“Swallowing immortal weapon.” Qin Wentian eyes flash, his Demon Sword went straight out, a word glow cut through the void, Dongsheng Ting coldly snorted, step forward, the roulette still shines, Demon Sword 斩The strength directly fell into it and was swallowed up by the disk immortal weapon.

At the same time, a powerful suction to take Demon Sword away, Qin Wentian face changes, said: “Put up immortal weapon.”

His voice fell, all people closed the immortal weapon at the same time, Southern Phoenix Clan’s face was not very beautiful, and Eastern Saint Immortal Sect and Emperor Zi were move towards them, everyone was holding With immortal weapon, it can enhance fighting strength.

“Qin Wentian, this ancient mountain is where you are buried.” Dongsheng Ting coldly said that the huge roulette in front of him constantly shot the terrifying devouring strength, the natural law power contained in this powerful immortal weapon can easily envelope This void, absolutely forbidden Qin Wentian they use immortal weapon, and even able to engulf the attack on his power.

In this way, Dongsheng Ting them, they are in an undefeated place.

“You are really ready, it seems to be the immortal weapon that Dongsheng old dog gave you, dedicated to deal with me.” Qin Wentian stared at Dongsheng Ting, his immortal weapon was able to absorb other immortal weapons In this case, they are undoubtedly in a weak position in this battle.

“Your life is over, your mouth is still so embarrassing, no one can save you and kill in this ancient mountain.” Dongsheng Ting cold shouted, suddenly the expert kills Qin Wentian, and at the same time, Emperor Zi ZZi Yunwu Waved, the experts of the parties, while move towards Qin Wentian.

Jiang Ziyu The people with Jiang Lineage are looking at the crowd at the back, and finally started.

“Everyone spreads out.” Qin Wentian saw a path of immortal weapon. The fairy singer came over and the foot moves moved towards the back. All people understood the meaning of Qin Wentian’s. In this case, they gather together together and will undoubtedly become like a turtle in a jar , the best combat style is to expand the range, so Dongsheng Ting’s immortal weapon can not cover all of them.

“Kill Qin Wentian.” Dongsheng Ting shouted cold, his palm waved, a huge shuttle flying under his feet, turned into a whirlwind, crazy rotation, directly move towards Qin Wentian, and several digital experts stepped on his shuttle. Going straight to the direction of Qin Wentian, which makes Nanhuang Yunxi beautiful eyes lag, the Eastern cultivation base of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect is very strong, far higher than Qin Wentian, and can also fight with immortal weapon, if they only target Qin Wentian Their lineup is to let Qin Wentian die.

“Block them.” Nanhuang Yunxi said, she re-move towards Qin Wentian’s direction, the battle suddenly broke out, and suddenly the violent whistle in the air, this space instantly rolled up a terrifying storm.

Southern Phoenix Clan’s expert will also be aggregated in the future, and the Immortal Stage will burst out at the same time. The palm of the hand will be shot out. The Immortal Stage will be terrifying, and the Phoenix phantom will sweep across the world and become a huge phoenix. Heaven flashes red, and the terrifying flame burns the space.

“Qin Wentian, you go.” Nanhuang Yunxi said to Qin Wentian, Dongsheng Ting, their entire group, the most wanted to kill is Qin Wentian, they have no killing intent for their Southern Phoenix Clan, and they dare not squat.

Qin Wentian expression has a strong chill, Dongsheng Ting waited until he went deep into the ancient mountain to shoot, is to cut off his back, is to kill him, however, he has been allowed to follow Dongsheng Ting, the heart is not the same Thoughts.

“hōng lóng lóng ……” Terrifying’s voice came out, and the strong people around Dongsheng Ting launched a large-scale attack, crushing the huge phoenixes that were shot by the Southern Phoenix Clan expert, and all the people of Southern Phoenix Clan retreated. It is clearly falling behind.

However, at this time, Dongsheng Ting suddenly felt a very strong crisis, a sword light bloomed directly in front of the eyes, Dongsheng Ting expression changed greatly, lifted the wheel to block the attack, sword light broke the void, next to Dongsheng Ting One of the people screamed, and the face was directly cut off, and the blood sprang up and splashed on the person beside him.

Their attack was slow, Dongsheng Ting stopped, and the expert around him instantly had a bodyguard beside him.

“Hey…” is another word qi coming, it is a golden sword glow, and it is not too terrifying, but this sword seems to come from nothingness, and it is overbearing to the extreme. When it comes to kill, void will be Cut off and sweep everything.

Dongsheng Ting next to an expert raised an immortal weapon ancient shield in front of Dongsheng Ting, blocking them all after the attack, slamming and continuing, like lightning bolting on the ground, strong shock force will them The people who have seen the attack are all young people who don’t look big. The Immortal Stage is blooming in the body, and it seems to be shrouded in a void light curtain. It has a terrifying sword. The power is endless.

“Thousand Changes Immortal Sect people.” The people around Dongsheng Ting’s eyes were cold, and the person’s fighting strength was too strong and could lead to a sword of nothingness.

The pressure of Qin Wentian and Southern Phoenix Clan all people after the release of this person has been reduced a lot in a moment, so that the war that has just erupted has a flameout posture. In addition to the strength of the attacker, there is also a reason for him to choose to attack. The time as well as the attacker, Dongsheng Ting, others had to protect.

