Nanhuang Yunxi At the moment, Qin Wentian together, driving the Fengzhou boat from the canyon, there is a woman besides the two of them, this woman is the person who protects Nanhuang Yunxi, has been following the left and right, realm is very high.

“There are people chasing after, three people, Dongsheng Ting, Emperor Zi, two of them, one of whom has a low cultivation base, Immortal Stage 4th level, but this person seems to be out of the ordinary, and the person who protects him is quite strong.” Said the person next to Yunxi.

“That said Dongsheng Ting’s bodyguard was intercepted.” Qin Wentian eyes flash, said: “Can you deal with Emperor Zi disciple who is a realm.”

“If you borrow immortal weapon, don’t say defeating the killing, dragging him is definitely no problem.” She started talking.

“Well, trouble Senior left the attacking opponent, you only need to attack the doormen of Dongsheng Ting and Emperor Zi, the bodyguard will inevitably entangle you, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu handed me and Yunxi.” Qin Wentian started talking.

“Yes.” The other side was nodded, and then the body flashed, leaping from the phoenix boat, the Immortal Stage blossomed, and a terrifying Phoenix phantom appeared on the Vault of Heaven, blocking the way, Dongsheng Ting Zi Yunwu After chasing it, I saw this scene flash. The two looked at each other and felt trouble. If it was blocked by this person, Qin Wentian might slip away.

Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu of Immortal Stage 4th level, they think that killing Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi is enough, and they have a lot of immortal weapon in hand, the other’s immortal weapon is useless and has an absolute advantage.

“You come to deal with him, and the two of us continue to pursue.” Zi Yunwu took the opportunity to make a decision.

The bodyguard expert eyes flash, then nodded, Zi Yunwu also has a lot of baby, the two stand in the undefeated place.

His body moves toward the front, and Dongsheng Ting’s shuttle shuttles around the road, like a lightning bolt across the arc, but let the Southern Phoenix Clan’s expert glimpse, the other side actively bypassed him to pursue, but also saved her The trouble, just need to deal with the person in front of you is enough.

“We don’t rely on the immortal weapon to face the other two people still suffer, Dongsheng Ting is the son of Immortal Emperor Dongsheng, who seems to be the successor of Emperor Zi, and the baby is definitely quite a lot.” Nanhuang Yunxi said to Qin Wentian.

“I know.” Qin Wentian nodded: “Go ahead.”

“Good.” Nanhuang Yunxi did not know what Qin Wentian thought, but it seems that he is quite confident, presumably there is a way to deal with Dongsheng Ting.

“Qin Wentian, you can’t escape.” In the back, a sound wave swept over and shook the ancient mountain. Qin Wentian shuttled between the ancient peaks, and sometimes encountered a charm attack. However, he kept his mind and resisted. That charm is strength.

Qin Wentian They came to a gentle area, only to see his body flashing, palms waving, the sound of hōng lóng lóng came out instantly, a huge ancient city suspended in it, it is the Ancient Floating Snow City.

The “Dongsheng Ting” behind “Chī!” controls the shuttle directly move toward void. The roulette in his hand is enlarged, covering the sky, and the heavenly Swallowing, the huge Piao Xue city seems to be shaking.

“What is the level of immortal weapon.” Nanhuang Yunxi beautiful eyes gaze void, Dongsheng Ting’s roulette is like the king of arms, capable of swallowing all immortal weapons.

“Boom.” Qin Wentian stepped forward, the bell sound played, and a terrifying arrow broke out, but the opponent’s roulette was in the hand, blocking the front of the body, and those arrows that were like immortal weapon fell into it. Among the roulette vortex, a very inferior swallowing strength shrouded the huge ancient city, making the ancient city tremble even more, and the feng shui of Nanhuang Yunxi can only be put away.

“With this in hand, plus the bodyguard of Dongsheng Ting, even if experts are common as the clouds, it is difficult to kill him, but Dongsheng Ting chose a death road.” Qin Wentian eyes Ice-cold, killing intent Shining, he put Piao Xue in the city and took Nanhuang Yunxi to move on.

“Can you still run away?” Dongsheng Ting showed sneer, long hair, overbearing, and the wheel was shrinking. He flew to Qi Wenwu and Nanhuang Yunxi on the shuttle and Zi Yunwu. Now, this distance, Qin Wentian has escaped. Out of his palm, a death road.

“Go down.” There was a mountain around the front, Qin Wentian took Nanhuang Yunxi directly into the towards, and Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu rushed forward. Finally, Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi stepping inside did not flee. Driving the shuttle, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu are suspended in void, ice-cold eyes staring at Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi.

“Saintess Nanhuang, why do you need to join in, please leave this place.” Dongsheng Ting said to Nanhuang Yunxi, there is obviously Immortal Sense in Nanhuang Yunxi, although Immortal Sense can’t exist in this ancient mountain, but if he is The people of Nanhuang Yunxi and Southern Phoenix Clan will obviously still know. Otherwise, he will let Nanhuang Yunxi pay for his own behavior. This woman is distinguished and very beautiful.

Nanhuang Yunxi seems to be able to feel the evil thoughts in Dongsheng Ting eyes, and a cold glint flashes in his eyes, but at this moment Qin Wentian’s body violently swayed, his footsteps continued to retreat, and there seemed to be a path of lightning rays in his mind. Nanhuang Yunxi raised The head, then the eyes tremble fiercely, she discovered that the four sides of the mountain wall contains terrifying charm, just like a god.

