An Infinite Dimension Store

289 The Buddha who deviates from the right path

"Guarding safety? No problem!"

Liliana was then happy, her eyes were shining brightly, and the ponytail behind her head was swaying, like a very satisfied puppy.

Clearly confident in getting the job done.

As a paladin, apart from the godslayer and the god of disobedience, she doesn't think that there is no character she can't deal with in this world.

Erica noticed a problem from it, and she immediately asked.

"Let Lily be in charge of the security issues, won't you come with us, Mr. Lu Yu?"

If Lu Yu was with him the whole time, Liliana would never be in charge of safety.

So she judged that Lu Yu was preparing to leave temporarily.

"Erica, you are really sharp!"

Lu Yu exclaimed somewhat unexpectedly, then nodded.

"I did plan to leave for a while, to meet an old face first. But it shouldn't be long, I'll be back before the ceremony begins."5

"Old face?"

Erica was a little puzzled.

Lu Yu's experience is a very mysterious existence in the entire magic world.

No one found the information before he killed the gods, and no one knew where he went after he killed gods. Everything was shrouded in mystery.

The old face in his mouth made Erica very interested.

However, Lu Yu did not mean to say it, and Erica sensible did not ask questions, but took over the work of Saye Gongxin and began to command the subordinates of the official history compilation committee.

Lu Yu disappeared from the spot after saying hello to Hakurei Reimu.

Leaving this world, Lu Yu stepped into the world in one step.

He was planning to get rid of Susanoo in advance.

Although Susanoo may not be hostile to him himself, but if he really wants to make trouble in the ritual of summoning the gods, it will be troublesome.

[Pipeline God Killing Plan], the gods summoned are all Shinto gods.

That is to say, Lu Yu intends to pull down all the gods of the entire pantheon of Fusang mythology, and then beat them up, in order to obtain the power of the gods who are not obeying the entire pantheon.

Although this idea is good, one plan can obtain all the powers of the entire pantheon, big and small.

The only problem is that the gods must quit.

And although Susanoo said that he was out of the body of insubordination, he was still a genuine god belonging to the Fusang gods. No matter what, it was impossible to stand by and watch the gods of his gods being slaughtered.

If normal gods rely on the god of disobedience, even if they are dissatisfied, it will not cause much harm.

Reimu's own strength is not much weaker than that of the gods, and with Lu Yu harvesting by the side, there is no danger.

However, if there is a god of disobedience hiding in the dark, waiting for a sneak attack on Reimu at a critical moment, it may also interfere with the ceremony.

Although Lu Yu, who controls the time, will not let any sneak attack succeed.

But he doesn't like to deal with trouble passively, and prefers to take the initiative to attack, so he chooses to solve this hidden danger before the ceremony of summoning the gods starts.

"It's really dark 々...""

Lu Yu muttered.

The Netherworld is different from the normal world, in that the order of the spiritual body is higher than that of the material world, so the sense of space is different from the real world.

As long as you remember the coordinates, you can reach it instantly, even if it is thousands of miles away.

The assumption that light is the fastest has no meaning in this world.

As it happened, Lu Yu still remembered the coordinates when he met Susanoo before.

So, he took a step forward.


The footsteps landed, and Lu Yu's figure, spanning an infinite distance, appeared in a small wooden house.

In the wooden house, a black-clothed monk who looked like a mummy, a glass-eyed princess, and a white-bearded and white-haired warrior sat at a small wooden table and looked at this uninvited guest with amazement.

"Everyone, the breeze and the moon are so elegant!

Lu Yu didn't feel any uneasiness about breaking into other people's rooms, but instead greeted him generously.


The monk in black looked at the uninvited guest in front of him with a look of surprise.

"Is this a Chinese poem?

Princess Glasseye was not too flustered, but rather liked the words Lu Yu said casually.

The white-haired and white-bearded samurai Susanoo was the most responsive.

He directly stepped back a few steps and cautiously grasped the long sword at his waist.

"What is the purpose of the godslayer coming here?

he asked cautiously.

There is a wonderful connection between the godslayer and the god of disobedience, so the moment he saw Lu Yu, he realized that the man in front of him was a godslayer.

"I want to ask you for help with a little thing, it's not a big deal.

Lu Yu said with a smile, but instead of rushing to do it, he turned his attention to the other person.

What he was looking at was not the glass-eyed princess, but the black-clothed monk.

Lu Yu looked at the monk in black with interest.

The skin of the mummy is full of dry lines, but the spirit is vigorous, and the body and spirit are at the extremes of withered and prosperous.

Although the physical body looks decayed, in fact, the spiritual level has already touched the edge of the orange level. Although it has not reached the level of the Buddha in this world, it is not too far behind.

".々 Excuse me, what advice does Your Excellency God Killer have?"

Being scrutinized like this, although the black-clothed monk no longer had goosebumps on his body, he still couldn't get used to it, so he took the initiative to ask.

He thought that the god-killer in front of him was here to trouble Susanoo, but unexpectedly, he turned his attention to himself.

How unlucky!

"Instructions are not enough.

Lu Yu shook his head slightly, then asked directly.

"Have you become a Buddha after cultivation?"

The body-Buddha ritual, which is supposed to be the longest, most painful, and bloodiest of all rituals in Buddhism - mummification of oneself.

The point is voluntariness. Simply put, it can be said to starve oneself to death by means of one's own will.

"Yes, although the process was difficult, the ceremony was reluctantly completed.

The monk in black folded his hands together and said, there was no lack of contentment in his words.

Even in the long history, it is rare for him to become a Buddha in a human body and be able to stay away from death. It is indeed a proud achievement right.


"Incomplete evil Buddha... No wonder there is only a divine beast level.

Lu Yu exclaimed.

This scolding the bald man in front of the monk made the monk in black dare not speak out.

But he did know that he was going the wrong way.

If he truly achieves Buddhahood, he is naturally far more than the current level, but a god-Buddha level that can fight godslayers.

But now, although he is said to be a Buddha, his personality is on the same level as the goddess reincarnated by the Earth Mother God, or a divine beast.

Such a path is, of course, a deviation from the right path.

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