An Infinite Dimension Store

385 Super Miserable

Go back a few hours.

The next experiment still needs to adjust the data, so she is ready to leave after the handover.

"Um... poof! Cough cough!

"Miss Bee Eater, the test results of the latest test item are out!"

Mu Shan Chunsheng didn't have any deep meaning, he just thought of this and said it casually.

Shokuhou Sochi is currently studying this book.

Before leaving, I suddenly remembered something.

This female researcher was none other than Haruo Kiyama—the best brain physiologist in Academy City.

The completion of the crystallographic experiment and the data she needed to wake up the children would have overlapped considerably.

She narrowed her eyes happily, and the stability has been increased to 80% so quickly, which shows that it is not far from being able to use it safely!

These days, it's not just Mushan Chunsheng who is staying up all night doing experiments.

Many times, things that experimental instruments can't do are achieved by Shokuhou Caoqi's superpowers.

On the table in front of her, there was a thick stack of professional books.

Heaven rewards hard work, not to mention that she is an excellent researcher herself.

According to the current progress, it only takes a few days at most to complete the production of the crystal.

Shokuhou Cao Qi bowed her head, it wasn't that she didn't understand Mushan Chunsheng's character, and naturally she wouldn't care about people who didn't have common sense.

"Come in!"

Mushan Chunsheng's tired face was filled with a rare excitement and excitement.

"Oh, sorry.

"Since this experiment is successful, the remaining data can continue to approach, Mr. Mushan, you continue to arrange the next experimental data, I will work overtime today to sort out the data.

This is the book that Shokuhou Misaki picked up when he was smoking jars in the dimension store. The book itself is just an ordinary book, but the knowledge contained in it is rated as blue.

Kiyama Harusheng said gratefully.

"I see, do you like Director Lu Yu?"

"Don't thank me, after all, it was arranged by that guy, and I don't want to drag him down!"

Although she doesn't know much about the world, but this is the other party's private feelings, if she doesn't want to say it, she doesn't need to explore it.

After coughing a few times, she looked at Mushan Chunsheng with a flushed face.

This book specializing in hormone research corresponds exactly to her ability.

Shokuhou Caoqi's busyness is not lower than hers at all.

"Boom boom!

Therefore, the psychology of wanting to repay Lu Yu who took in him, and the psychology of wanting to save those children, Mushan Chunsheng's dedication to the body crystal experiment is even more than Lu Yu who assigned the task and who is in charge of the experimental project. Shokuhou chanting is several times stronger.

When she heard Mushan Chunsheng's words, she thought it was a slip of the tongue.

Especially concerning the content of human hormones, a theoretical framework has been put forward in a high-profile manner. The value of this book is equivalent to dozens of Nobel Prizes.


Hearing Kiyama Chunsheng's thanks, Shokuhou Misaki shook his head.

This is a task that Lu Yu personally entrusted to her, and its importance is self-evident.

At the top of these books, there is a book that is directly spread out, and there are many bookmarks in the book, which are obviously frequently read.

She, who is not very good at dealing with the world, asked straightforwardly.

But now, after being accepted by Director Lu Yu, her current research environment has been turned upside down.

Kiyama Harusheng stopped and turned back to the blond girl in the office.

For knowledge books, this level is not low.

As a psychological master, the essence of her ability is not to directly manipulate the illusory things such as the spiritual will of human beings, but to control various synthetic secretions of the human brain.


Shokuhou Misaki awkwardly changed the subject, trying to avoid the question in the name of a superior.

However, the reason why she studied this book was not to improve her abilities, but for other purposes.

In the fantasy beast incident, after being dug over by Lu Yu, she was affiliated to the talent workshop, that is, Shokuhou Caoqi did research.

She handed Shokuhou Misaki the experimental data she had just transcribed.

Shokuhou Caoqi was very pleasantly surprised to receive the experimental data from Mushan Chunsheng. She knew a lot about this experiment and could naturally see the authenticity of these data.

Seeing Shokuhou Caoqi like this, Kiyama Chunsheng felt like he had eaten a mouthful of dog food.

"With the help of Miss Bee Eater and the designer of the tree diagram, the progress of the research is more than ten times faster than expected!"9

So seeing Shokuhou Kaori didn't seem to want to talk about it, she simply gave up.

After speaking, before Shokuhou Cao Qi could respond, Kiyama Chunsheng closed the door and left.

Suddenly being asked such a straightforward question, Shokuhou Misaki almost choked on his own saliva.

"As expected by the designer of the tree diagram, the stability of the body crystal test sample has reached 80%!"

"You, you... What are you talking about! Is this what you should say to your boss?! 35

Mu Shan Chunsheng nodded, she was used to working overtime, it would be better to say that the evening is the time when she was active.

This treatment is more than a shotgun for a cannon, it's like entering heaven from the slums.

With such a high level of treatment and environment, the speed of Mushan Chunsheng's research and experiments is many times faster than before.

Shokuhou Misaki looked away from the experiment report and looked at the door.

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense to tell you this.

She is not speaking politely. Although Shokuhou Caoqi is still just a student, her understanding of the human brain is no worse than that of a researcher, plus her ability is versatile.

It's really miserable!

It is probably because of this light that she is still so energetic even though she is also tired!

When he said this, Shokuhou Misaki's star eyes were shining, as if there was a light in his eyes that would never go out.

The door of the office was gently pushed open, and a woman in her twenties, wearing a white researcher's coat, with deep dark circles under her eyes, walked in.

"Although I don't quite understand it, I have heard my instructor say that if a woman spends too long in the laboratory, she should be careful that her boyfriend will be hooked away."

There was a knock on the office door.

In the deepest office of the research institute "Talent Workshop", Shokuhou Caoqi sat on an office chair and looked at the experimental report in his hand intently.

However, within a few days, Mushan Chunsheng had removed a considerable amount of impurities from the original experimental data of the bulk crystal, and improved the stability of the bulk crystal to a stage that was almost ready for direct use.

This kind of reaction made Shokuhou Caoqi feel that he had hit the cotton with a punch, and it was empty.

She still had a fresh memory of the way her mentor looked when she said this. The female doctor poured a test tube of vodka and grilled with asbestos net, while crying and expressing her remorse for her brokenheartedness.

However, looking at the data results, it is clear that the results of the simulation experiment are almost the same, that is to say, the experiment has indeed succeeded most of the time!

Ergonomics - Hormones.

Kiyama Harusheng couldn't help but be unnerved. The reason why she spread fantasy hand around in the past was to gain enough computing power to support her research and save those students who were comatose because of the crystal experiment.

The designer of the tree diagram, who had applied dozens of times (bddb) and was rejected, can now almost be said to let her use it without restrictions at all. In addition, the research funds are also very sufficient.

For those computing power, she was even willing to turn the entire Academy City into an enemy, and regarded herself as an experimental subject, even if she lost her life.

Hearing Shokuhou Caoqi's words, Kiyama Haruno nodded and immediately stopped talking.

"How could it be successful so quickly?!

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