American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 404 I was so scared, what kind of monsters are the Homelanders?

"How's it going, Homelander?"

Monica's voice sounded again, and she looked at Rorschach with a confident look.

The golden signboard of the criminal company, which can enhance the strength several times, is a huge temptation. Monica still doesn't believe that Homelander can remain indifferent.


A light sound rang out.

Rorschach stretched out his hand and grabbed Monica's neck in an instant.

This woman, does she really think that anyone can plot against him, Rorschach?


Rorschach's power is so great that there is a sound of bones being squeezed vigorously.

It sounds so creepy.

Monica immediately showed an extremely painful expression, and the whole person began to struggle in Rorschach's hands.

Like a helpless and pitiful little lamb.

There was also a flash of fear in her eyes.

At that moment, she smelled the smell of death.

The face of the steel-boned woman next to Monica suddenly changed, and she immediately raised her hand to aim at Rorschach.


A sound of mechanical friction and splicing sounded.

A cannon muzzle suddenly condensed on his right hand, pointing at Rorschach.

"Put down Monica!"

Cyborg shouted at Rorschach in a deep voice.

But Rorschach didn't even look at Cyborg, but his eyes were like knives, hitting Monica.

"I'll only say it once, get out of here as far as you can!"

"If you appear in front of me again, you won't see the sun tomorrow."

After saying this coldly, Rorschach exerted a little force and threw Monica out.

Like throwing garbage.


Monica's body flew eight or nine meters away and hit the ground hard.


Monica smashed a hole in the ground, and the floor tiles shattered in an instant.

It can be seen how powerful the fall was.


Monica immediately opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

She could clearly feel that several bones in her body had been broken.


There was a cry of surprise from all around.

The guests coming and going were all shocked by this scene.

But after seeing that it was Rorschach who made the move, they all pointed and talked from a distance, not daring to get close.

The corresponding security personnel were the same.

Are you kidding? That's a native of my country.

Who dares to be presumptuous?


The steel-boned woman let out a cry of surprise and rushed to Monica's side.

She helped Monica up.

"I, I'm fine..."


Monica shook her head, and was slapped in the face as soon as she said "I'm fine", and she spit out a mouthful of blood.

She looked at Rorschach, who left as if nothing had happened, from a distance, and her whole face began to become gloomy as if it was frozen.

"You don't know what's good for you, you don't know how to take advantage of me!"

Monica shouted angrily, and casually ordered the steel girl beside her, "Catch him!"

Although the negotiations broke down, Monica was not without any solutions.

She actually had a plan B.

Since Homelander didn't know how to show respect, they had no choice but to turn Homelander into their puppet!

You know, Dr. Neuro's mental control is very powerful.

The other party even made Diana forget that she was Wonder Woman!

Although the crime company could not be sure that Dr. Neuro's mental control was useful to everyone, from the record of Dr. Neuro's actions so far, he had never failed.

It's just that.

Once he made a move, the brain of the controlled person would be severely damaged.

But who told Homelander to be so ungrateful?

"I should have done this a long time ago, you stopped me!"

The steel girl snorted coldly and tore off her robe.


"What is that...!"

Another round of exclamations sounded.

Everyone was shocked by the "true face" of the Cyborg.

Half of her face was made of steel machinery, and both arms were also mechanical arms.

What kind of monster is this woman in front of us!

You have to know that this is the era when Batman has just risen.

The Cyborg's appearance still caused a great impact on everyone.


Just when she was about to catch up to deal with Rorschach, Monica suddenly called Cyborg again.

"Are you annoying? What are you doing again!"

Cyborg turned her head and looked impatient.

"Be careful not to kill him, catch him alive!"

Monica solemnly explained to Cyborg.

"I'll try my best, but don't blame me if I kill someone on a whim!"

Cyborg was full of disapproval, and a hint of coldness appeared on her face.

"You should know the embarrassing situation that we only have potions but lack experimental subjects. This is a rare opportunity. Don't mess it up!"

"You're so nagging!"

Cyborg didn't even bother to pay attention to Monica.

She walked towards Rorschach calmly and swaggeringly.

"Hey, Homelander!"

Cyborg shouted to Rorschach in front of her.


At the same time.

Cyborg stomped her legs hard on the ground.

A pit was immediately dug into the ground, and cracks spread in all directions.

This shows how powerful that step is.


Accompanied by the huge counter-shock force, the steel-framed woman was like a cannonball, ejecting in front of Rorschach in the blink of an eye.

His metal fist hit Rorschach hard on the head.


But a soft sound came immediately.

But Luo Xia calmly turned around and stretched out his right hand calmly.

In just one moment, he grasped Cyborg Woman's metal fist.

Cyborg Girl's metal fist was frozen in the air.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed.

No further progress can be made.


"He is actually... so powerful!"

Cyborg was suddenly startled.

"I still don't believe it!"

Cyborg Girl then began to use all her strength and kept exerting force.

To counter Rorschach's fist.

But Rorschach looked so downplayed from beginning to end.

Like a mountain, it cannot be shaken at all.

Not only that.

next moment.


A terrifying force came from Rorschach's fist.

The power was so majestic that Cyborg's metal fist exploded.

Broken into pieces.

"How can it be!"

Cyborg was shocked.

Click, click, click!

Even in her shock, Cyborg Woman did not lose her mind.

She immediately formed a cannon barrel and blasted it at Rorschach.


The extremely violent explosion shock wave immediately hit Luo Xia's body.


Cyborg Girl was immediately happy.

But the next moment, the joy on Cyborg Girl's face froze as if she had been struck by a knife.

In his imagination, Rorschach was killed by one of his own cannons, or even half-dead no matter what, it didn't happen!

But he saw that the man from the motherland opposite him was still standing calmly, without even blinking.

It was as if that shot was just a breeze blowing in my face!

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