An Infinite Dimension Store

325 Mother Killing Sword 8 Cloud Purple

"Although you are clumsy, no grandma can cook..."

Reimu strives to recall the beautiful memories of her childhood, and continues to inspire her respect for Yakumo Zi.

"Although you always steal my snacks, not as gentle as Rumia..."

It's just that for some unknown reason, Yakumo Zi seems to be completely a rice bug in the recalled picture.

"Although you always lie to me and make me cry..."

As he spoke, Reimu's speech rate slowed down, and his emotions seemed to be uncontrollable and somewhat speechless.

In Reimu's hand, the light of that knight's sword is also gradually weakening.


Reimu suddenly discovered that even though he took care of himself when he was a child, in retrospect, Yakumo Zi's actions had almost nothing worthy of respect.

If it continues like this, wouldn't it be impossible to use the power of this "pit father sword"?

Hearing Reimu's continuous memories, Yakumo Zi was also a little embarrassed.

She also found that her education seemed to be doing poorly.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the previous generation Hakurei priestess was responsible for teaching the children and then feeding Reimu, while Rumia was responsible for accompanying the young Reimu, and both of them had their own responsibilities.

Only Yakumo Zi didn't do anything. She was either eating or crying Reimu in a bad way. It seemed like she didn't do anything worthy of respect.

——Is it possible that I am a 223 rubbish who only eats food?

In Yakumo Zi's heart, this idea suddenly popped up.

"Hehehe~ How could it be, I'm a monster sage!"

A cold sweat broke out on her back, and Yakumo Zi threw this outrageous conjecture aside.

At this time, Reimu, who realized that if it continued like this, "Poor Daddy Sword" would not be able to exert its power, he also forcibly changed his mind.


Reimu spoke calmly and emotionally.

"Even if you are Yakumo Zi, you are such a monster...

——What do you call a monster like me!

Yakumo Zi felt that she was being slandered.

But she did not interrupt Reimu.

"It was you who coaxed me when I cried!

"It's you who hugs me when I'm happy!

"After Grandma and Rumia left, it was you who stayed with me!"

Reimu said slowly, an extremely calm emotion was brewing in her eyes, and the eyes that looked at Yakumo Zi finally began to be honest.

It was a look of great respect.

This pure look touched the wrapped heart of the monster sage (bddb).

It turns out that this child, Reimu, really respects himself as a parent!

Yakumo Zi's heart trembled for a while.

After confirming this relationship, she was happier and more excited than anyone else.

However, because of this, she couldn't let Reimu do such an absolutely impossible thing.

So, this kid must be stopped!

Thinking like this, Yakumo Zi, who had always been attracted by Reimu's words, noticed the long sword in Reimu's hand that was shining with a very strong light.


The monster sage's vision became sharp, and she sensed a complete threat from the sword.

"What's wrong with this sword?!

Yakumo Zi opened the gap and put herself in a state where she could get out at any time before questioning.

As a veteran of the battlefield, she knows that only living people can output.

So her fighting style is to be invincible first, and then think about stopping the enemy.

Therefore, after wrapping himself in several layers of gaps, Yakumo Zi breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the space cannot be cut off, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will be ineffective against her.

Thinking so, she looked at the red and white witch in front of her.

At this time, Reimu was not shaken by the gap beside Yakumo Zi.

Her respect for Yakumo Zi is sincere enough, so the power of this long sword has been fully stimulated.

At this moment, feeling the message from the long sword in his hand, Reimu didn't have a smile on his face, but he wasn't sad either.

She looked at Yakumo Zi quietly, her jet-black pupils as stubborn as obsidian.

"It said, it's okay to go.""

Reimu raised the long sword in a still unfamiliar posture, and then made a slight downward slash.

"To my gorgeous father—"

Reimu uttered the lines for the Liberation Noble Phantasm.

The torrent of magic power began to flow, and the long sword that was excited to the extreme flashed with the brilliance of the sun.


Under the clear drink, the majestic magic power turned into a light cannon, rushing towards the target in front of him with an unstoppable momentum.


Yakumo Zi wanted to use the gap to transfer the light cannon, but it was of no use at all. She felt that she was completely locked by the sword, and there was no possibility of escape anyway!


The aftermath of the surging magic cannon completely destroyed the nearby land and river.

Santuhe was almost cut in half, the earth was almost thrown out of magma, and the main target, Yakumo Zi, had endured most of the power.

The energy beyond the specification, coupled with the special attack, even a big monster like Yakumo Zi couldn't withstand such an attack and fell to the ground.

Under the full-strength attack of this orange weapon, Yakumo Zi's body was tattered and completely lost its ability to fight.

Reimu, defeated Yakumo Zi!

"This is my victory.

Walking to the helpless Yakumo Zi, Hakurei Reimu said seriously.

Of course she didn't want to show off her victory.

Instead, he wanted to tell Yakumo Zi that he would definitely find Aunt Bo Li.


Yakumo Zi opened her eyes and saw Hakurei Reimu who had no injuries on her body. As if she understood something, she showed a smile.

"It turns out that it has something to do with that person..."

She seemed to understand what happened to Reimu's transformation.

If Reimu got the help of that person, it would not be impossible.

However, it is impossible for Yakumo Zi to support Reimu.

She's a monster sage and shameless!

"I have been discharged from treatment, and the next thing has nothing to do with me."

Yakumo Zi admitted her defeat.

Afterwards, a gap appeared behind her, and the shikigami nine-tailed fox and eight cloud blue of Yakumo Zi appeared and moved her master back into the gap.

After Yakumo Lan recovered the defeated master, he did not intend to avenge the director, but bowed slightly and closed the gap.

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