American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 469: A blessed land where the Eastern Dragon exists

Without any nonsense, everyone immediately came to Qin's room.

But at this moment, Qin was lying on the bed feeling very frustrated and remorseful. Her overall condition didn't look very good.

"Rorschach, Charles, I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself."

After seeing everyone come in, Qin immediately sat up from the bed and apologized to everyone with shame.

"Jin, no one blames you, and you didn't do any harm."

Charles immediately comforted Jean gently.

"Qin, you don't have to blame yourself too much. According to my guess, there is a high possibility that you were tricked by someone else."

At this time, Luo Xia said to Qin with a serious face.

"Don't comfort me. I'm not a child and I don't need your guidance."

Jean shook her head at Rorschach and Charles.

"You misunderstood Qin, I'm not trying to comfort you."

Rorschach smiled, pulled up a chair and sat down next to Qin's bed, "Tell me about the sound you heard, and tell me about Tarot."

"Charles told you, right?"

Qin glanced at Charles aside, who nodded to her, and then Qin began to organize her thoughts.

Then he spoke to Luo Xia.

"Almost three years ago, a voice suddenly appeared in my head."

"One, it's like the voice from the bottom of my heart appears."

"The voice kept telling me to go to a place called Tarot."

“Only by going there can I really solve my problems.”

"Otherwise, I will one day completely lose control and destroy everything."

"Rorschach, this is not an illusion, but some kind of induction. I know it is like this. I know that one day I will destroy everything."

Qin Yue said Ju Yue was depressed.

Even now, Qin is so old, but she still knows nothing about the terrifying power in her body.

Also terrified.

"Is there anything else besides that voice?"

Rorschach thought for a moment, then stared at Qin again and asked.

"I only heard that sound before and could see a vague place, but that place was shrouded in a layer of fog and I couldn't see clearly."

"But just now, I tried my best and finally captured one or two scenes."

"It is a very beautiful place with mountains and water. That place must be related to the power in my body."

"Rorschach, Charles, since you are here, I just want to tell you that I have decided to look for Tarot."

"Don't worry yet." Luo Xia waved his hand and made another request, "Qin, can you draw the fragments of the picture you saw?"


Seeing Rorschach's serious expression, Qin naturally had nothing to say.


Paper and pen were brought.

Qin was in good condition at the moment, and she immediately started writing her "masterpiece" with a pen.

Luo Xia took one look and knew immediately.

It’s that Tarot!

Although Qin is not a professional painter, the paintings he draws are somewhat biased.

But Rorschach still recognized it at a glance. It was Tarot.

After all, the seal on the mountain in Tarone is still very recognizable.

“Sure enough, this is the place!”

Rorschach nodded.

Qin Li on the side immediately focused his eyes, staring at Luo Xia: "Luo Xia, what do you mean? Do you know where this is?"

Several core members such as Charles and Eric also looked over, with a touch of excitement and joy on their faces.

Now that Rorschach knows this place, then Qin's problem can be solved, right?

This is a big problem that gives everyone an extremely headache.

"That's right, Qin, I know this place, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that your rampage is not the reason for you."

Facing the gazes of several key mutants, Rorschach had nothing to say nonsense and told everyone everything he knew about the Tarot.

Soul-eating beast?

Hidden tribe?

Protected by a divine dragon?

All of this made everyone stunned, as if they were listening to some wonderful story.

But since the words came from Luo Xia's mouth, even if they were a little bizarre, everyone still believed them.

"In other words, as long as that soul-eating beast is eliminated, Qin's problem will be completely solved, right?"

Eric snorted coldly, "Then let's go kill that ghost!"

"That's natural."

Rorschach nodded without hesitation.

Although even if he didn't kill the soul-eating beast, Shang-Chi would probably kill it in the end.

But before that, we can't just watch the Soul-Eating Beast bring trouble to Qin like this, right?

With luck this time, Rorschach was in Krakow and used the Infinity Stones to control Jean in time, but what about next time?

This kind of thing can never happen again!

Since the Soul Eater attacked Qin and seriously threatened Krako, it was natural for Thunder to get rid of him.

There's nothing much to say about this.

"Qin, rest in peace."

After saying hello to Qin, Rorschach walked out of the other party's room.

The next thing happened naturally, and Clark immediately began to investigate Tarot.

The same goes for Rorschach himself, who uses his super perception to try to find the location of the Tarot.

But Tarot is not an ordinary place after all.

It was a place guarded by a divine dragon and filled with extraordinary power!

There are even large formations around them that only appear in Xianxia novels.

Neither Krako nor Rorschach found any useful clues.

"We found nothing. This place is really extraordinary!"

Eric couldn't help but sigh.

Charles has used brainwave intensifiers to investigate several times, but he didn't get any useful clues at all!

I have to say that this kind of thing was completely beyond Charles' expectation.

It also proves that Tarot is not simple.

"In that case..."

After Luo Xia pondered for a while, he made another decision, "Then we can only go to Shang Qi."

According to the plot, Shang-Chi and his sister Xu Xialing, the pendants they wear around their necks are the key to finding Tarot.

Since Tarot cannot be found through conventional methods, then this is the only way at present.

"Leave this matter to me!"

Rorschach immediately said to Eric confidently.

If it's hard to find Tarot, it's still very, very easy to find Shang-Chi.

After making the decision, Rorschach immediately activated his super hearing.

Hearing all the sounds in America.

"found it!"

Soon, Luo Xia's eyes lit up.


His body swayed and he suddenly disappeared.

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