An Infinite Dimension Store

290 Meeting Ceremony

Lu Yu is not interested in the curious cultivation method of being a Buddha.

The reason why he cares about this black-clothed monk is because there is indeed a demon god in the forbidden world, and it seems that he has achieved instant Buddhahood with his own strength.

Although the power comparison between the demon god named "Sengzheng" and the black-clothed monk in front of him was separated by an insurmountable abyss.

The two seem to be completely incomparable.

But Lu Yu felt that the two were quite similar in some aspects.

That is, the body of Buddha, even in the practice of esoteric religion, is also a first-class evil way.

It is completely different from the Avesta canon that Lu Yu practiced.

If you look at it this way...

Lu Yu's expression was somewhat elusive.

"If the Immediate Buddha in the God Killer World is an evil path that has not attained the right fruit, then what about the Immediate Buddha in the Demon Forbidden World...

"What did you say?

The monk in black didn't hear Lu Yu's words clearly, and said with some doubts.

"Nothing, just remembering something."

Lu Yu smiled and said nothing more.

He originally thought that he had randomly selected a magic book, and then used this as a path to gradually break through to reach a higher realm.

But now it seems that only the one who has cultivated himself is the righteous fruit, and the other 200 demon gods seem to have deviated from this path.

That is, the monk who is a Buddha, the goddess who disintegrates the immortal... Except for Othinus, the personalities achieved by these demon gods are not true in their respective mythological systems.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Lu Yu shook his head, lost interest in the monk in black, and turned his eyes back to Susanoo.

"How, would you like to do me a little favor?"

He asked very gently, looking harmless to humans and animals.

However, Susanoo would not be fooled by appearances. He was a cunning military god. He first eliminated the opponent's vigilance and then took the opportunity to sneak attack.

"Suddenly visit my place and ask me if I can help, that's not a friendly attitude!"

Susanoo said in a strong tone.

"Royal husband!

The monk in black was startled, he didn't expect that his old friend would dare to be so hard on the godslayer.

However, Susanoo ignored the advice of the monk in black and looked at Lu Yu with burning eyes.

He is not the blunt type who has a tough temper and will fight to the death when insulted by others.

Although a god of war, he still has the attributes of a cultural hero who is good at tricks, and if begging for mercy could avoid fighting, he would have done so.

The reason why he was so blunt was to test the attitude of the Demon King in front of him.

If the Demon King in front of him had come with murderous intentions, then no matter whether his words were harsh or not, battles would inevitably occur, and it was useless to speak softly.

If the Demon King in front of him really had something to ask him, then he should be able to tolerate his verbal offense.

After all, after further investigation, Susanoo felt that this was just a natural reaction to being offended in his own private territory, and it should not be enough to make the godslayer furious.

Sure enough, the godslayer in front of him was not angry when he heard the hard words of the Susano boy.

Lu Yu nodded in agreement.

"You're right, I do look unfriendly. Well, this is our first official meeting, so how about giving you a greeting? 35

"Ahahaha! No need to spend money."

Seeing Lu Yu's gentle attitude, Susanoo breathed a sigh of relief.

God killers are all arrogant people. Since they don't care if they are contradicted, it may be that they really need help.

It seems that he did not come to kill himself.

There's something to talk about like that.

Just inside the wooden house, when the atmosphere began to ease.

Lu Yu shook his head gently.

"It's not expensive, after all, I haven't thought about what to give you.

The three of them were stunned when they heard this.

At this time, Lu Yu added faintly.


"Why not, how about sending you despair?

Suddenly feeling the approaching crisis, Susanoo's pupils instantly shrank!

He rolled around like a lazy donkey and rolled out of the spot in an extremely indecent but very effective posture.

At this time, the roaring wind howled, overturning the entire wooden house, and the position where Susanoo stood before was cut into a long, narrow and deep canyon by the invisible sword energy, extending from the wooden house to the foot of the mountain. The whole mountain was split in half.

"You're quite agile, it seems that long-term seclusion hasn't made you go backwards!

Lu Yu, who swung a sword casually, commented in a leisurely manner, as if the person who suddenly attacked just now was not him.

"After all, the old man is also a god of war, so he won't be killed by a single blow."

Susanono stared at the unremarkable weapon in Lu Yu's hand with lingering fears, his right hand had already touched the long sword at his waist, and he took out the divine sword Tiancongyun from the scabbard.

"However, before the official fight, you must tell me the reason!

Susanoo asked.

He didn't believe that Lu Yu would find him purely because of his power. Judging from the actions of the godslayer before, it was obvious that the other party's target was himself.


Lu Yu chuckled lightly.

"Who knows.""

Not really going to answer.

"Compared to this, I'd rather see you hold on to one more sword."

Saying that, Lu Yu flashed another mediocre sword light.

Although there is no power or spell bonus, it is also a slash that can split mountains and seas.

Susanoo originally wanted to use the defensive power that the "Hero God of Steel" has, and then took the opportunity to fight back.

However, Lu Yu added a chant at this time.

"In this declaration, the sword is above and the steel is below."

Suddenly, Susanoo felt a deadly sense of crisis, he immediately changed his strategy and retreated again.

But it was too late now.

The edge of the sword energy brushed past Susanoo's chest, like torn tissue paper, pierced through the protection of the steel body without hindrance, tore off his flesh and blood, leaving a deep wound that could be seen in the bone. .

"What?! 35

Obviously not the power of high temperature, but so easily broke through his body of steel, Susanoo was shocked in the pain.

What the hell kind of power is this?!

At the same time, there was a big question in his mind.

What the hell is this new king?!

How can there be a godslayer who can meet a god who hangs and fights!

Could it be that the outrageous report is true? The new king in front of him really killed a god of disobedience in just a few minutes?!

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