"Is there anything I can help?"

Hakurei Reimeng asked curiously.

In her eyes, there shouldn't be anything that is difficult for a tyrant like Lu Yu.

In terms of strength, he should be much stronger than himself, but he really couldn't find the elements that he had to help himself.

"Well, there is one thing that you should be able to do among the people you know.

Lu Yu nodded, recalled the information about Gensokyo, and said.

"But you may not have this ability yet..."

"Huh? What is it?

Hakurei Reimu blinked, confused.

The bow at the back of the head also flickered, very confused.

"I mean the ability to be a witch. 35

Lu Yu didn't give a shit and said directly.

"When you think of witches, what do you usually think of?"


Hakurei Reimu tilted her head.

She has been a witch since she was a child, and when she was suddenly asked this question, she felt that she "doesn't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because she is in this mountain".

However, she is not a tangled and delicate character. After thinking about it, the conditioned reflex in her mind recalled iconic things.

"107 Stuff the cash box?

she guessed.

"...It's a god!"

Lu Yu silently looked at Reimu, who was full of money.

"Miko or something, isn't it the existence of contacts and gods from the very beginning?!

Hear this.

Reimu was stunned.

He made a fist with his right hand and tapped lightly on the palm of his fair left hand.

"Oh I got it!

As if you were right.

"There are no gods in Hakurei Shrine, so I forgot!"

Said something that made people complain.

However, Lu Yu also learned that there are really no gods in Hakurei Shrine.

Put this aside for now.

"When it comes to gods and witches, one has to think of the descending ceremony performed by the witches!

Lu Yu continued to advance the topic.

"That is to say, qualified witches have the ability to make gods descend! 99

"Oh! 35

It was the first time that Hakurei Reimeng heard such a thing, and she nodded her head in confusion.

"In your world, there is a witch named Mianyue Yiji on the moon. She has the ability to rely on gods and can summon and use the power of eight million gods at will."

Lu Yu introduced.

"And you, as a priestess of Hakurei Shrine, also have this qualification!""

In "Eastern Dreams of the Moon", Mianyue Yiji relies on the power of the eight million gods, and it is considered that even if a person faces Remilia, Izayoi Sakuya, Hakurei Reimu, The combination of Kiriyu Marisa also has an overwhelming chance of winning.

But the aptitude of the imperial envoy was not unique to her.

Hakurei Reimu also possesses this ability, although she has not been trained yet, she has not mastered it yet.

"Oh~ this is the first time I've heard of..."

It was clearly his own business, but it was the first time that Hakurei Reimu knew about it.

It turns out that witches have this kind of power!

"All I need is this power.

Lu Yu said frankly.

"There is a setting in Otherworld that killing gods can get power, killing gods is not difficult for me, but gods who don't follow rarely come, and every time I go, I can only solve a few things that don't follow. God, the efficiency is a bit low.

"If I can get the help of a qualified witch, I can solve this problem. Then I can keep summoning gods like an assembly line, and then solve them like an assembly line, and the efficiency can be improved a lot!"

This is something Lu Yu was thinking about when he took out Mekal and Welleslana earlier.

Killing two gods at one time, (bddb) is too slow.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if it could be solved in batches?

Hakurei Reimu, on the other hand, has the power to lead the arrival of eight million Shinto gods.

Although the eight million gods are virtual, as long as they want to express the theory of animism.

But there are actually quite a few gods with names and surnames in the country of Fusang, at least more than a hundred.

The abilities and origin points that can be obtained by the gods of an entire god system are not a small number.

"Well, I see.

Hakurei Reimu nodded.

She was already extremely smart, Lu Yu explained it so clearly, she naturally knew Lu Yu's plan.

Killing gods is disrespectful to ordinary witches.

But for Hakurei Reimu, who doesn't have much respect for the gods, it is a matter of indifference, and she has never worshipped the gods anyway.

So, psychological barriers, she is not.

The problem lies in another point.

"But, I haven't learned the skill of summoning the gods!"

Reimu looked at Lu Yu with wide eyes.

"For you, it shouldn't be difficult to learn, the monster sage should know how to train.

Lu Yu said, recalling the information mentioned in the original work.

"Training... I feel so tired!"

Hearing that it was so troublesome to train, Hakurei Reimeng immediately lost her energy and slumped down on the table.

She is a highly talented witch, perhaps the most talented one among the Hakurei Shrines of all dynasties.

But at the same time, she is also the laziest one, and has basically not practiced well.

Although because of her super talent, she is still extremely powerful.

However, laziness has not changed.

for this.

Lu Yu had expected it.

He never thought about being tough.

As a black-hearted boss, mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees is as natural as eating and drinking.

"Of course I know that training will be tiring for Reimu."

Lu Yu said intimately.

"I originally thought that if you promised to help Reimu, I would give you a golden mountain, so let's forget it!

He shook his head and sighed.

"and many more--!"

Hearing the previous words, Hakurei Reimu felt a little guilty.

Obviously promised to help, but it is too troublesome, it is not very good.

After hearing the latter words, her eyes lit up and she ran to Lu Yu, holding Lu Yu's hand in both hands.

Said with excitement.

"My favorite thing about Reimu Hakurei is helping my friends! I never care if I'm tired! 35

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