An Infinite Dimension Store

163 Light Punishment

"However, what you said makes sense, if Tony used that trick, maybe Lily would really be seriously injured.

Lu Yu thought about it and said.

The anti-human magic sword, Yanhui, is a deadly sword that "simultaneously" cuts through the opposing opponent from the approaching blades from three sides and takes the head straight.

One flash from the real world, and then two flashes overlapped completely at the same time, ignoring the concept of time and space, resulting in a slash from three directions. It was a multidimensional twisting phenomenon that transcended the elements of speed, sophistication, and false attack.

Although it is different from Gungnir's way, it is an unavoidable blow in another sense.

Under such an unavoidable secret sword, Liliana's agility was of no use.

So Lu Yu read out the spirit of words.

"The sword is down, and the body is up.

This is provided by the Pope of Rome, the spell of the left side of the right seat of God, the execution of light.

It is a technique that changes the order of all things, and resets the upper and lower ranks.

After changing the order through this ability, as long as God is placed under man, even an ordinary person can have the ability to hurt God.

What Lu Yu changed was the order of the sword and body.

Therefore, after the upper and lower positions are reversed, no matter how the sword attacks, it cannot hurt the body.

The two fighting, naturally, did not notice the spirit of Lu Yu's words.

Only Erica heard it, Lu Yu seemed to use some kind of ability, but did not understand the specific effect.


The battle between Liliana and the King of Swords continues.

The violent rain of rapiers gradually softened, but it was not that Liliana was exhausted.

Instead, her eyesight and accuracy have improved, and she no longer needs a violent thrust, and can also accurately receive the attack of the King of Swords.

In other words, her swordsmanship is gradually improving.

Tony also felt Liliana's progress.

"Looks like you can't beat you any time soon in the usual way!

Although Tony was still at ease, he also realized that if he continued, he would not be able to defeat the opponent quickly.

"Although I don't want to use it on you, in order to challenge my best friend, I have no other better way.

Speaking of which, he showed a fierce smile.

"Don't worry, I'll cut it with the back of the knife!

He clearly holds a double-edged sword, but he speaks nonsense willfully.

After taking a step back, with swords in both hands, he charged towards Liliana in a dangerous posture.

Three cold lights appeared at the same time.

Secret Sword · Yan Return!

It was clearly a sword, but it swung three attacks at the same time.


It was the first time that Liliana saw such a magic sword, and Liliana was too late to defend.

The retreat space was also shrouded in sword light, and it was inevitable for a while.

"Ding! 35

Although there is no knife back, Tony still chose the non-lethal part.

Although the sword did not use power, it was still extremely sharp.


The moment the blade touched Liliana, there was only a crisp sound like hitting the tip of a knife.

Liliana was bounced off by the power of the magic sword, but there was no scar on her body at all.

Not a trace of blood flowed.

Lu Yu caught Liliana who was bounced off in a princess hug.

Then he looked at the King of Swords Tony with a little trouble.

"It seems that Lily alone is not enough to make you retreat. 35

"Sorry, my lord, for disappointing you!"

Liliana blushed and apologized, her heart skipping a beat.

"Hahahaha! Of course, although this guy is quite powerful, but if you want to beat me with a knight, do you underestimate me too much?

Tony looked completely unaware that he was being rejected, and was still eager to try.

I want to feel ashamed to Lu Yu.

"By the way, what was the power you used just now, why did my sword fail?"

Thinking of what happened just now, his sword did not cause any damage at all, and Tony couldn't help but asked curiously.

"The magic formula I learned recently..."

Lu Yu said casually, suddenly thought of something, and showed a thoughtful smile.

"Are you thinking of something bad?"

Tony jumped up with a chill, and looked at Lu Yu with vigilance.


Lu Yu showed a malicious smile: "I just want you to be calm, you idiot."

Under Tony's vigilant eyes.

Lu Yu mobilized his magic power and recited the spirit of words again.

"Before lifted. After: the sword is down, the air is up.

The torture technique of the place of light can only target one object at a time, and can only mobilize the priority relationship between two things.

If the second spell is used, the previous adjustment will be invalid.

However, the so-called limitations of the technique are actually caused by the lack of the magician's own qualifications.

After analyzing the torture technique of light, Lu Yu decomposed it and reconstituted it, making it his own technique.

At the same time, the shortcomings of the technique have also been changed.

Therefore, the technique he uses can not only make multiple sequences take effect at the same time, but also arbitrarily cancel and disrupt the order among the 6.3 million things.

At this point, only the last sequence takes effect.

The sword is down, the air is up.

Tony felt that something was wrong, although with his brain, he couldn't analyze the effect of the technique at all.

But he could understand people's words anyway, and knew that Lu Yu must have manipulated his sword.

So he tried to swing the long sword in his hand.


"You can't move?"

He found that the long sword in his hand seemed to be still, completely unable to swing.

Even if you let go, the sword will not fall to the ground, but will remain in mid-air without any change.

How can he fight without weapons?

"Swear here. I don't allow anything that I can't cut. And this sword is an invincible blade that can cut and cut through everything on the ground!"

Tony recited the spirit of words and activated the [Tearing Silver Hand] power.

He tried to turn a branch or something into a magic sword.


In the state of a branch, he can move at will.

Once it turned into a silver magic sword, it was fixed in the air just like the long sword before.

Completely unable to move.

For someone like him who is only good at a single weapon, the torture technique of light is simply a natural enemy.

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