An Infinite Dimension Store

213 Explosion Magic

Regarding the coordinates of the Suqing world, Lu Yu is the data of the magic circle taken.

In the reincarnation magic circle, the reincarnators will be teleported to Axel City, the original town of novice adventurers.

So the end of the space gate is also in Axel.

After stepping out of the space door, Lu Yu and Aqua appeared on the grassland in front of Axel City.

It was obviously daytime, and on the unobstructed prairie, the two of them were covered by shadows for some reason.

Lu Yu and Aqua turned around, looked up, and saw the body of the huge shadow that enveloped them.

It was a huge frog.

It seems to be about three or four meters high, and like a building, it blocks the sunlight above the two of them.

"so big!"

It was the first time that Lu Yu had seen such a huge frog.

It seems that no matter what animal it is, as long as it is large enough, it looks very dangerous.

"This is a giant frog, a very common monster in Axel!"

As if she had done some homework before coming, Aqua looked at the huge frog in front of her without fear, and explained with her waist tucked in.

"Although they look huge, they hate metal, so ordinary adventurer 13 can easily deal with them as long as they are fully equipped. For this goddess, it is naturally very easy to deal with weak-"

Halfway through the commentary, Aqua was swallowed by the giant frog in front of her.

Only two legs were left exposed and not completely swallowed.

Who said just now that for the goddess, this is a weak chicken that is very easy to deal with?

With a sigh, although Aqua would definitely not be swallowed by the frog, Lu Yu couldn't help her.

No weapons required.

Lu Yu stepped forward and slapped the frog's stomach with a palm.

It was an extremely soft, seemingly forceless shot.

The huge belly of the frog did not sag much.

However, like a spring that has been toggled, the body of the giant frog is attached to its stomach, and it begins to vibrate at a frequency that is difficult to see with the naked eye.

after a few seconds.

"Crack!" sound.

Without warning, the huge frog fell to the ground and died on the spot.

If you look closely, you will find that the frog's internal organs and brain have been shattered by a strange force.

Lu Yu pulled Aqua from the mouth of the dead frog.

"Woooooo~...Thank you, Lu Yu, thank you! Woohooahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Sitting on the grass in the posture of a duck, Aqua wiped her tears with her sleeves and sobbed while thanking Lu Yu.

After all, she is a goddess, and naturally she cannot bear the blow of being preyed on by mere frogs.

To be honest, with Aqua's current strength, it is actually not difficult to deal with frogs.

Compared with her posture after being sealed with divine power in the original Fate, she is now much stronger in both magic power and physical fitness.

In Fang Cai's situation, it was purely because she was too careless, and did not expect that the monster would dare to attack her first and swallow her into her stomach.

Then, because the dignified goddess was actually preyed on by frogs, she was hit by the fact that she did not resist.

Otherwise, she would have no problem punching a frog.

Having said that, theory is theory and practice is practice.

The reality is that Aqua was indeed preyed on by frogs.

"Woooooo~ I am a dignified goddess who was harmed so badly by frogs. If my believers find out, their faith in me will definitely fall to the bottom. I must take revenge this time! 35

It seemed that the flame of revenge was ignited in her heart, and Aqua stood up, ready to find another giant frog, ready to defeat it to avenge Xue Hen.

Although Lu Yu felt in his heart that you are a goddess and a frog, but looking at Aqua's appearance seems to have some psychological shadows, it does not stop her.

"If you want revenge, there are still a lot of frogs around. 35

He pointed to not far away, five or six frogs seemed to sense the movement here, and jumped towards Lu Yu.

"Very good, as the object of revenge!

Aqua showed a strong fighting spirit towards these frogs.


A support magic was used on herself, which greatly improved her physical fitness.

Getting ready to charge those frogs.

Suddenly, she heard a childish voice not far away.

"Lost traveler, if you are suffering from the world-destroying monster in front of you, let me help you, destroy the evil, and bring hope to the world! 35

A slightly middle-of-the-road tone.

The speaker was a little girl who looked almost as young as Sister Misaka, maybe only thirteen or fourteen years old.

The little girl was wearing a magician's cape and a magician's exclusive hat. On her slender and straight legs, she was wearing black over-the-knee stockings and a red eye patch on her left eye.

Seeing that her speech attracted the attention of Lu Yu and Aqua, the little girl shook her cloak in satisfaction, then picked up her wand and chanted a spell.

"Relax! With me here, I will never let these abominable evil beasts harm your life!

"Darker than black, darker than darkness, here is my true red golden light!"

"The time of awakening has come, and the depraved principles of the absurd church will manifest as an invisible distortion!""

"Let's dance, let's dance, let's dance! My wish, the source of my strength, will collapse, unparalleled, and burn everything in heaven and earth to the ground, and come down from the abyss!

Huge magic power gathered in her magic wand, covering a huge magic circle with a radius of tens of meters, covering the sky.

"Explosion! 99

As the final mantra was spit out, the huge magic circle instantly lit up with dazzling light.


137 A huge roar sounded, and a huge explosion occurred in the area where the five or six frogs were located.

The aftermath of the explosion blew to Lu Yu's side hundreds of meters away, making people feel a scorching wind.

Needless to say, those frogs were all turned into pieces.

“Nice explosion!”

Lu Yu nodded and praised.

"Deliberately choose low-altitude explosions instead of explosions on the ground, because of the scattered footprint of the frogs, so I deliberately increase the coverage area of ​​the explosion center in this way! In addition, this method can also reduce the damage to the grassland. damage, preventing the soil from being cooked so that the plants cannot continue to grow."5

Before that, he was also a person who liked to throw nuclear fusion explosions at every turn, and had a deep understanding of explosions.

So at a glance, you can see the mind of the user hidden behind the explosion in front of you.

"Know, confidant!"

Hearing Lu Yu's compliment, the little girl dressed as a magician's red pupils lit up, and she cast a close look with the attitude of seeing a fellow man.


With a "smack", he turned his face down and fell to the ground.

"Sorry, can you give me a hand? After using my magic power once, I will lose my strength, and now I can't move."

The immobile little girl lay on the ground and made a request.

PS: The picture is Huihui.

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