American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 445 The Flash's shock: He is much faster than me!

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The faint sound of typing on the keyboard continued at the same time.

Rorschach withdrew his gaze from the defeated people on the ground.

He used his clairvoyance eyes and super vision to look in the direction of the sound.

Green Arrow was seen tapping the keyboard quickly, trying to crack the security system in the base.

Next to Green Arrow, stood a young man in a red uniform.

There is no doubt that it is the Flash.

Of course.

The Green Arrow of this period was also very young.

"Oliver, you said you had thirty seconds before the base was completely locked down. Do you need me to remind you that twenty seconds have passed now?"

The Flash couldn't help but speak on the side.

Although he couldn't understand the specific operations of Green Arrow, he could still understand the countdown.

"Calm down, I can handle it."

While Green Arrow was busy, he still had time to respond to The Flash. He looked completely confident, "In a few seconds, the people locked up by Lex will be rescued, OK!"


Green Arrow tapped the keyboard one last time with great excitement.

Didi didi!

Didi didi!

A prompt sounded from the computer.

The security system was indeed hacked by Green Arrow.

This also cheered up the Flash.

"Why didn't the door open? Shouldn't it open automatically at this time?"

But the Flash glanced at a security door next to him and couldn't help but look at Green Arrow and asked.

"Don't worry, there will be some manual operations next. Damn Luther, his latest upgraded system is really troublesome."

Green Arrow complained and started walking towards the security door.

He also took out a microcomputer and tried to perform the next step.

"Oliver, Barry, someone is coming!"

At this moment, a voice came from the communication channel between the two.

"Barry, leave it to you."

Green Arrow looked unimpressed.

While carrying out the subsequent operations, he said casually to the Flash.

Among all the superheroes Green Arrow knows, the Flash's abilities are the most cheating.

Green Arrow has absolute confidence in it.

No matter who shows up, The Flash can take care of them with ease.

"Sisko, where is he?"

Lightning nodded and asked in the communication channel.

"Entrance No. 3."

"There are a few people."

"One, only one, Barry. That guy is too calm and looks very wrong."

"I see."

The Flash responded nonchalantly, then swayed and disappeared.


With the sound of this sonic boom, the Flash's body appeared in front of Rorschach.

"I know it's your job, but I'm sorry, but I can't let you in."

The Flash spoke first, addressing Rorschach.

"You're really confident."

Luo Xia laughed, "It's just a pity. I want to go in, and you can't stop me."

"Trust me man, you don't know who you're dealing with."

The Flash also shook his head and laughed.

"So, do you know who you are facing?" Luo Xia raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry buddy, I also want to have a good chat with you. In fact, I don't have many friends. I miss being able to communicate with others in such a friendly way."

"But now, I have to knock you down, I'm sorry."


After saying these words, the Flash swayed and rushed directly towards Rorschach.


"too slow!"

Rorschach originally wanted to see how fast the Flash was. After all, he was known as the fastest person in the DC world.

As a result, it turns out that the Flash's speed is only seven or eight hundred meters per second.

In front of Rorschach's speed of 10,000 meters per second, he is completely like a younger brother.


He reached out his hand unhurriedly and grabbed the neck of the Flash who rushed in front of him.

Lift the opponent into the air.


The Flash's eyes suddenly widened, and his face was full of surprise, "You are also a speedster!"

Not only that.

Judging from the relaxed appearance of the other party, his speed is probably faster than his own.

"Another speedster?"

"Barry, what's going on! Why are there speedsters in Smallville!"

This surprised voice immediately sounded in the Flash's headset.

But now the Flash has no time to answer.


Lightning sprang up, and the Flash immediately started his speed, and suddenly escaped from Rorschach's hands.

At this time Rorschach discovered that the Flash's previous level was not his true level.

After all, it's just an ordinary person, so you really don't need to use your full strength.

Now that the Flash is serious, his speed can reach almost one thousand meters per second.

In front of Rorschach, he is still a scumbag.

Rorschach scurried, and Speedy also appeared, appearing next to the Flash in the blink of an eye.


The Flash was shocked.

The speed of this speedster is actually so fast?

He caught up with himself in an instant!

The Flash gritted his teeth and began to explode at his maximum speed, but he still couldn't get rid of Rorschach.

Rorschach easily appeared in front of the Flash and intercepted him.

"Who are you!"

The Flash's face was full of shock, his eyes fixed on Rorschach, and he asked in a low voice.

"Now is not the time for 'friendly conversation', Barry!"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows and grinned at the Flash.

The Flash was surprised again.

This person actually knew his true identity!

"Who are you!"

The Flash asked again in a deep voice.


But Rorschach didn't plan to say anything more to the Flash.

He shook his body and appeared in front of the Flash in the blink of an eye with lightning speed.

What's going on!

The Flash, who has always been known for his speed, didn't have time to react in front of Rorschach's speed.

He just felt that his eyes were blurred, and he didn't even have time to take a step before he was punched in the head by Rorschach.

He fell to the ground and fainted.



A surprised and nervous shout came from the Flash's earphone.

Unfortunately, the Flash couldn't respond at all at this time.

"Oliver, Barry was attacked! Barry was attacked!"


That voice rang again in the Green Arrow's earphone.

"What? Barry was attacked? What happened?"

The Green Arrow froze and couldn't believe his ears.

With Barry's terrifying speed, what kind of person could attack him?

Could there be other extraordinary people here?


Soon, the Green Arrow got the answer.

Because a sonic boom sounded behind him.

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