An Infinite Dimension Store

179 There are many routines in the city

The defeat of the Pope caused a huge shock to the Roman Orthodox Church.

However, under the strong pressure of the right seat of God, the fire on the right imprisoned the Pope with absolute strength and became the ruler of the Roman Orthodox Church.

The changes in the Roman Orthodox Church quickly spread to occult organizations all over the world.

However, it was intimidated by the huge size of the Roman Orthodox Church.

No one dared to do anything.

In Academy City, which belongs to the science side, this incident did not cause any disturbance at all.

after all……

In this city, there is not even the concept of magic test.

In Academy City, in the main store of the Dimension Store.

The space door lit slightly.

A man dressed in a red and white witch costume appeared from the space door.

With a clear and lively face, coupled with a slender and thin body, it looks as pure and beautiful as a dream.

It's Hakurei Reimu.

She had a happy smile on her face.

When he saw Lu Yu, he was as happy as a red and white butterfly, and jumped up directly.

"My long-lost father! Your daughter, Lu Lingmeng, has finally found you!

Then he made a rude remark.

Obviously, Lu Yu's local tyrant style is obsessed, and he is still thinking about his family property.

"A thief will never die!"

Lu Yu tapped Reimu on the head, letting the unscrupulous witch let go.

"If you want to be my daughter, at least find me a wife first?

He said so.


Hakurei Reimu blinked.

"I heard that a husband and wife can divide half of the family property by divorce, what do you think of me?

As she said that, she turned in a circle, limp like a butterfly.


Lu Yu had a question mark on his face.

"Wife and daughter, which do you want to be? 35

"Can't the two be together?"

Reimu said with an innocent face.

"I heard old lady Zi say that outsiders can share the family property with his wife and daughter. If they are both together, wouldn't they be able to share double the family property?"

Wouldn't that be double the joy?

"No no no, if the two are together, I will be sent to the game first."5

Lu Yu shook his head and criticized Reimu's idea.

"Wouldn't that be better--bah-bah! I mean what a pity!"

Reimu's eyes lit up, and she almost slipped her tongue.

"Okay, don't make trouble. 35

Compared with the degree of lack of discipline, the ability of the two people is equal.

Therefore, Lu Yu felt that there was no need to continue the contest.

He glanced at the silent space door and asked curiously:

"Why are you alone, Marisa and Suika?

Obviously the three of them went together, so why did Reimu come back alone?

"They are still playing in the sky, and I plan to move the gold back to Hakurei Shrine first!

Bo Li Lingmeng happily raised the membership card in her hand.

Which absorbed at least dozens of tons of gold.

"The Golden Land of the Sky Island, you really found it!

Lu Yu was not surprised.

After all, Reimu Marisa can fly.

"Mmmm! What a big golden mountain!

Reimu opened her arms and drew a circle, trying her best to show how big it was.

"It's all gold!"

Speaking of this, Reimu happily rubbed the gold membership card on her face while singing a song with a different key.

"Gold~Gold~Gold~My Favorite Gold!""

Is there something wrong with being a witch so greedy for money?

"Cough cough!"

Lu Yu cleared his throat and suddenly remembered something.

"I suddenly remembered, did a certain red and white witch said - if I find Jinshan, I will give you half of it?""

He stared at Reimu silently.

"Eh—! 35

Hearing this, Reimu was startled and remembered what she had said before.

The whole person turned pale.

"Manager, do you have a time machine here?"

Reimu asked tremblingly.

"What do you want?

Lu Yu asked knowingly.

"I want to travel back and strangle myself for talking nonsense!

Hakurei Reimu said with a sad face.

How did she know that she was so poor that she could actually find Jinshan!

" you!

Excited heart, trembling hands, Reimu handed the membership card to Lu Yu extremely reluctantly.

Although greedy for money, Reimu is also a good boy who will not break his promises, and what he says still counts.

Therefore, even if she is extremely reluctant, she is still willing to fulfill her promise.

"You let go!"

Lu Yu looked at Reimu speechlessly.

Her hand held the card holding the gold tightly, not letting go at all.

"These children are entrusted to you!"

Finally, a few minutes later, Hakurei Reimu was cruel and pushed the membership card to Lu Yu.

There were tears in the corners of his eyes, like Tuo Gu.

Lu Yu took the card.

- Isn't it just some gold, what about you?

He was speechless.

However, he did not really take half of the gold as Ling dreamed.

Instead, the card was returned to her.

".々 Forget it, don't make fun of you, gold is useless to me.


Reimu quickly retracted the card and stuffed it into the cloth strip on his chest with lightning speed.

Then he put his hands together and bowed devoutly to Lu Yu.

"You are such a good man!"

Her eyes were shining brightly, and she was very grateful to Lu Yu who didn't take away half of her gold.

"...the good person card is unnecessary! 35

Lu Yu waved his hand with some toothache, and then said.

"However, there is something I really want your help with!""

This is his routine.

He is not interested in gold by himself (by Zhao).

Taking away half of Hakurei Reimu's gold with words is only part of the tactics.

If it is said that Reimu's favorability to Lu Yu was originally 50.

In words, let her hand over half of the gold, and the favorability will drop to 40.

This is human instinct, even if Reimu's three views are very upright, he still thinks it is right to fulfill his promise, and he cannot avoid a certain degree of decline in favorability.

However, after Lu Yu proposed not to deprive the half of the gold.

For Reimu, this is not the return of the property to the original owner, but the equivalent of a windfall from the sky.

The source of windfall is Lu Yu.

Immediately, her affection for Lu Yu soared to 70.

Hearing Lu Yu say that he needs help with a little thing, he immediately patted his chest.

"No problem! Wrap it on me!"

Hakurei Reimu said happily.

As long as gold is ok, everything can be said!

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