An Infinite Dimension Store

335 Bloody New Guest

Seeing that Conan wanted to complain but couldn't find it for a while, Lu Yu kindly gave free information.

"Actually, there aren't many supernatural factors in your world. As long as you don't over-explore Kidd's case, chances are it won't be affected, so you can continue to be your detective with peace of mind! 35


Hearing this, Conan finally couldn't help but complain.

"You've given all the clues, how could I resist investigating!"

As a detective, curiosity is the most basic instinct.

It's okay if he didn't know before, but now that he knows that his own world's supernatural factors are linked to the phantom thief Kidd, how could he resist investigating!

But if you go to investigate, the existence of superpowers will deny the meaning of the existence of detectives.

In the face of these two choices, Conan is very entangled.

"It's not necessarily a bad thing to investigate!"

Lu Yu smiled and opened the door to the dimension passage to the world of Conan.

"The characters on Kaito Kid's side are far more dangerous than the Black Organization Winery, but this means that it is not difficult to destroy the Black Organization on your side with the help of the power there.

He persuaded.

"If you can do this, with the help of supernatural powers, maybe the antidote to the poison APTX-4869 you are taking can be developed very quickly. You can restore your original appearance, isn't it great?"

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Conan was indeed moved.

"Return to the original state... and destroy the Black Organization..."

He couldn't help but repeat.

These are the two wishes that Conan currently wishes to achieve.

To disguise himself as a primary school student and mingle with the children is simply torture for him.

Even if it is dangerous to intervene in the supernatural side of the incident, Conan is willing to take the risk to investigate the incident of the phantom thief Kidd.

Lu Yu's words really hit his heart.

Therefore, he was naturally very moved.

However, the detective's instinct told him that there seemed to be something wrong with the attitude of the man in front of him.

Just before entering the dimension passage, Conan stopped.

He looked suspiciously at Lu Yu who had been pushing him back to his original world.

"Why, I feel like you really want to drive me away?

Conan asked bluntly.

"how come!"

Lu Yu flatly denied it.

"Our dimensional store will never drive away customers...except in special circumstances!

The last few words were quiet.

Seeing that Conan seems to be standing still.

Lu Yu persuaded him with a look of consideration for him.

"If you don't leave now, are you worthy of the criminals in your world and the people in the Metropolitan Police Department, they (bddb) have designed sophisticated criminal methods waiting for you to crack, you stay here for one more second, the truth and justice will be One minute late, how can you, as a detective, let this happen?!""

These remarks are so sincere, it makes Conan feel that he is sorry for the world if he doesn't leave.

However, it was precisely because of this that he did not want to leave.

Conan's glasses flickered.

Accompanied by the sound of the door opening in my mind.

He got it!

"Sure enough! You really want to drive me away!

Conan said firmly.

"Tsk! Although you are younger, your mind is still flexible."

Lu Yu clicked his tongue, and since he was discovered, he naturally didn't bother to hide it.

"Go back quickly if you know it. If you don't want to go, I don't mind throwing you back."

Lu Yu said with disgust.


Conan's face was sweating coldly.

However, his thirst for knowledge made him restrain his legs from shaking.

"According to the information in my mind, you are the owner of the dimensional store, and you should have unparalleled power."

"That is to say, as long as you want to do it, you can easily kill me, or easily destroy an army, a country, or even a civilization."

Although Conan was scared, he still looked at Lu Yu seriously and asked with a puzzled look.

"A person with such a powerful power like you, why would you not want an ordinary person like me to stay here? Even if I am a hundred times stronger, it shouldn't cause any trouble to you, right?!

Just like giant elephants don't care about ants, gods don't care about dust.

Conan felt that his existence should have no effect on the shopkeeper of the dimension shop in front of him.

This is not a humble gesture, but a completely realistic consideration.

But why, the other party would not want to stay here by himself?

Could it be that staying here would cause trouble to such a strong man?

In terms of strength, this is clearly impossible.

Conan felt that even if he wanted to commit suicide here, as long as the other party had the heart, he could completely stop his actions.

It was precisely because of this gap in strength that it made him even more puzzled.

Hearing Conan's question, Lu Yu sighed.

"Do you remember what I called you in the first place? 35

he reminded.

Conan recalled for a moment, and remembered the title that he had cared about before.

"In the beginning you called me... the Son of Death?"

"This is it.

Lu Yu nodded and explained.

"This name is because you basically die wherever you go, you are a god of destiny."

"Destiny of Destiny... Such a statement is too much!

Conan argues for it.

"It's normal for famous detectives to attract cases!"

"...Is it normal for your detectives to encounter hundreds or thousands of murders a year?"

Lu Yu complained.

"Yes. 35

Conan nodded, but said seriously.

"Our famous detectives have at least handled thousands of cases!

"Listen to's even worse."

Lu Yu sighed again.

"If it is said that there must be a murder where you appear - this premise is true, you should know why I drove you away?

"Did you drive me away to avoid a murder?

Conan reluctantly accepted this premise, then thought for a moment and looked around.

"But both the owner and the clerk have supernatural abilities. Is the owner worried that something will happen to them?"

If so, it's quite reasonable.

"of course not.

Lu Yu shook his head in denial.

"Whether it's Dolly or my subordinates, they are all admitted by the Dimension Store, let alone murders, they won't be in any danger here at all.

The death halo of a mere world naturally cannot take effect on those who are covered by the dimensional store.


Conan was completely confused, since he didn't worry about the safety of the people in the store, why would he despise himself.

"I'm not worried about them—"

Lu Yu said helplessly.

"But new guests! 35

Since Conan's death halo is ineffective against Taoli and others, and it is impossible to backfire on itself, there is only one possibility left.

That is reflected in other guests.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Conan shook his head.

"Innkeeper, you are too worried, how could it be so coincidental—"

The voice did not fall.

"Clap! 35

The sound of a small, soft object falling to the ground came.

Conan's color suddenly changed, and he looked at the direction where the voice came from with a look of surprise.

Over there, in the newly opened dimension channel, a blood-stained young figure fell to the ground.

"elder sister!""

The young figure was stained with blood, and the tender little hand stretched out, as if trying to hold something.

"Sister... horns!"

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