American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 403 My countrymen, do you want to become stronger?


The yellow-haired woman's expression suddenly turned gloomy.

Probably I didn't expect that this native of the motherland would be so arrogant.

So arrogant.

The "girl in robe" next to him even let out a cold snort.

He was about to step forward and stop Luo Xia.


But the yellow-haired woman stretched out her hand and stopped the "robed woman" directly.

She raised her head and glanced at the figures of Rorschach and Catwoman walking away, and a stern smile appeared on her lips: "In any case, he is also someone who has fought against Diana, so let's give him some respect and tolerance. "

"So what? Everyone in the company has fought against Diana, we don't need him!"

"Women in robes" still snorted coldly.

"Gotham's 'Light Knight'? Alien? It's just the brainless pursuit of some ignorant people who have never seen the world!"

"Tell me Monica, you won't take it seriously, will you?"

That's right.

These two women are the enemies of Wonder Woman Diana.

If Diana were here, she would find that these two women are her old rivals:

The yellow-haired girl is actually Monica, an executive from a criminal company and Dr. Poison's absolute confidant.

The woman covered in robes is the super soldier Latonia Charles.

The name Latonia Charles is very low-key, and her nickname "Cyborg Woman" is also not too famous.

But it can be seen from this nickname that this woman is actually a replica of Cyborg.

Apart from being a woman, all abilities can be directly compared to Cyborg's.

"No, of course we need him."

Monica smiled meaningfully, "He will be a sharp dagger for us to deal with Diana!"

"You mean...cannon fodder?" The Cyborg woman heard this and raised her eyebrows.

"it's the same."

"It turns out they came here for Diana!"

Rorschach, who had already entered the cinema with Catwoman, couldn't help but curled his lips slightly.

Frankly speaking, this answer was somewhat beyond Rorschach's expectations.

Originally, he thought that Monica and the two were targeting him.

As it turns out, Diana is their real target.

And he Rorschach?

It's just a tool that Monica and the two of them like.

Rorschach couldn't help but touch his nose. He was actually despised like this!

I have to say that Rorschach, who has always been regarded as the great devil by everyone, has really not felt so despised for a long, long time.

This feeling is quite amazing.

Shaking her head and not paying attention to the two clowns, Rorschach began to watch the movie with Catwoman with great interest.

Originally, Rorschach thought that the movies of this era would look boring to him. After all, the limitations of the times were here.

The clarity of the images, sound quality, special effects, etc. are incomparable to the era when Rorschach was reborn.

But Rorschach didn't expect that he would watch the whole scene with great interest.

Although the movies of this era are indeed a bit behind in terms of technology, there is nothing to be done about it. The story is well told and the editing is very smooth.

And once the story of a movie is told, nothing else matters.

It's not like those movies before Rorschach was reborn.

There are big scenes and extremely cool and luxurious pictures, but the story is told like a flying ball.

It's a pity to throw away tasteless food.

"It's really hateful. Why did that woman die in the end? Damn the screenwriter, you tricked me into crying!"

Catwoman was also so immersed in it that she couldn't help but wipe her tears.

The two of them were discussing the plot of the characters in the movie while following the crowd outside.

Soon, we arrived at the hall.

"People of the motherland, can we talk?"

Before Monica left, she immediately came to Rorschach again.

"You go to the car and wait for me for a while."

Rorschach said hello to Catwoman.

"Don't keep me waiting too long, my dear."

After Catwoman smacked Rorschach on the cheek, she turned around and left very sensibly.

"Having such a beautiful and sensible girlfriend, if I were a native of my motherland, I would probably fall into it."

Monica is like Rorschach's old friend, opening with a familiar tone.

"You came to me just to talk nonsense?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows expressionlessly.

"OK! It seems that you prefer to go straight to the point. Coincidentally, I do too. I actually hate that nonsense too."

Monica spread her hands and really said no more nonsense, "Listen, I can help you deal with Diana."

Rorschach has long known this purpose.

But Rorschach is actually very interested in what kind of "bait" Monica plans to use to trick her.

"When did I say I was going to deal with Diana?"

Rorschach glanced at Monica.

"Seven days ago, a conflict broke out between you and Diana. The street near Wayne Tower was damaged like that. That was caused by you and Diana, am I right?"

Monica looked confident.

It seems that before looking for Rorschach, he did a lot of homework.

"As far as I know, Diana is preparing to attack you recently. This is also a reminder from me to you, free of charge, to express my sincerity."

Rorschach's eyes became more and more playful.

Sister, can you tell me something new that I don't know?

"Listen, we are on the same front, we are also Diana's enemies, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend, isn't it?"

"As long as you join us, we can give you powerful power!"

"Powerful enough to defeat or even kill Diana in one fell swoop!"

"I know you may not believe us, but if you know we are from a criminal company, I don't think you will think so."

"Dr. Poison and Dr. Cyber ​​set up a criminal company specifically to deal with Diana. You can investigate and verify it at will."

Rorschach didn't care about criminal companies, Dr. Poison, and the like.

He was a little interested in the powerful power that Monica mentioned.

"You said you can give me powerful power?" Rorschach asked.

"That's right, Dr. Poison invented a strengthening potion that can increase a person's strength by three to five times."

"With your strength increased by three to five times, aren't you still a match for Diana?"

Strengthening potion?

That's it?

Even if Rorschach thought about it, he knew that this strengthening potion would definitely have very serious side effects.

Otherwise, wouldn't the criminal company be in trouble?

To deal with Diana, do they need to win her over?

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