After the storm, the embarrassed goddess was let go by Lu Yu and fell to the ground.


"Thank you so much! 99

This is already quite powerful.

Lu Yu told the truth.

"It's okay to owe it temporarily, but I'm not in a hurry."

Why did Ishtar suddenly have an emotional outburst and run away?


Unbelievable tone with a slight trembling.

Because the standard for the description of the commission is not clear, the defeat is also considered to complete the commission.

The initiative to propose marriage has been rejected so many times, even if she is such a proud and self-willed goddess, she will feel suspicious of life!

He didn't think Ishtar would win from the start.


He wanted to get it all together, but even with Enkidu's remaining origin points, it wasn't enough to pay the commission.

That slightly strong crying gesture can really touch the heartstrings.

Young flashed a playful smile.

"Is that so? You prefer a well-behaved Loli type to a goddess who is arrogant, arrogant and unpleasant! So even if this goddess throws her arms around you, you won't like me, right? Good! I know it! Woah woah ah! Lu Yu you stupid liar perverted Loli control! I hate you the most! This goddess doesn't want to see you again! Woohoo~"

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However, the defeated Ishtar did not think so.

Siduri covered her mouth in surprise.

It can be seen that this Lord Lu Yu is at least a god-level figure.

"Huh? So soon? What about Ishtar?

For Lu Yu, this was an unexpected reward.

Young Shan folded his hands together, he knew that Lu Yu broke the rules for him, so he was really grateful.

Then without looking back, he stood on the Tianzhou Ma Anna, wiped his tears, and flew into the sky like a shooting star.

Then, before the banquet was over, You Shan said embarrassedly.

Tears and rain were intertwined on his face, and Ishtar, who was completely crying into a big face, wiped his eyes, so as to express his thoughts like a machine gun.

Lu Yu smiled.

It's just that the girl's mood, even the power of the gods, can't be predicted, so he really doesn't know why Ishtar suddenly broke out.

For the first time in her life, the unrequited taste fermented in her heart. Under the heavy rain that had not stopped, the goddess with blond ponytails lay on the ground like a defeated dog with blond ponytails, with tears in her ruby ​​red eyes. Gushing out, mixed with rainwater and rushing out.

"Big brother, regarding the initial commission, can the origin point owe it first?"

"In other words, you rejected Lord Ishtar's marriage proposal?"

Or, in fact, he has always been a keen type.

If he agrees to Ishtar's request, his brain will be flooded.

Lu Yu nodded.

Although it seems that making money from Ishtar seems to be a bit of a scumbag, but there is an advantage and not a bastard.

Although this goddess looked cute when she cried, but her usual arrogant attitude was really troublesome.

She knew that the honored guest invited by the king must have a distinguished status, but she did not expect that even the goddess Ishtar could defeat her.

"Didn't Lord Ishtar come back with you?"

"--I lost?"

And the level of trouble is no less than that of the goddess Aqua.

"No, she seems to have escaped back to the sky.

Nobody cares about it.

This made Siduri feel a little sorry for the gods she served.

However, if he did it all over again, Lu Yu did not regret his choice.

In fact, Lu Yu wasn't so slow that he couldn't see why Ishtar was angry.

I can only watch Lu Yu and silver-haired Loli interact intimately in front of him.

Not good! In his heart, it seems that a great interest has begun to awaken!

Nasal soreness and heartbeat.

There was really no other way, but he had the cheek to propose to delay it for a while.

Thinking about whether there are some or not, Lu Yu returned to Uruk with Humbaba after using his power to calm the flood and torrential rain.

Lu Yu, who doesn't understand girls' thoughts very well, was also a little stunned by this scene he had never seen before.

"After all, I have no reason to fail on purpose.

Human-shaped Humbaba is naturally inferior to the god Ishtar in terms of defense, so Lu Yu cares about Humbaba first, which is normal.

Young Shan picked up the still warm wine glass and asked Lu Yu suspiciously.

It seems that she has a better attitude towards her after that.

Lu Yu looked at the silver-haired Loli in his arms and checked it up and down.

The goddess of love, who finally knew the full taste of love, diligently widened her eyes, as pitiful as an abandoned puppy.

As the goddess of love, the Venus goddess, who has always been self-willed to pick out sweet and sour tastes, finally realized the sour taste contained in this priesthood.

It is a pity that the goddess Ishtar, who mastered love, did not pursue her own love.

The sour feelings that have never been seen hit the heart of the goddess.

For her, now is the most tragic moment in her life when she lost the battle and lost her life.


However, he can still roughly grasp Ishtar's mentality.

"Seeing that Goddess-sama can't accept her defeat at all!

Siduri also asked with concern.

Ishtar, who was crying like a mess, looks much cuter than usual?

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he also had the ability to beat Ishtar.

But then again.

"What, are you alright?"

Quietly, the blond goddess who was crying in a mess stood up straight with the last momentum, stubbornly looking at Lu Yu with a confused face.

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