An Infinite Dimension Store

323 The Miko and the Yokai Sage

Just when Lu Yu went to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Hakurei Reimu, eager to save her mother, embarked on the road to hell.

Just like Uruk of the Age of Gods, the underworld and the human world are in the same world, Gensokyo also maintains the style of the Age of Gods in many places.

In other words, there is also a way to reach hell directly from inside Gensokyo.

In the northwest corner of Gensokyo.

Crossing the Santu River, you can reach the other side and come to the right and wrong hall, which is also the place where Yan Mo judges the soul.

Reimu flew all the way high, but unexpectedly was not stopped.

"Hey, did that old woman Yakumo Zi go to hibernate?

Reimu started, still a little surprised.

The usual youkai sages are like surveillance, always monitoring the big and small things in Gensokyo, and sometimes do some small movements secretly.

Generally speaking, if there is any trouble in Gensokyo, the first one to know is Yakumo Zi.

So Reimu was already mentally prepared for Yakumo Zi to come and stop her.

I just didn't expect that I flew from Hakurei Shrine to the mountain of monsters, but Yakumo Zi's figure still did not appear.

13 Only then did Reimu remember that she recovered her memory and decided to go to hell to save Grandma Hakureu, all of which happened in a world outside Gensokyo.

Therefore, even a voyeur like Yakumo Zi would not be able to know Hakurei Reimu's current intentions.

Therefore, naturally, it will not interfere with Reimu's actions.

However, such laissez-faire is definitely only temporary, and Reimu's purpose cannot be concealed.

So as long as Yakumo Zi didn't hibernate and was still awake, she would definitely stop her.

With this thought in mind, Reimu was vigilant all the way and flew to the Santu River.

Yakumo Zi's figure has not yet appeared.

"Huh~ That guy really went to hibernate?!"

Reimu breathed a sigh of relief, and showed a happy smile.

"Looks like good luck!

Just when she was a little relaxed.

A familiar voice sounded behind her.

"Little Reimu, what do you mean by good luck?""

The monster of the realm, Yakumo Zi, holding the parasol that has been unchanged for thousands of years, looked at him with a playful expression, which seemed to be a Reimu who wanted to do bad things secretly.

Like a child who woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to steal the ice cream in the refrigerator but was discovered by his mother, Reimu's body stiffened when she heard Yakumo Zi's voice.

"Zi Zi Zi Zi... Why are you here, old lady Zi!"

Reimu took out the royal coin, and asked with an aggressive look, but Yakumo Zi was stunned by the attitude of slamming it so quickly.

"I just came out for a walk... but Reimu, are you planning to go to the other shore?"

Yakumo Zi pressed her chin with a folding fan, skillfully made up an excuse to perfunctory her appearance, and then focused the problem on Reimu.

The corner of her mouth outlined a rather interesting smile, which was Yakumo Zi's signature expression.

If Liliana was here, three words would have blurted out - fox!

This is the expression of watching the fire from the other side, looking forward to the development of things and taking pleasure in it.

However, this smile did not last long.

About five seconds, or ten seconds.

Yakumo Zi looked at Reimu's vigilant look with a smile on her face, as if she was looking at a troubled little daughter.

- Raising children is no fun if it is not for play.

However, when her gaze moved to Reimu's head, Yakumo Zi's expression changed instantly, her monster pupils shrank suddenly, and the vertical pupils belonging to monsters almost shrunk into a black line.


Her tone became heavy, and her purple pupils darkened.

"The spell I set has been unlocked, that is to say, Reimu, you have recovered your memory, right?

Yokai sages never take chances.

The moment she saw the spell she set disappeared, she knew that Hakurei Reimu had recovered her memory.

As smart as she was, she immediately knew the purpose of Reimu's coming to Santuhe.

"Are you coming this time to save the former Hakurei priestess?"

Yakumo Zi walked out of the gap completely, standing in front of Reimu, her demon power fully unleashed, and she made no secret of her hostile stance.

"The dead cannot be resurrected, otherwise it will be a mutation..."

Yakumo Zi stared at the red and white priestess in front of her with daring eyes, her voice became increasingly agitated, almost angrily.

"As a Hakurei priestess, do you want to cause a mutation?!

The mechanism of Gensokyo's maintenance is that humans provide fear and belief, monsters rely on fear and belief to survive, and Hakurei Miko is responsible for maintaining the balance of Gensokyo's enchantment, preventing monsters from harming humans on a large scale, or monsters fighting each other.

It can be said that the most important duty of the priestess is to stop the mutation.

But now, Hakurei Lingmeng actually wanted to reverse life and death and bring the dead souls back to the world.

The monster initiates a mutation, but there is still a witch to stop it.

But if the shrine maiden initiates a change, according to Gensokyo's rules, there is no one to stop her.

Yakumo Zi will never allow this kind of thing that disrupts the balance of Gensokyo to happen!

Hakurei Reimu had no excuse for Yakumo Zi's anger, and her dark eyes looked at the monster sage in front of her seriously.

"I just want to save my grandma, and I don't want to cause an accident. 35

Hakurei Reimu expressed her thoughts.


Yakumo Zi immediately reprimanded.

"The undead cannot be resurrected, this is the most basic rule. If you want to save that guy, you must be hostile to hell and affect the reincarnation of the six realms. Even if you are the witch of Hakure, hell will never allow you to do this kind of thing. This is bound to be an aberration that affects the worlds of life and death! 35

Regardless of the idea of ​​Hakurei Reimu, life and death are orderly, and for the region, this is absolutely inviolable truth.

If it was the former Reimu, when she heard these words, she would definitely be in a tangle immediately. After all, she is not the kind of person who would make the two worlds uneasy for her own personal affairs.

However, after hearing Yakumo Zi's words, Reimu now has a different opinion.

She tilted her head and said with a natural look on her face.

"If it is said that the hostile battle between me and hell will cause a mutation, then I only need to knock them down quickly, then it is not a mutation!

Indeed, instead of being hostile to him for a long time, he would beat them all down, and then get what he wanted.

This kind of thing really can't be called an aberration.

- This is a robbery!

In a sense, this approach doesn't actually disrupt Gensokyo's balance, but the only problem is—

"Kill hell over there?"

Yakumo Zi looked at the red and white witch in front of her with incredible eyes like a frog sitting in a well watching the sky.

"Are you dreaming? Whose territory do you think hell is?!

The Yokai Sage said in complete disbelief.

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