"Cough cough!"

With Clark Kent's abnormal physical fitness, he was actually made to cough by Rorschach's hammer.

At that moment.

Clark Kent also felt that his body was churning, and he almost vomited the overnight meal.

He looked at Rorschach with more and more surprise.

What kind of monster is this man!

At this time, Rorschach had absorbed all the cosmic energy from Davis.

He threw him to the ground casually.

Clapped his hands, and glanced at Clark Kent with a hint of contempt.

"Clark, is this your capital for meddling in other people's business?"

Rorschach looked down at Clark and snorted coldly.


Rorschach then shook his body, and appeared in front of Clark Kent in the blink of an eye.


Clark Kent was shocked.

This man's speed was so fast?

So fast that Clark Kent almost couldn't react!

He felt his eyes flashing, and Rorschach appeared in front of him.

He punched him hard with an iron fist.

In a hurry, Clark Kent could only bite the bullet and resist.


Clark Kent flew backwards like a cannonball again and fell heavily to the ground.

Clark Kent was dizzy.

But when he got up from the ground, he found that Rorschach was already standing in front of him leisurely.

Clark Kent's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at Rorschach as if he was facing a great enemy.

This man crushed him in both strength and speed.

Clark Kent had never seen such a powerful person in his life.


Clark Kent no longer hesitated and began to use his powerful moves on Rorschach.

Two heat rays immediately shot at Rorschach.


But Rorschach immediately had a thought, and he also shot out two heat rays from his eyes.

He immediately blocked Clark Kent's heat rays.

Not only that.

Rorschach's heat rays were much stronger than Clark Kent's.

He soon "pushed" Clark Kent's heat rays back.

He shot at Clark Kent all of a sudden.

Clark Kent's body shook violently, as if struck by lightning, and was immediately shot to the ground by Rorschach.

"How is it possible!"

"What happened to your eyes just now!"

A cry of surprise rang out.

Clark Kent could no longer remain calm, staring at Rorschach with wide eyes.

His face was full of shock.

Why did this person's ability look exactly like his own?

Why did this person have all his skills?

At the beginning, Clark Kent subconsciously thought that Rorschach was a meteorite monster.

But at this moment, Clark Kent knew he was wrong.

The other party was definitely not a meteorite monster.

Because all meteorite monsters only have one ability.

And after this fight with Rorschach, Clark Kent could clearly feel that Rorschach was indeed different from the other meteorite monsters.

So here comes the question.

Who is Rorschach?

Could it be...

Like himself, he is from outer space?

And, from the same planet as himself?

"Who are you...?"

Clark Kent was stunned for several seconds before staring at Rorschach and asked.

"You can call me, Homelander!"

Rorschach told Clark his name.


Clark Kent murmured and repeated the nickname, and a flash of inspiration suddenly exploded in his mind.

"Are you... from outer space?"

Otherwise, why is this person called "Homelander"?

Doesn't "Homeland" mean hometown?

At first glance, the nickname "Homelander" is indeed a bit confusing and strange.

But what if you think of the alien background?

Doesn't this nickname suddenly become reasonable?

Homelander was given this nickname because he was far away from home.

This shows how much he loves his hometown.

And this.

Doesn't it also explain why the other party has the same ability as himself?

Rorschach: "..."

Forget it, I was misunderstood.

But it's not Clark Kent's fault.

Who told him to be exactly the same as the Kryptonian from beginning to end.

It was okay when he was in Marvel, but it would be strange if he didn't get misunderstood when he came to the DC world where Kryptonians exist.

But since he was misunderstood by Clark...

Rorschach suddenly had a bad taste in his heart.

"Kal-El, have you finally reacted!"

Rorschach looked at Clark Kent seriously.


Clark Kent frowned slightly.

At this stage, he didn't know his Kryptonian name.

He was just told that he came from an alien planet and had seen his spaceship stored in the farm.

That's all.

He knew nothing else.

Seeing the confusion on Clark Kent's face, it was obvious that he didn't even know the name of his Krypton. He was simply a "novice".

The smile on Rorschach's face became brighter.

The more Clark Kent was like this, the easier it was to fool him.

"This is your Krypton name."

Rorschach nodded heavily and said to the other party.

"Krypton? This is my hometown?"

Clark Kent's face showed a little excitement.

He had been on Earth for such a long time, and finally knew where he came from for the first time.

- By the way, Davis ran away after Rorschach absorbed all the cosmic energy.

So Clark Kent would talk to Rorschach about alien things without scruples.

"Yes, this is our hometown."

Rorschach nodded again.

"Then why were we sent to Earth?"

Clark Kent stared at Rorschach again and asked in a deep voice.

This was not a difficult question to answer.

Rorschach explained to Clark Kent the destruction of Krypton in the movie.

Including Superman's life experience, Superman's father, etc.

Some basic things were all told to Clark Kent.

Clark Kent couldn't calm down for a long time.

Although he had no way to verify what Rorschach said for the time being, everything the other party said was logically rigorous, without any flaws or loopholes.

In addition, the other party showed the same skills as himself, which was even more powerful proof.

Clark Kent was still inclined to believe it.

"What about you? Homelander, who are you?"

Clark Kent finally stared at Rorschach and asked.

"Kal-El, I'm your big brother!"

Rorschach smiled meaningfully.

It's interesting to think about recognizing Superman as a younger brother.

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