An Infinite Dimension Store

247 days of the bull

"In order to completely convince you, I have been begging God for a long time to get this trump card!

When can the bull of the sky be called a "dire beast".

"Besides, it's just a mere beast, who do you think I am?"

Naturally, I also want to have my own "one seven three" children.

Ishtar said confidently in midair.

For Mesopotamia, these two rivers are equivalent to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in the Central Plains. They are the birthplace of life and the basic guarantee of agricultural water.

Although she is also a god, but if she is involved in the fall of the bull of the sky, she will be seriously injured even if she is not smashed into flesh.

The bull of the sky let out an angry roar, the golden horns on its head and the storms and thunderstorms entwined on its feet and feet gathered together, and then in the form of a torrent of wind and thunder, it met the bright sword light head-on.

For the gods, this sword light is too ferocious!

But now, just appearing, just condensing the appearance, the two rivers of life, there are signs of flooding.

Humbaba was stunned.

It tried to counteract this vicious blow with a powerful attack.

Lu Yu didn't mean to confuse Ishtar.

Judging from the current performance of the Heavenly Bull, if it is just delaying time, the strength is definitely enough.

The shadows on the top of the head are getting bigger and bigger.

Ishtar didn't give a shit, raised his right hand to the sky, and then shouted loudly.

3.1 "Ehhhh-?!"

The shock wave that came in advance has slapped Ishtar relentlessly on the ground.

In the breath, the majestic water vapor condensed into a torrential rain, which shrouded the entire Sumerian region.

Even if it fell from the sky, a storm that was far beyond imagination was rolled up.

"As expected of a trump card!

"Didn't I say, I will not lose.

The roar of the divine beast is more penetrating than that of thunderbolt, and the rolling up storm is more terrifying than a typhoon.

The waves of the Euphrates and Tigris began to roar.

The sword light cut through the tough skin, cut through the muscles, cut off the internal organs, and finally slashed straight to the spine.

The entire civilization will face the threat of flooding.

After all, Humbaba loves life very much.

"That idiot!

"If you admit defeat now, this goddess can let go of the past! But you must follow this goddess to go to heaven and get married!""

"Looking at how confident you are, you must have acquired something interesting, but I am interested in the trump card you speak of. 39

The silver sword that slays gods and demons draws a huge amount of magic power.

Even though the Bull of Heaven had already blocked it with all his strength, the sword light broke through the torrent in an instant and slashed at the Bull of Heaven.

Having said that, Lu Yu vaguely guessed what the trump card was in Ishtar's mouth.

The brilliance of gold appeared, and above the sky, storms and thunders gathered, and even the cumulonimbus clouds in the distance were attracted to the same place.

"I hereby declare that the sword is above and the divine beast is below!"


Lu Yu complained helplessly, asking Humbaba to abandon the idea of ​​​​the master, and then raised his head to look at Ishtar.

"Show me! The strongest trump card! The bull of the sky!""

"So, do you want to admit defeat?"

As expected of a hoof, it can block the existence of a large number of masters and servants.

However, what Sword Qi is best at is penetrating.

Ishtar felt the nature of this sword energy, and almost fell from the sky in fright.

It is the most powerful weapon that can declare the end of civilization!

With a flash of silver light, Lu Yu swung a sword against the huge bull in the sky.

He never imagined that his proud trump card, the Bull of Heaven, would be defeated in one move.

The blond goddess shines as well as the Venus overhead.

The whole field was blown away by the fall of the bull from the sky.

"Even if you are strong, Lu Yu, it is absolutely impossible to deal with the ace in my hand!

Seemingly unable to escape.

Lu Yu looked at the giant beast above his head and nodded in appreciation.

Seeing Ishtar's proud look, Lu Yu shook his head.

After dozens of seconds, the storm caused by the bull of the sky swept the position after their transfer.

Ishtar folded his arms and said proudly.

Just being there can turn a country into a swamp!

At the same time, a spell from the right seat of God was activated.

The majestic sword energy collided with the terrifying divine beast, the Bull of Heaven.

Priority mobilization, originally had the silver sword aura of special attack against gods, and then added a layer of special attack...

Storms, thunders, floods, dark clouds... all were swept in, and after swallowing them like a black hole, the brilliance of gold and the swallowed matter gradually formed a huge cattle above the sky.

"Don't be persuaded by such a trivial matter!"

Then, he was lifted by a hand and teleported to a dozen kilometers away in an instant.

Ishtar looked at the ace divine beast falling from his head in a panic, not knowing which direction to run.


This is the strongest divine beast that the gods in the sky cannot defeat!


The gigantic cattle had sharp horns that shone like gold, black and white, and looked like a muscular body, shrouded in blue lightning.

"Master's son?

The bull in the sky let out a huge roar of extreme pain, lost the control to continue to float in the air, and fell from the sky.


The dazzling sword light was like a crescent moon, and when it reached the sky, it had already expanded to several hundred meters in length.

Ishtar heard such a voice.

With the blessing of the double-layer buff, this sword qi has become a god-killing weapon that can slash the main god at will.

Clear blue pupils looked at Lu Yu.

As he spoke, the long sword in his hand shone with a silver sword light.

"When the time comes, you stealing cat should give up your position! The hostess by Lu Yu's side can only be me, and if you behave well, I can't allow you to get some heirs or something.

In the same way, if these two rivers start to flood during the flood season, it will be the biggest natural disaster for the two river basins.

Ishtar was stunned by Lu Yu's contemptuous tone.

No wonder in FGO: Absolute Warcraft Front, whether it is Gilgamesh or any other gods, they all think that the bull of the sky is fully capable of holding back Tiamat, the goddess of creation.

"Be amazed!

As if winning the ticket, Ishtar looked at Humbaba provocatively.

Although he was still staring blankly, Lu Yu always felt that he could see a little movement.


If left alone, a flood will soon form.

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