An Infinite Dimension Store

322 Head holding squatting defense and the sky curtain of the garden

On the card, it is described like this.

Card Type: Skill Class

Card Quality: Purple

Card description: Squat down and hold your head with both hands, like an ostrich pose. This is a conceptual defensive armament based on the principle of action based on the mentality of "I can't see the enemy, the enemy can't hit me".

Card Introduction: Head-holding squat defense

Evaluation: Convert the accumulated majesty into considerable defensive power, how majestic the momentum before using the skills, how powerful the resulting defensive power is, it is a double defense in physical and magic

"Isn't that nice?"

Lu Yu said with a smile.

"Combined skills, or dual defense in physical and magic, are exactly the precious skills you want! 'Twenty Two"

Hearing Lu Yu's teasing, Remilia puffed out her cheeks and said dissatisfiedly.

"I, Remilia Scarlet, wouldn't do things that detract from majesty! I repeat, even if I can't win, even if I die, I will never use such abilities!

Like the iron-boned King Jingze, Remilia made a solemn statement again.

"But, haven't you used it before?"

Lu Yu broke it down mercilessly.

When he came to the Scarlet Devil Mansion for the first time, Remilia had held his head and squatted to prevent it.

It's just that at that time, because of lack of skills, holding head and squatting defense was just a conditioned reflex action, and would not enhance defense.

But it's different now. Holding your head and squatting can increase your defense. For someone like Remilia who has this habit, isn't it even more powerful?

However, Remilia does not have the domineering feeling of a tiger with wings.

Instead, she blushed in shame.

"I-I didn't hold my head and squat to defend! It was just a conditioned reflex before. 35

"The matter of sucking and vampires, how can you say that you are holding your head and squatting to defend, that is called strategic defense..."

Then, there are some milky voices, which are incomprehensible explanations.

For a time, the Scarlet Devil Mansion was filled with cheerful laughter.

After joking, Remilia still secretly put away the card of [holding head and squatting in defense].

It seems that even vampires cannot escape the word "true fragrance".

Afterwards, Remilia quickly opened the latter two jars

As in most cases before, it's useless stuff.

Finally, came the last guaranteed bottom orange jar.

Remilia opened it carefully.

The card representing orange falls from the jar.

Lu Yu took the orange card and gave it an appraisal.

"It's actually an item from the world of Hakoniwa.

Lu Yu was a little surprised.

If he remembered correctly, the last item in the Hakoniwa world was the Leo Sun Sovereign.

And this time, the card that was opened was also an item.

Card Type: Item Class

Card Quality: Orange

Card description: This is part of the sky that covers the world of Little Garden, under which even nocturnal and light-dead vampires can bathe in sunlight

Card Introduction: A Corner of the Canopy

Evaluation: It is a very precious ability for vampires, but it should be noted that only the place where there is a canopy can bathe in sunlight. In addition, although the canopy itself is also very strong, it is still necessary to protect the canopy from being damaged.

"This is... an item that allows vampires to soak up the sun?! 35

Remilia exclaimed.

Not only was she surprised this time, but Fran and Paqiuli also came over in surprise.

"Brother Lu Yu, with this thing, can Fran go outside to play during the day?"

Flora asked expectantly.

Perhaps it was because they were not pure blood vampires, so sisters Flandre and Remilia were not unable to go out during the day, as long as they held umbrellas, they were fine.

Occasionally being exposed to the sun is just a little uncomfortable.

But no matter what, it's still uncomfortable.

Just as few people like to go out during a heavy rain, for Flandre and Remilia, almost every day is a "heavy rain" unpleasant weather. …

The warmth of the sun or something is more like a poisonous thing to them.

But now, there is actually something that can make them feel the warmth of the sun?!

For vampires, this is no longer a dream, but a category that they dare not even dream of.

"That's right. 39

Lu Yu nodded.

The vampires in the little garden are also the type that die when they see the light, but they can survive unharmed under the sky, so the effectiveness of the sky is beyond doubt.

"However, be careful that sunlight is harmless only in the area covered by the sky, don't have the illusion that sunlight is harmless everywhere!

Lu Yu reminded.

It is a fatal illusion for vampires to forget the dangers of sunlight because of the sky that covers their heads.

However, the influence in this respect is not too big for the sisters.

After all, they belonged to the type that wouldn't turn into ashes quickly even if they were shrouded in the sun.

Even if the sky is broken, it doesn't hurt.

But it is equivalent to the level of ordinary people walking on the street without an umbrella and suddenly it rains heavily and gets wet.

"Mmmm 3.1, Fran got it!""

The blond vampire girl nodded immediately, then looked at her sister who was holding the card.

"Sister, how big is this sky?"

she asked curiously.

If under the sky, vampires can enjoy the sunshine, then the scope of the sky is very important.

If it can only cover the size of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, it is meaningless.

Remilia clenched the card to check the specific information, and then showed a strange look.

"so big!"

she exclaimed.

"Better than Gensokyo... no, bigger than the entire Fuso!

As expected of a tool from Hakoniwa.

Even just a fragment is big enough to cover the entire fusang.

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