“Bang.” Her steps back, grunt, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu found that something is wrong, the charm here seems to be strong, Qin Wentian actually fled to such a place.

“Don’t go to the mountain wall.” Qin Wentian said to Nanhuang Yunxi, the perception is not dare to release, otherwise it will be attacked by Shen Yun, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu also found this, staring at Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi, let themselves The attention is all focused on the two.

“Qin Wentian, how do you want to die?” Dongsheng Ting said proudly.

“You are so confident?” Qin Wentian stared at each other.

“In the past, you were just a cock in the native world. I thought it would be a leap. You can only humble yourself. Even if you climb Southern Phoenix Clan and Qing’er, it is still death road. After you die, I will follow my father to Evergreen Immortal Country, visit the Qing Emperor, and take a look at Qing’er.” Dongsheng Ting spoke with a pair of gloves in his hand, filled with strong Xianwei.

“Dongsheng Ting, are you so afraid of me? Be so cautious?” Qin Wentian saw Dongsheng Ting’s action satir with a smile and looked at Zi Yunwu: “You are Emperor Zi successor?”

“I am Zi Yunwu, Emperor Zi is my uncle, Daoyang die, you have to be buried.” Zi Yunwu coldly said, he appeared in the sky, purple light, indestructible, it is Emperor Zi secret skill Purple Extreme Saint Immortal Art, powerless, Im Yunal Stage 4th level The Zen Yunwu blooms this strength, and the power is far stronger than Zi Daoyang.

“Who?” Zi Yunwu suddenly turned back, and then he saw a person and a demon walked into the mountains everywhere, this person with a bronze mask, the eyes exposed to the extra cold.

“Hello, there is nothing wrong with you here, leave quickly.” Zi Yunwu said.

“Hey!” The mysterious man suddenly bloomed a picture. The map is incarnation huge, swaying up, and directly extends to the sky, and then turns into a map that covers the sky, sealing the space above, terrifying Black symbol light flow above this map, making Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu brow furrowed, Dongsheng Ting palm waving, suddenly the roulette expands, terrifying the power of swallowing directly moves toward the void map, silver light blooms, shrouded like Map, you have to swallow it.

However, the devour of the light seems to be blocked by a strange strength, the symbol imprint flow on the map, and the strength of the close is sealed, the roulette can not be swallowed.

“The immortal weapon magic weapon on your body, all handed it to me.” This person with a bronze mask spit out a voice, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu expression sink, all sneer, handed it to him? How can it be.

“You don’t want to look for death road.” Dongsheng Ting stared at the person with a bronze mask and threatened.

“How do we join forces?” said the bronze mask expert breath at Qin Wentian.

“Good.” Qin Wentian nodded.

“You courting death.” Dongsheng Ting looked blue, and he looked at Zi Yunwu: “Brother Zi, you killed him first, I fought for you.”

“Well.” Zi Yunwu nodded, the Immortal Stage’s madness broke out, and behind the terrifying purple giant figure, he rushed through the purple light, which was truly supreme.

“Hey.” Stepping on the foot, Zi Yunwu stepped on the bronze mask, raised his palm and shot it, the purple big handprint was unbreakable, obliterate everything, power terrifying.

The bronze mask body flew out a pattern, like a huge yin and yang fish, madly flowing, a yin and a yang, a sinister gossip, Johnson’s Seal Power emerged from it, the pattern is like a living thing, like real Yin and Yang fish, constantly flying out of the pattern, the overbearing purple big palm print all the way to kill, and finally crushed.

“Seal.” Zi Yunwu eyes flash, he saw that the pattern is getting bigger and bigger, spread on the void, the huge yin and yang fish seems to swim, a path of yin and yang fish shines on his body, he only Feeling the Immortal Stage turbulence, an invisible Seal Power descended onto the Immortal Stage and seemed to seal his Immortal Stage.

“Broken.” Zi Yunwu screamed, stepping out, a purple spear in his hand, a loud bang, directly killing, the spear expanded, long severe ten zhang, killing everything, wanting to each other crucify.

“Boom.” The bronze mask of the person’s palm shot, a terrifying seal pattern appeared in front of him, the spear hit into it, paused for a moment, then a loud bang, the seal was broken, the black dog next to the bronze mask With a scream, the body became extremely large, and the claws were smashed down. On top of his claws, a seal pattern appeared, making the Zi Yunwu expression extremely unsightly. This strength is very annoying.

Dongsheng Ting’s gaze looked at the battle over there, his brow wrinkled slightly, but he listened to Qin Wentian started talking: “You count on Zi Yunwu, I’m afraid it is unlikely.”

Dongsheng Ting’s eyes fell on Qin Wentian. The killing intent was filled, and coldly said: “Even if I am alone, do you think you can’t kill you?”

“So confident? Armed with immortal weapon, the courage is bigger, but the essence of cowardice has not changed.” Qin Wentian expression Indifference, Dongsheng Ting is covered with a divine weapon armor, holding a roulette engulfing the immortal weapon With his hands on his gloves, he is truly armed.

“Boom.” Dongsheng Ting’s Exalted Immortal broke out, and the man in the heart of the bronze mask, he and Zi Yunwu killed Qin Wentian easily, the damn guy appeared, changed the battle situation, but even then, he will still Qin Wentian kills this, the ending will not change!

At this point, the pattern wrapping the space is constantly moving towards the symbol imprint strength, and the terrifying Seal Power is completely blocking the space!

Ps: Three more votes, Dongsheng Ting want to die? Immortal Emperor Dongsheng Will it be sad?

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