An Infinite Dimension Store

164 Kusanagi Godou Can't Appear

Tony, who has been blocked by the sword, is like a husky locked in a cage, and has lost his threat.

Lu Yu looked at Tony who was trying to draw his sword with a smile on his face.

He said without mercy:

"Just draw your sword here for a day! 35

Abandoning these words, he left with Liliana.

"Wait! Best friend!"

Tony wanted to catch up with Lu Yu.

However, there is no point in catching up with Lu Yu in time if the sword cannot be drawn.

Therefore, he did not give up, and was still trying to see if other powers could interfere with this power.

At this moment, Erica followed.

"Your Majesty Lu Yu, can you allow me to walk next to you?

she asked generously.

"Huh? Erica, didn't you come with the King of Swords?"

Liliana is a little weird.

"No, Lily, you are wrong! I came to investigate Sardinia to investigate the God of Rebellion, but I just happened to meet the King of Swords just now!"

Erica explained immediately.

"That lord is someone who will do terrible things if he doesn't care, that's why I walked with him just now. I'm like Lily. Although the magic association's allegiance is to the King of Swords, I myself haven't sworn allegiance. Where is a certain lord!""

Intentionally or not, Erica explained her position.

"Oh! 99

Simple Liliana didn't think too much.

"Hmm. 35

Lu Yu didn't mean to refuse, but didn't show much welcome, just nodded.

"Thank you Your Majesty for your generosity!""

Erica immediately bowed her head in thanks.

He was a little disappointed in his heart, he was clearly a flower in Milan, and he used to be a genius knight on the same level as Liliana.

But looking at Lu Yu's attitude, when he treats Liliana so gently, he treats himself with a bit of truth.

This made Erica a little bit shocked.

"Have the people on the island been evacuated.||?"

Walking on the road, Lu Yu asked.

"Yes, the local magic society has moved all the residents of Sardinia out for temporary shelter because of the earthquake.

Erica replied immediately.

Compared to pure Liliana, Erica is a diplomatic and managerial talent, so she knows better than Liliana about the transfer of magic associations.

"Migrate all?"

Lu Yu was a little surprised.

"It's a big project. 35

The people here are not as organized as the East. It is extremely difficult to persuade people from an island to relocate.

Generally speaking, even if there is a god of disobedience, the local magic association can only reduce the losses as much as possible, and those who are unwilling to leave can only face death themselves.

Freedom or death, a good choice.

"If it were a god of disobedience, the Magic Society wouldn't have made such a big decision.

Erica smiled wryly.

"But Lily found out that there are two gods of disobedience here, and the god king Mekal is planning to scuttle the island, so in this case, he has to move anyway.

Not to mention that the King of Swords went to Sardinia.

Three god-level beings gathered on an island, and no matter where they were, there was a big "dangerous" word.


It seems to be thinking of something.

Erica took out a quaint slate from the package she was carrying.

"During the migration plan, the subordinate magic guild intercepted a divine tool from an ordinary Japanese high school student. It was a Prometheus slate, and it seemed that the power of the gods was sealed inside."

"I don't know the specific content, I originally planned to ask Lily to let her try Spirit Vision to see if she could get the result.

"Your Majesty, is this divine tool useful for you to kill gods?"

Without hesitation, she handed the slate in her hand to Lu Yu.

"Japanese high school student?"

Lu Yu asked with some concern.

Isn't the Japanese high school student holding the secret of Prometheus the godslayer Kusanagi Godou in the original book?

How come the protagonist hasn't appeared yet, and the first plug-in is gone?!

"Yes, what's the problem?

Seeing Lu Yu's concern, Erica couldn't help but ask:

"My subordinate's Magic Society just reported and handed the slate to me. I don't know the specific information yet. If Your Majesty needs it, I will immediately notify them to find out all the information about the student who is carrying the divine tool!

"That's not necessary."

Lu Yu waved his hand, he had no interest in Kusanagi Godou.

Even among all the godslayers, he is the one with the most crotch, and there is no need to get acquainted.

It's just that he always thought that Kusanagi Godou's god-killing was Susanoo's conspiracy.

Now it seems that even if it is a conspiracy, Susanoo's hand can't reach here, everything can only depend on Kusanagi Godou's luck.

Obviously, he was not lucky.

Driven away by the Magic Society migration, and lost the Prometheus Slate.

Kusanagi Godou also lost the chance to face the God of Disobedience this time, and it is very likely and the only chance.

"..The Secret of Prometheus, the slate records the deeds of stealing flames for human beings, this divine tool also has the power to steal divine power.

Lu Yu took the slate that Susanoo and Susanoo had seen in Netherworld and carefully observed it.

The divine tool is indeed sealed with the power of the gods, which is very familiar to Lu Yu.

The [Eternal Burning Day] power in his body is resonating with the divine power sealed in the Prometheus slate.

"The white horse of Veleslana... this guy has lost the power of the sun too.

Lu Yu recognized the power in the slate.

The power of the [Eternal Burning Day] that he usurped came from Perseus, but the source of the power was not Perseus, but another vest of his (King Hao) - the sun and the contract of Zoroastrianism God Mithra.

And Veleslana, in Zoroastrianism, is the protector of the law, the guardian of Mithras, the guardian of the sun.

Therefore, the white horse in the ten incarnations of Veleslana, which symbolizes the power of the sun, is the power bestowed upon him by Mithra.

"What a shame!"

Lu Yu commented on the man.

Although he knew that in the original book, the ten incarnations of Veleslana were smashed by the god King Mekal and scattered all over the place.

But seeing with his own eyes, as the guardian warrior of the sun, he lost the power of the sun, which made Lu Yu, a person who practiced the Zoroastrian scripture "Avista", feel ashamed.

"Am I right?

Lu Yu turned his head and cast his eyes on the boy who appeared in front of several people at some unknown time.

"Welles Laner!"

Liliana read out the name of the god who refused to obey in front of her as if facing a great enemy.

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