Looking at the young figure covered in blood in front of him, Conan fell into self-doubt.

"Do I really have a death halo?

How could a murder happen so quickly?

Lu Yu didn't care about this, but took a step forward and lifted the dying new guest in his hand.

He looked like he was less than ten years old, with light blue hair and a slender and petite figure.

Judging from her appearance, hairstyle, and clothes, she should be just an ordinary little girl.

Conan also came here at this time.

Now that the murder has happened, it doesn't make sense for him to leave now.

Seeing the little girl covered in blood on Lu Yu's hands, Conan frowned.

"There are scars from blunt weapons and scars from sharp weapons, but to put such a heavy hand on a little girl who has no ability to resist, the murderer is too mad!"

Even in Conan's rich career, he has never seen such a maddened murderer.

It is simply challenging the bottom line of human morality!

"This is not a little girl who can't resist."

Sensing the strange aura of the little girl in her hand, Lu Yu held the back of her neck with one hand, using her power to heal the wounds on the little girl's body, while the other hand separated the light blue bangs in front of the little girl's forehead, revealing pure white the forehead.

"If I'm not mistaken, this little girl could probably blow your head off with one punch."

Lu Yu said jokingly.

Conan heard that Lu Yu was not kidding him, this little girl really had such power.

I saw that on the forehead of the little girl, there was a feature that was obviously different from ordinary people.

It was a slightly glowing horn, just right on the little girl's forehead, completely natural, without any trace of transplantation.


He didn't expect to see an inhuman creature so quickly, Conan swallowed nervously.

However, this little girl's characteristic reminded him of something, and he seemed to have heard of this creature in legends.

However, folklore is not the scope of the detective's research. Conan only felt a sense of familiarity, but did not recognize the race the little girl belonged to.

"This is a ghost, not a ghost in China, but a ghost clan in Fusang. He is famous for his strong physical fitness.

Lu Yu solved the puzzle in a leisurely tone.

"The Shuten-doji and Ibaraki-doji in your Fuso mythology are also ghosts. Although the world is different, the racial characteristics are basically the same... This is only a little bit special."5


Conan was startled, and immediately noticed the biggest difference between the little girl in front of him and the legend he knew.

"You mean... a problem with the corners? 35

Seeing Lu Yu grabbing an inhuman creature without hesitation, Conan quietly changed the title to a more respectful one.

According to legend, ghosts have two horns on their heads, but this little girl has only one.

"Yes. 35

Lu Yu nodded.

"One-horned ghost, blue hair, and the element of a little girl... I seem to remember this setting."

At this moment, the injuries on the little girl who had been healed by Lu Yu's power had completely healed.

The little girl's consciousness also recovered.

"Sister! Sister!"

She shouted excitedly, opened her eyes, but found that her location was not the village that was on fire before.

The blue-haired little girl fluttered, and immediately realized that she had been raised by someone.

"Calm down, kid!"

Lu Yu put the little blue-haired girl on the ground.

In a sense, it is also very appropriate to call the young ghosts small ghosts.

"Your wounds have all healed, and now you are in the position of being rescued by me, can you understand this? 35

The first time, Lu Yu explained the current situation clearly.

He didn't want to cause any misunderstanding, and the crying, confused child attacked himself because of the misunderstanding and so on.

To his satisfaction, the little blue-haired girl in front of him really understood his words,

After examining the injuries on her body in silence, the little girl nodded.

"I understand, thank you!

She bowed to Lu Yu gratefully, and then looked at Lu Yu with tears in her eyes.

"Excuse me... can you save Rem's sister?"

She looked at Lu Yu hopefully.

"Rem knows that he is not qualified to make such a request to you, but even though Rem is a ghost, he is completely useless. Whether it is used as a servant or a warrior, the elder sister with stronger ability is more powerful, If you need ghosts... please save Rem's sister!

In a clumsy manner, a young ghost girl named Rem seeks Lu Yu's help.

——As expected, it was that Rem.

Hearing the little girl's claim, Lu Yu confirmed his conjecture.

"Otherworld Life from Zero", the ghost girl Rem from this world, has set off a wave of true love is blue in the audience.

Although the age of this true love is a little young right now, it doesn't matter.

Practice, you can practice.

In fact, even if this little girl is not Rem, Lu Yu will not refuse to help, but the inferiority complex in her tone is too obvious.

At this time, Rem should still be in the shadow of her sister Ram, thinking that she is just an inferior copy of Ram?

With a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, Lu Yu decided to solve the child's psychological problems.

——He is not interested in the psychological problems of bear children, but if it is a cute little girl like Rem, it is another matter.

He looked at the blue eyes of the young Rem seriously and said.

"If you want to introduce how powerful your sister is, if you think that I will save your sister in this way, then you are miscalculating, I am not interested in the ghost clan, and I am not interested in the powerful ghost clan.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Rem's heart froze, tears fell from her eyes, but she did not give up.

"Then what are you interested in? As long as I can do it!

Rem asked eagerly.

But she was a little desperate in her heart. What can a ghost clan waste like her do?

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

At this moment, she heard something incredible.

"I am interested in you.

Lu Yu's voice came.


Rem's eyes widened.

How is this possible, my sister is obviously better than me in all aspects, and I only have the qualifications to follow behind my sister... Obviously, this has always been the case, why would someone suddenly say that he is interested in him?!

"I said, I'm more interested in you!"

Lu Yu repeated in a natural tone.

These words... are too easy to be misunderstood.

Just when Conan couldn't help but want to call the police, Lu Yu slowly explained the reason.

"For me, only the customers who enter the store are meaningful. So even if your sister is like yours, a thousand times ten thousand times better, it doesn't make sense to me.

"There are more than trillions of lives in the world. No matter how powerful your sister is, there are still people who are more powerful than your sister. On a large scale, the so-called geniuses and the so-called strong people are just ordinary people. Just one."


Speaking, Lu Yu's tone was serious.

"So, to me, your sister is just an ordinary member of the trillions of people, and you are different, you are special."

These remarks were simply deafening to Rem, who had always been unconfident.

"Rem...is it special?"

She put a hand on her heart and looked at Lu Yu with some bewildered eyes.

"That's right, it's you who came here, and it's you who met me, no one else, so you're special!

Lu Yu replied in a firm tone.

This firm will dispelled the confusion in the young Rem's heart.

"Rem...is special!

She said this sentence with a trembling tone, and the whole person's temperament changed slightly.

At the same time, she vaguely noticed Lu Yu's hidden lines.

"In other words, if Rem asks in her own name and has nothing to do with her sister, would you be willing to help?"5

The young ghost looked up at Lu Yu expectantly.

Since it is me who is special, then I should be the one who makes the request!

"Comprehension is not bad!

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"However, there is no such thing as a free shot here. You will have to pay the price yourself in the future!"


Hearing this, Rem nodded happily.

She was very grateful to be able to help her out.

"My sister was still fighting those bad guys just now... By the way, my sister's horn was cut off! We have to hurry up! Otherwise, my sister-"

At this time, she realized that her sister's situation was not optimistic, and she couldn't drag it on like this!

"Don't worry. 35

Lu Yu interrupted Rem.

"After you enter here, you are isolated from the long river of time over there. We can directly insert the next second after you leave, and there will be no delay. Inch.

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