An Infinite Dimension Store

386 I should be under the car, not in the car

"What did she mean by that?"

"The store manager hasn't come to see me these days, probably because he's also very busy!

Then the whole person froze.



Gently scooping a scoop of ice cream into his mouth, Shokuhou Misaki narrowed his eyes and showed a happy expression.

Silk flag loves too young, Taoli is underdeveloped.

Looking at the closed office door, Shokuhou Misaki was a little puzzled.

Then ordered a normal specification ice cream sundae.

If you want to keep the body crystal safe, at least several trials and corrections are needed.

When she got the new information she needed, it was already evening.

Is there anything more soothing than a sip of dessert after a hard day's work?

After leaving the institute, Shokuhou Misaki arrives at the dessert shop that he likes to eat.

But Kiyama Haruno's words reminded Shokuhou Misaki.

It is estimated that it will not take too long, and he will be able to grow into a super good figure that makes the entire Tokiwadai Academy envy and hate.

Plus listening to Dolly. Lu Yu was also absent from the inside of the dimensional store all day long.

That is she hadn't seen Lu Yu for several days.

Therefore, she naturally assumes that Lu Yu is busy all day.

It should be said that most girls want to treat themselves in this way, that is-

Although it is only a collation of new experimental data, it involves too much data and needs to be checked one by one.

The whole person's face also became soft.

Shokuhou Caoqi folded his arms around his chest and said confidently.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou-san was motivated.

It still took several hours for Shokuhou to finish his work ahead of schedule.


Shokuhou Caoqi felt that with her appearance, body and brain, she would not be stolen by anything else - vixen.


When Mushan Chunsheng was brought to the talent workshop before, Shokuhou Kaori thought that Lu Yu would come with Mushan Chunsheng at that time.

The girl with blond hair and star eyes began to write hard.

No matter how much she likes to eat desserts, she can still hold back her desire temporarily.

Since both of them are very busy, if they want to see Lu Yu, they must finish the work at hand first.

No one can beat it!

what did she see?

In this way, not only will he be able to take credit and make Lu Yu happy, but also show his role.

Competing with this group of chickens, Shokuhou Cao Qi didn't think he would lose.

If it weren't for Lu Yu's sudden succession of a Kiyama Harusheng, who sent her this precious researcher, Shokuhou Misaki's research on body crystals must have no good clues so far.

She didn't want to be a vase who was only saved by Lu Yu and had no role in it.

These days, in addition to researching body crystals, she is not without other gains.

Although it sounds like it should be a scientific researcher's love for the younger generation, why do you say this to yourself?

My biggest pain point is basically going to be eliminated~.

And her way of rewarding herself is simple and effective.

Even with the help of Harusheng Mushan, the most important progress of the experiment has only been completed until now.

Shokuhou Caoqi naturally knows a lot about the dimensional store, and probably guessed that there is something in other worlds that needs Lu Yu to go.

She wanted to order an extra-large version, but unfortunately now is the time to use her abilities to control her figure. If you eat too much sweets, you might gain weight.


However, although I have full confidence in myself.

Listening to Mushan Chunsheng's statement, Lu Yu seemed to encounter some emergency on the way and left directly.

Slightly happily tasting the ice cream and the fruit in it, Shokuhou Misaki raised his head and glanced at the street outside.

"Work overtime!"

She didn't feel that way for no reason.

"People have worked so hard, they should reward themselves!"


But only until Mushan Chunsheng was alone.

"Since the store manager is working so hard, then I have to work harder!

"I have a good grasp of my mind, do I still have to worry about a vixen robbing me of my position?"

Lu Yu has things to do in the dimension store, and she also has tasks delivered by Lu Yu to complete.

After Shokuhou Zaoqi completed the task ahead of schedule, there was nothing else to do right now.

Shokuhou Caoqi couldn't help but think.

She patted her cheek to cheer herself up.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

Even if Dolly has the advantage of getting along day and night, she is still her own family. In a sense, she does not have a strong competitive spirit towards Dolly.

At least the cliffs in front of him have changed to a certain extent compared to the original. Although it is not comparable to a mature woman like Mushan Chunsheng, it is beginning to take shape.

The sound of hunger came from her stomach, and she remembered that she hadn't eaten yet.

Although it is true that there are meals in the cafeteria of the institute, the taste is very general.

Shokuhou Caoqi tapped his lips and talked to himself to convince himself.

She thought in her mind that Lu Yu, the store manager of the dimension store who was always busy, was actually shopping side by side with other girls?! Inch.

Then, she picked up the brand-new experimental data in her hand and began to organize the data needed for the next round of experiments.

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