They killed Qin Wentian and he attacked Dongsheng Ting.

Qin Wentian took a look at the coming person. This is the first time he saw this person, but he knew that the other party will play a key role, just because this person is one of the two Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple brought by Bai Wuya. Moreover, they are all masters of realm at the top level of Immortal Stage.

“Send a few people to deal with him.” Dongsheng Ting swept the Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple, coldly said, and several people around him looked at each other, and then there were several Immortal Stage high realm experts with immortal weapon to the man, this Although it is difficult to change the overall situation, his attack power is too threatening and can easily cause a fatal threat to Dongsheng Ting. Even if he can’t kill him, he should be trapped.

“Can you kill Dongsheng Ting?” At this moment, a voice came from Qin Wentian’s ear, which was another Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple sound transmission.

“If no one else interferes, no problem.” Qin Wentian replied.

“Well, the main battlefield here should not be separated. We will drag the people with the people of Southern Phoenix Clan. You will leave here and lure Dongsheng Ting to pursue and lure him.” The man said again, Qin Wentian eyes flash, the idea is It’s workable, but it’s not so easy to implement.

However, if he can really lead Dongsheng Ting, he can use immortal weapon on this side, and dragging the battle should be no problem.

“Go.” The man said, Qin Wentian turned his head and turned directly toward the canyon behind him. The Great Peng wing appeared behind him, like a lightning bolt.

“Where to escape.” Dongsheng Ting, Zi Yunwu, and Emperor Xuan, a disciple of the disciples, saw Qin Wentian who wanted to go where they would let go. They attacked at the same time, chasing Qin Wentian, a path of attacking and striking A road comes.

“Take them in.” Nanhuang Yunxi ordered that the people of Southern Phoenix Clan rushed to kill, causing Dongsheng Ting to continue to hand over the talent with Southern Phoenix Clan’s expert, but there are still more than a dozen people who have made a way. Desperate and go straight to the direction of Qin Wentian’s escape.

Nanhuang Yunxi eyes flash, she drove Feng Zhou with a few people moving towards Qin Wentian’s direction.

“Hey.” Dongsheng Ting them coldly snorted, the shuttle madly spinning, cutting the void, rushing to the front canyon.

But at this time, an expert suddenly came, and it was another Heavenly Symbol Boundary martial cultivator. He dragged a mountain in his hand and suddenly moved toward the next breath. He wanted to seal this space. dead.

Dongsheng Ting is an expert anger and slams a blow. In an instant, thousands of fists appear, destroying everything, the mountain collapses and turns into countless stones, but at this moment, there is a strong gravity field suddenly appearing, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu They only feel that the whole person is as heavy as a huge mountain range.

“Hey.” In front of the expert step, the Immortal Stage broke out, and Dongsheng Ting’s body directly moved toward the next to make a scream.

“Go and kill him.” Dongsheng Ting shouted.

“You two go.” Zi Yunwu also spoke, and suddenly there were several expert move towards the person in front, and the Heavenly Symbol Boundary disciple, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu continued to break out, moving toward the sky.

“Go down.” The Heavenly Symbol Boundary expert slid through the light of Liuli, like a brick armor, indestructible, his palm moves toward void, a pair of invisible big handprint containing terrifying gravity, Dongsheng Ting even with a shuttle They can’t escape the gravity field, and they fall towards the next move.

“Go down and kill him.” Dongsheng Ting was angry and looked at the front of the canyon, Qin Wentian and Nanhuang Yunxi. They have escaped.

“Ting Shao.” He is next to bodyguard eyes flash.

“Reassured, there are only two people in front, and a few of us can clean them up.” Dongsheng Ting body was pulled down and shouted: “Fast.”

“Yes.” Next to the bodyguard move towards the sky, the Immortal Stage is crushed down, the people below are furiously shouted, just like an ancient giant, Dongsheng Ting and Zi Yunwu rushed out of the gravity field, move towards The front flew away, but the other people were covered with a terrifying strength, and the eyes were cold, killing the expert below.

The main battlefield, Jiang Ziyu looks at all people in the fight, the sneer in the heart, the people of Eastern Saint Immortal Sect and the people of Thousand Changes Immortal Sect did not keep their hands, but the people of Southern Phoenix Clan did not dare to kill them. Because Eastern Saint Immortal Sect can’t afford Southern Phoenix Clan, which makes them feel good, now Dongsheng Ting leaves, both sides took out immortal weapon, the people here will only be dragged.

His gaze moves towards the distance, and the terrifying eyes seem to be able to wear everything, whispering: “Dongsheng Ting is over.”

“Dongsheng Ting should be dominant,” said Jiang Ziyu.

“The Thousand Changes Immortal Sect in the canyon is stronger than the previous void sword art. He can drag Dongsheng Ting for a while, but he doesn’t, put Dongsheng Ting to chase Qin Wentian, presumably Qin Wentian will There is a way to kill Dongsheng Ting.” Jiang Ziyu faint said with a smile, it seems very good looking Qin Wentian.

His gaze suddenly turned around, and he saw that there was no one in his side, and his brow was picking up. The black robe with a bronze mask actually left quietly during the battle, but it was fun!

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