American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 446: Green Arrow's shock: The perverted Homelander!


Green Arrow's reaction was very quick. He pulled out an arrow, put it on his bow and drew it full.

Then he turned around immediately and pointed at Rorschach.

"Now that you're here, it seems like The Flash is really no match for you. What did you do to him?"

Green Arrow asked, staring intently at Rorschach.

"Now I am asking you, not you asking me."

Rorschach didn't even glance at the arrow in Green Arrow's hand, and said with a calm expression, "Why do you want to invade this base."

"Why? This is the first time that Luther's people actually know why."

Green Arrow first sneered, and then shouted, "You are conducting human experiments in secret! Of all the crimes, this is the most unforgivable in my opinion, and of course I will stop you!"

If another person were to say this kind of righteous excuse, Luo Xia might not necessarily believe it.

But if it's Green Arrow, Rorschach is still inclined to believe it.

"Aren't there enough criminals in Star City for you to fight? Are they actually coming to Smallville to meddle in their own business?"

Rorschach then sneered.

"It seems you don't know! Do you think Luther only has this laboratory in Smallville? He has it all over the country! Of course there is one in Star City too!"

"I took away the laboratory in Star City immediately, but I can't ignore the laboratories in other places."

Is this the original reason?

Rorschach was stunned.

"First of all, I don't work for Luther, Luther works for me."

"Secondly, this lab does not conduct the kind of human experimentation you think it does, and it is not like the other labs you destroyed."

"Finally, although it was a misunderstanding, you invaded my place anyway, so you have to pay a certain price before leaving."

Although Rorschach's voice was not loud, it made the Green Arrow on the opposite side feel a kind of pressure.

"I do not think so!"


Before he finished speaking, Green Arrow drew the bow and arrow in his hand and started shooting at Rorschach.


Rorschach just stretched out his hand and caught the arrow shot by Green Arrow in an understatement.


But at that moment, a large amount of green smoke was shot out from the arrows of the opponent's bow and arrow.

Of course, it goes without saying what the specific function of the smoke is.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be really difficult to resist such an unpredictable trick.

But here in Rorschach.

Sorry, this is really childish.

First of all, with Rorschach's terrifying physical fitness, not breathing for a long time is not a problem at all.


Don’t forget Rorschach’s mutant ability, which is to use his skin to absorb oxygen.

Someone had already used poison gas on Rorschach, but it had no effect at all.


With a slight exertion of his hand, the bow and arrow in his hand were instantly broken.

Seeing the smoke from his bow and arrow, it didn't affect Rorschach at all.

Green Arrow's expression suddenly became serious.

This person is indeed difficult to deal with.

No wonder even Barry fell into the hands of this man.


Green Arrow quickly pulled out his arrow again and shot an arrow at Rorschach.

Swish, swish, swish!

After the arrow was caught by Rorschach, the arrow suddenly split into three sub-arrows.

The arrows all shot towards Rorschach again.

Rorschach was too lazy to respond and let the three arrows hit him.


A smile suddenly appeared on Green Arrow's face.

Crack, crackle!

next moment.

On the three arrows, electric arcs began to explode outwards.

But the arc didn't affect Rorschach at all, just like scratching an itch.

The curvature of the corners of Green Arrow's mouth gradually disappeared, and his expression began to freeze.

Electric current doesn't work at all?

This guy's physical fitness is too terrible!

He was about to continue shooting arrows at Rorschach, but how could Rorschach give Green Arrow so many opportunities?

He swayed and suddenly appeared in front of Green Arrow, knocking Green Arrow unconscious with one punch.



The anxious and nervous voice sounded again in Green Arrow's headset.

Rorschach ignored it and released his telekinesis, surrounding Green Arrow.

He just lifted the other person up and walked out slowly.

When passing by the Flash, he also "picked up" the Flash.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

At this time, a series of car door closing sounds sounded.

Lex Luthor finally hurried over with a group of people.

"People of the motherland, is everything okay?"

When he saw two guys in uniforms floating next to Rorschach, Lex Luthor realized that he had asked nonsense.

With the perverted skills of the people of the motherland, since he has already taken action, how can there be any problems?

"It's him, Green Arrow!"

And when Lex Luthor's eyes fell on Green Arrow, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

The advancement of the Ares plan has always been very unsmooth.

The biggest reason is the secret sabotage of that guy from Green Arrow!

If it weren't for the Green Arrow that greatly delayed his progress, Lex Luthor might have created a more perfect Ares.

Maybe he wouldn't be controlled by Homelander.

Lex Luthor has a deep grudge against Green Arrow.

"Homelander, I have some grudges with this guy, can you give him to me?"

Lex Luthor made such a request to Rorschach.

"Sorry, Luther, I have other uses for him."

Rorschach refused Lex Luthor without thinking.

"Here, I leave it to you."

After saying this to Lex Luthor, Rorschach ignored him.

He left with Flash and Green Arrow.

Lex Luthor looked at Rorschach's figure as he left, and his face began to become gloomy.

It has always been only Lex Luthor who treated others as tools, but now, he has completely become Homelander's tool!

Lex Luthor was so unwilling.

But Lex Luthor is also a man who knows what he is doing.

The lesson of the broken arm made him understand that if he is not quite sure, he can only be a grandson in front of Rorschach.

Rorschach did not care what Lex Luthor thought, and he did not care at all.

After leaving the secret base, Rorschach took the Flash and the Green Arrow directly back to his home.

Rorschach already had a general idea of ​​how to deal with the two.

Although Lex Luthor has not made a real breakthrough in "purifying" kryptonite energy.

But this does not prevent Rorschach from doing another job: artificially synthesizing kryptonite.

And this also requires a talent of the same level as Lex Luthor.

The Green Arrow is a good choice.

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