An Infinite Dimension Store

212 Differential treatment

Eris' flustered gesture doesn't look cute either.

Especially the silver-white hair hits Lu Yu's strike zone.

To treat such a lovely goddess, of course, she can't be as rude as she treats Aqua.

Godslayer or something, will only scare Eris.

Therefore, Lu Yu showed a very friendly smile, said.

"Actually, I am an acquaintance that Aqua knows. If I insist, I can be regarded as a god from Otherworld. By the way, I am running a dimensional store. If you are interested, I hope you can come and take care of my business."

"The gods of the Otherworld?"

Eris was stunned for a moment. At this moment, Lu Yu showed the godhead corresponding to the power he held.

For the gods, this is a very familiar and recognizable breath.

"I see! It's my rudeness!"

"One, three, three," Eris immediately bowed down and apologized embarrassedly.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of her was actually a god from the Otherworld. She thought it was Aqua-senpai who secretly violated the rules again.

See the harmonious atmosphere between Lu Yu and Eris.

Aqua raised her eyebrows and inserted herself in extremely dissatisfied.

"Why! Why do you treat me so rudely and frighten me, and treat Eris so gently!"

Aqua is very dissatisfied with Lu Yu's discriminatory treatment.

"Eris and I are both goddesses, regardless of qualifications or appearance, my goddess Aqua is stronger! So it's not good to treat me differently! Treat me with more respect in the future! Be gentler a little!

With the attitude of Sapo rolling, Aqua asked Lu Yu to be more gentle to her.

"Wait! 39

Hearing Aqua's words, Eris first blushed shyly, and then argued for it.

"In terms of qualifications, Aqua-senpai is relatively strong, but in terms of appearance, it is not necessarily better than me! 35

Although she is a god, she is also a woman, and her appearance cannot be compromised.

Even with the gentle nature of Eris, he didn't want to be considered as beautiful as Aqua.

Hearing Eris' argument, Aqua puffed out her chest, then glanced at Eris' chest with a sneer.

"Eris, who only uses chest pads, dares to compare with the perfect figure of my water goddess, Aqua!

Halfway through speaking, the embarrassed Eris pounced on him and covered his mouth.

"Aqua-senpai! What are you saying in front of men!"

Her face was hot like a soldering iron.

This is Eris' secret.

Although she is a goddess, her physical posture cannot be changed. She is not at the level of a cliff, but she is indeed small in size.

So usually, we will put on a mat to cover up this fact.

Unexpectedly, it was revealed by Aqua directly.

This made the goddess Eris very ashamed.

"What can't be said, this kind of thing is not a secret."

Although they are both goddesses, their physical fitness looks similar, but Aqua, who is good at supporting magic, can improve her physical fitness in a short time, so she quickly breaks free from Eris' shackles.

And with a carefree attitude, he uttered words that made Eris' eyebrows tremble.

"Senior Aqua..."

The tone became low and trembling.

Eris stared at Aqua seriously.

"You said just now that it's not a secret, what's the matter?"

With an attitude of not being allowed to get away with it, Eris firmly grabbed Aqua's arm and asked questions.

"Huh? It's not a secret!""

Aqua didn't feel that the atmosphere had changed at all, and her tone was still casual.

"Since I found out that Eris was propped up on the chest pad, I immediately told my believers about it, and then let them spread the news everywhere, so that those believers who were confused by you would return to me, Aqua Embrace!"5

It's so disgusting!

The key is that the smudge is not aware of it, and has no intention of concealing it.


Eris was stunned.

"Everyone knows now?"

"Not everyone knows it. Although my lovely believers have made this into a flyer, I don't know why there are not many people who believe. 39

Aqua looks depressed, not sure why this kind of truth is not trusted by others...

"And made a flyer?!

Eris rushed towards Aqua with tears in her eyes.

"Senior Aqua! What have you done?!"

"It's nothing, it's just my daily life... It hurts! It hurts! Eris let go, I don't remember a child who taught you such violence!"

Overwhelmed by Eris' momentum, Aqua was temporarily passive.

She couldn't help asking Lu Yu for help.

"Manager! Come and help, this kid is crazy, come and help me!"

"...This is probably the retribution for your evil deeds, forgive me for not being able to help.

Lu Yu shook his head and decisively refused Aqua's request.

No matter how you look at it, the poor side is Eris.

It seems that after hearing Lu Yu's words, he realized that there is still the opposite sex here.

Eris hesitated or gave up revenge and got up from Aqua.

Then, the silver-haired petite goddess looked at Lu Yu silently and tearfully with eyes weak like a small animal.

Lu Yu understood immediately.

"Relax, I didn't hear anything, I didn't see anything.

He said sympathetically.

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Eris let out a sigh of relief and bowed gratefully to Lu Yu.

It seems that because of exposing his privacy in front of strangers, Eris is reluctant to stay in 3.1 for a long time.

"Senior Aqua, these are the jobs you returned to me. They've already been done, and they're here. I'll leave first."

She put the document in her hand on the table.

Then turned to Lu Yu and said goodbye politely.

"Mr. Lu Yu and Senior Aqua have a slow chat. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

After saluting again, Eris ran away as if he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"That boy of Eris is strange!""

Aqua looked at her back and sighed as if she didn't understand Eris' psychology.

"Just be yourself!"

Lu Yu glanced at the goddess speechlessly, and opened a space door directly in front of her.

"Just as she's gone, let's go too!

The two stepped into the space door one after the other and left the heaven.

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