Big, big brother?

Clark Kent was immediately stimulated by Rorschach.

He began to subconsciously look up and down at Rorschach.

Why do I feel like you are deceiving me?

With Clark Kent's super brain, he would not be fooled by Rorschach.

"You don't expect me to recognize you as my 'big brother' with just a few words, right?"

Clark Kent raised an eyebrow at Rorschach.

"No, it doesn't matter whether you recognize me or not, it won't change anything."

"Whether you recognize it or not, your elder brother and I are here."

Rorschach started showing off in front of Clark Kent again.

Clark Kent: "..."

"Tell me, fellow countryman, why did you come to Smallville, and what did you do to Davis?"

Clark Kent's voice continued.

He did not continue to dwell too much on the issue of his "acknowledgement", but started to ask about serious matters.

"This is not the attitude of asking questions!"

Rorschach spread his hands towards Clark Kent, "But I didn't hurt Davis, did I?"

Clark Kent was silent.

indeed so.

Although the opponent caught Davis, he somehow managed to put him down.

Think about what happened to Lana again, the same is true.

The people of the motherland only took action to teach the other party a lesson when Whitney was "petrified", that's all.

Still no harm done.

And this is why Clark Kent is willing to stand in front of Rorschach and talk to him.

Not to hurt others, this is Clark Kent's bottom line.

Rorschach, on the other hand, did not touch Clark Kent's bottom line.

Therefore, Clark Kent did not really regard Rorschach as an enemy in his heart.

"Goodbye Clark, if you have a chance, you can come to my house as a guest."


After saying such words to Clark Kent, Rorschach said nothing more.

With a sway of his body, the person disappeared from where he was.

Clark Kent looked at the direction where Rorschach disappeared and fell into silence slightly.

After a moment, he turned and left, and his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Only the wind blows the fallen leaves.

It was as if nothing had ever happened.

"The efficiency of absorbing meteorite monsters is still too low."

After returning, Rorschach also fell into deep thought.

The cosmic energy in the meteorite monster is indeed non-toxic, this has been confirmed for sure.

Rorschach can be assured to absorb it boldly.

But the cosmic energy contained in the meteorite monster is a bit too little.

For Rorschach, he is naturally not satisfied with the current progress.

It would be easier to say if there were enough meteorite monsters.

But one or two frequencies popping up one after another are obviously not enough.

"It seems that we still need to find a fundamental solution to the problem."

The meteorite monster is just a stop-gap measure after all.

The core problem that Rorschach needs to solve is the toxin problem of kryptonite.

He needs to find a way to remove the toxin from the kryptonite!

But Rorschach has just arrived in Smallville and still lacks the necessary understanding of this strange town.

But it needs to be figured out slowly.

Over the next few days, Rorschach's life returned to calm.

It’s nothing more than digging and finding people.

Plus a spy to find a solution to the kryptonite toxin.

Nothing worth mentioning.

Apart from plundering every kryptonite in the entire town and harvesting a few meteorite monsters, there was no other big gain.


"There are so many meteorite weirdos in this place!"

Rorschach used his clairvoyance eyes to look at a huge "basement" on the edge of Smallville.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

After a quick glance, I saw that there were sixty or seventy of them!

What the hell, have you won the jackpot?

No wonder Mingming learned from Whitney that there should be a lot of strange meteorites in Smallville, but Rorschach didn't encounter them very frequently these days.

turn out to be.

The fundamental reason is here.

Most of the meteorite monsters were captured.

"There are not only meteorite monsters, but also a lot of kryptonite. This is a secret laboratory!"

Rorschach briefly scanned the "basement" and immediately understood what was going on.


Someone is capturing those meteorite weirdos and conducting secret human experiments!

It's just a pity that the man behind the scenes met Rorschach!

Whether it is the meteorite monster or the kryptonite, they are destined to make Rorschach's wedding dress.

"Since I can't refuse the kindness of old man, I can only accept it with a smile."

Rorschach takes no bullshit.

When it got dark, he immediately set off and arrived outside the secret research room.

"Stop, the front is a private place! Please go back!"

Just as he reached the door, two guards blocked Rorschach's way.


Rorschach didn't waste any time, he just swayed, disappeared and then reappeared in an instant.

Everyone around the secret research rooms was knocked down by Rorschach.

Without exception.


A heat ray cut through the door lock in front of him, and Rorschach pushed the door open and entered.

A mechanical processing plant appeared in Rorschach's eyes.

What caught his eye were several well-formed production lines, various machines were running, and even workers were working.

But Rorschach knew that all this was just appearance.

His perspective eyes had long seen that there was another world under this factory.

"Who are you!"

"Hey, who are you?"

"How did you get in?"


His body shook again, and all the people in the factory fainted on the ground.

Rorschach swaggered to the entrance to the underground laboratory.

He broke it open violently and walked in swaggeringly.

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

Walking slowly down the stairs, the piercing alarm sounded throughout the venue.

At the end of the stairs.

A team of security personnel in suits and leather shoes, armed with live ammunition, had already gathered there.

They all took out their guns and pointed them at Rorschach.


Rorschach shook his body, and a familiar sonic boom sounded.

All the security personnel lay on the ground.

In fact, it was not just the security personnel, but also some other researchers, logistics personnel, etc.

All the people Rorschach saw, except the imprisoned meteorite monsters, were knocked down by Rorschach in an instant.

There was naturally nothing to say next, and Rorschach started to do his business.

He came to a room without any hindrance.


There were rows of "single rooms".

In each single room, a meteorite monster was imprisoned.

All the meteorite monsters lay quietly in the transparent "single room", obviously in a dormant state.

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