain wall behind the other side. The powerful charm suddenly fell into the Immortal Sense of Emperor Zi, and Emperor Zi Immortal Sense caught Zi Yunwu’s body rises to the sky and wants to escape.

However, almost in an instant, the charm of the murder, Emperor Zi Immortal Sense directly collapsed, Zi Yunwu’s body move towards falling, he still has a breath, but this time, only destroy the arrow and come at the same time, Pierced his Immortal Stage, his heart, his skull, and nailed him directly to void.

Dongsheng Ting closed his eyes and didn’t dare to look at this scene. He was all soft, then he missed him and shot again.

“My son.” Immortal Emperor Dongsheng’s Immortal Sense appeared, seeing the violent stance of Dongsheng Ting and the mysterious man with a bronze mask, his Immortal Sense reveals infinite killing intent, directly move towards the bronze mask man, but Similarly, he did not escape the killing of the ancient mountain charm.

Dongsheng Ting was desperate. At this moment, he was already scared. He saw the bronze mask man step by step toward him, the cold eyes, like the eyes of Death God.

Dongsheng Ting’s lips moved and seemed to want to ask, who are you?

“You said, who am I?” The bronze mask mysterious man spoke up. This time, it was a normal voice. Hearing this voice and seeing the other party’s sly eyes, Dongsheng Ting felt that the soul had fallen into the Nine Inferno. So that when he died, he did not close his eyes!

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