American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 468 The anger of my countrymen, who dares to challenge my country?


Accompanied by this sonic boom.

Rorschach's figure appeared in a bustling square in Krakow in the blink of an eye.

"No, Teacher Qin is out of control!"

"Teacher Qin lost control again."

"Oops, everyone get out of here quickly!"

The scene was chaotic.

There were all kinds of exclamations and panic.

One after another, the residents of Kraco fled nervously.

One by one, it was as if they had been chased away by wolves.

"Everyone, don't panic!"

After Rorschach appeared at the scene, he waved his hand, and his huge telepathy covered everyone in the square.

They sent everyone out of the square immediately.

After doing all this, Luo Xia turned his attention to the Phoenix girl suspended in the air in front of him.

But at this moment, the Phoenix girl was "lying" in the air with her eyes closed.

As if he was having a nightmare, the expression on his face kept twisting and changing.

Even sweat overflowed from his forehead.

As the Phoenix Girl's emotions fluctuated, a terrifying energy storm was released unconsciously around her.

The energy storm fluctuated a few times at will, and everything around it was destroyed.


To be precise, it should have been blown to pieces.

The Phoenix Force is indeed terrible.

"Jin, calm down!"

Around Phoenix Girl, all the X-Men gathered together.

Like Rorschach, all of them looked up at the Phoenix Girl in the sky.

Their faces were all serious.

Eric couldn't help shouting at Phoenix Girl.

Of course.

Nothing works.

At this time, Phoenix Girl's mental state was obviously abnormal. She was immersed in her own spiritual world and could not hear Eric's words at all.

As for Charles next to Eric, needless to say, he stared at the Phoenix Girl, using all his psychic abilities to an overloaded capacity.

He has entered the spiritual world of Phoenix Girl.

But at this moment, a terrifying energy storm has set off in Phoenix Girl's spiritual world.

Charles simply couldn't find the Phoenix Girl in that energy storm.

Even he himself was vaguely unable to withstand the impact of those energy storms.

"Is the situation so bad?"

Luo Xia couldn't help but frown slightly.

Phoenix Girl is also a veteran figure in Krako, and has connections with the "Big Three of Mutants" Rorschach, Charles and Eric.

Luo Xia also knew the situation of Phoenix Girl very well.

It's not even the first time I've seen Phoenix lose control.

But the current level of severity is very rare in the entire history of Phoenix Girl's "loss of control."


Charles let out a cry of pain at this time.

Anyone who is not blind can see how reluctant the other party is now.

It was obvious that this matter was beyond Charles' ability.

"Rorschach, think of a way, Charles won't be able to hold on anymore!"

Eric shouted to Rorschach with a solemn expression.

"No, that won't happen."

Rorschach made a decision immediately.

After he finished saying that, he turned his hand and took out the Infinity Gauntlet.


The six gems on the Infinity Gauntlet immediately shone with dazzling light.

"Charles, I will connect the power of the infinite stones with your spiritual energy, don't resist!"

After saying this to Charles, the gems on the Infinity Gauntlet continued to flash.

And Charles's facial features, which were slightly distorted due to his lack of strength, immediately returned to calm.

Not only that.

The same goes for Phoenix Girl in the Sky.

His nightmare-like state of riot slowly turned into calm, and he "sleeped" peacefully.

The terrifying energy storm surrounding Phoenix Girl finally disappeared.


Seeing this scene, all the X-Men couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Luckily Rorschach had the Infinity Stones, otherwise things would have been really bad.

"Rorschach, there is something I think it is necessary to let you know."

At this time, Charles came to Rorschach with a serious face.

Looking at Charles's look, Rorschach knew that it must be a very serious matter.

Rorschach nodded, without any nonsense, and immediately returned to the meeting hall with several key mutants.

"Rorschach, it's about Jean."

Charles looked serious and began to talk to Rorschach.

"You know, Qin's condition has been stable for many years. Even since she grew up, she has basically never lost control."

"It used to create earthquakes from time to time, but it almost never happens again."

"But I don't know why, but three years ago, Qin's condition started to go wrong."

"She started hearing a voice and she told us that there was a force calling to her."

"As a result, you also saw it, and Qin started to lose control frequently again."

Is there some power?

Hear a voice?

Luo Xia couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Could it be that all of this is the Phoenix Force's "stirring"?

"What did that voice say to Qin?"

After Rorschach pondered for a moment, he began to ask Charles calmly.


Eric added, "The voice told Jean to go to a Tarot place, which is very important to Jean."


Why does this name sound so familiar?

Rorschach began to ponder.

And soon, his expression changed suddenly.

Could it be...

It is the mysterious place in "Shang-Chi"?

That is, the hometown of Shang-Chi's mother Yingli.

That place can be completely regarded as a paradise in a fairy tale novel!

There are many Eastern practitioners living in it, and there is also a guardian dragon.

Of course, it also suppresses a peerless evil dragon: the Soul Devourer.

According to the plot, although the Soul Devourer has been sealed, it has been constantly tempting various gods outside of Tarot to go there.

To help it break the seal and see the light of day again.

But all along, those people have been defeated by the guardians of Tarot.

It was not until Shang-Chi's father Xu Wenwu hit Tarot that he really relied on the power of the Ten Rings to break the seal and release the Soul Devourer.

But the Soul Devourer was killed by Shang-Chi right after that.

So now it seems.

Phoenix Jean is also one of the targets of the Soul Devourer?

"Rorschach, you seem to have thought of something?"

Charles' voice sounded, and he immediately looked at Rorschach with a serious face.

"I have a guess, but I need to confirm it with Jean."

Rorschach nodded.

All that was just Rorschach's speculation, nothing more, not necessarily the truth.

The specific situation still needs to be verified with Jean.

"Then, let's go and have a good chat with Jean, she's awake."

Charles said immediately.

His psychic ability had already noticed this.

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