An Infinite Dimension Store

326 4 Seasons Ying Ji and the Scarlet Devil Pavilion

After defeating Yakumo Zi, Hakurei Reimu breathed a sigh of relief and continued to fly to hell.

Although after solving the Eight Clouds Purple, the pit father sword is basically useless, but in addition to her own strength, she also has the trump cards of "Young Lingmeng" and "Bane Lingmeng".

There should still be quite a chance.

When she was about to leave Santuhe completely.


The sound of yawning sounded, and in the grass around the Santu River, a red-haired girl with a sickle came out.

She was still sleeping lazily in the grass before, and it seemed that she had just been awakened by the battle between Reimu and Yakumo Zi.

"Hakurei Miko?

Onojia Komachi rubbed his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him with some doubts.

"Why are you in hell, we don't welcome living people here-!"

She is the Shinigami who belongs to Yan Mo and is usually responsible for the extradition of the undead. Most of the time, she is the undead of Gensokyo humans, so she is relatively familiar with the people inside Gensokyo, and she also knows the existence of the Hakurei priestess.

So she was a little puzzled, this Hakurei witch has little connection with hell, why did she suddenly go to hell?

"Huh? Umm... eh- woo?!"

Then, she saw Hakurei Reimu who did not say a word and charged straight at her.

"Hakurei Miko, what are you doing? Why are you rushing over all of a sudden?! 35

Ono's Komachi panicked immediately. She didn't remember that she had offended the Hakurei priestess, so when the red and white met her, she was aggressive and wanted to hit her with a sap.

Hurryingly waving his hands, Onojia Komachi subconsciously activated his abilities.

- The ability to manipulate the degree of distance.

This is the ability to stretch the distance arbitrarily short.

Although it seemed that the distance between Onozuka Komachi and Reimu had not changed on the surface, in fact the two were separated by mountains and seas, so even if Reimu threw the Yin-Yang Jade with all her strength, she could not attack her.

This is Gensokyo, even if it's just a Shinigami, it has its own unique abilities.


"Asian holes!"

Reimu teleported directly across the infinitely elongated distance between the two and appeared behind Onozuka Komachi.


"Dream Seal!

Reimu unhesitatingly unleashed her ultimate move and threw two yin and yang jades directly at Ono's Komachi.


A big bag was knocked out of his head, and Onozuka Komachi, whose eyes had turned into mosquito coils, fell directly to the ground and was solved by Reimu.

"Fortunately, this guy was the only one who found it.

Reimu threw Onojia Komachi into the grass to hide, so as not to be discovered by other gods of death.

There are many forces in hell, and there are many ants that kill elephants, so she needs to avoid exposure as much as possible.

Just hid Onozuka Komachi.

Another cold Loli sound rang behind her.

"Hakurei Reimu, what are you doing to my subordinates? 35

Yan Mo with a serious expression, Shiji Yingji looked at the Hakurei Miko in the distance with a serious expression, like Teacher Loli who caught the students playing on their mobile phones, with cute and majestic faces.

"Why do you guys like to talk behind people's backs!

The treatment of one call and one call made Reimu a little crazy.

Could it be that she is going to beat the whole hell?

So, the battle resumes.

On the other hand, after Reimu finished solving Yakumo Zi, Remilia's ten draws in the Scarlet Devil Mansion just ended.

After seeing that Remilia had carefully collected all the cards, Lu Yu's purpose of coming to the Scarlet Devil Mansion this time was more than half completed.

only left with……

"there's one more thing."

Lu Yu spoke to Remilia.

"I want to ask Miss Sakuya and Miss Hong Meiling to help me train my two subordinates. Is this okay?"

This is the main purpose that Lu Yu brought the two maiden knights.

Although the two knights have now reached the level of paladins and have rich combat experience, the new abilities given by Lu Yu have not had time to run in well, and they need a suitable teacher and opponent to help them master and become familiar with them.

Hearing Lu Yu's request, Remilia was a little puzzled.

"Sakuya and Hong Meiling?"

She sized up the two maiden knights who had been standing behind Lu Yu with those red eyes, and said majestic.

"With their strength, they are not weaker than Sakuya and the others, right?"

Although the jar belongs to the unobservable area, Liliana and Erica are not included, so Remilia's eyesight can accurately judge the strength of the two girls.

She had full confidence in her maid Sakuya Izayoi, but Remilia didn't think that the two maiden knights in front of her were weak.

・・・ Flowers・・

Although it has not reached the level of being completely enemies of God, it is obviously one of the best.

If Sakuya Izayoi and Hong Meiling had a fight with these two girls, they would also be in the category of undetermined results, and they should not have the qualifications to teach the two girls.

Seeing Remilia's suspicious eyes, Lu Yu smiled and explained.

"Although in terms of overall strength, it seems to be similar, but Lily and Erica have acquired other abilities, which need to be honed to become familiar with each other.

"And these two abilities are the areas that Sakuya and Hong Meiling are proud of, so I think they will be the most suitable teachers.

Lu Yu intends to bring the two knights to other worlds, so he naturally has certain requirements for the strength of the two girls.

After granting [God's Grace], Lu Yu gave the two girls other abilities according to their respective fighting styles.

And these abilities are exactly what Izayoi Sakuya and Hong Meiling are good at.

With their teachings, the two girls will be able to master it soon.

"Sakuya and Hong Meiling's proud field..."

Remilia nodded and understood the reason.

There is a reason for specializing in surgery, and she also knows it.

"I don't think it's a problem, as long as they agree to this kind of thing."

Remilia is still grateful for Lu Yu who saved Fran, so this little thing is nothing.

However, she had no intention of forcing her subordinates, and if the two did not agree, she would not be able to force it.

After hearing this, Lu Yu felt stable.

"Miss Sakuya, should you agree?

He looked at the silver-haired maid and blinked.

When he was in the dimension store before, he hooked up with Sakuya... After we communicated, Izayoi Sakuya had already agreed to Lu Yu's request at that time.

Sure enough, after hearing Lu Yu's words, Izayoya Sakuya replied with a calm expression.

"No problem, it's my pleasure."

Agreed to Lu Yu's request.

As for the other person, Hong Meiling's words...

"This guy will agree to feed him some buns, right?"

Lu Yu guessed a little rudely.

After Remilia and Paqiuli heard it, they nodded in agreement.

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