The white gold beach on the periphery of Longzhu Island has blue sky, white clouds and clear blue sea.

The long wooden plank road winds at the junction of the shallow sand and sea, and is dotted with scattered wooden pavilions and bars.

At this time, Gu Yi was sitting in an open plank road bar with sunglasses hanging on his head.

Next to Gu Yi, Gwen and Isabel have shown a trend of being obsessed with girls.

The table surrounded by the three of them was filled with various spiritual drinks, spiritual wines, and spiritual fruits prepared by Dragon Pearl Island.

This was the scene when Ren came to the place where everyone was.

Especially Gu Yi, after seeing Ren’s arrival, he raised his glass and said hello casually.

“Mr. Ren, you are here.”

Ren nodded, and for a moment he didn’t know how to complain. After a long while

, Renn took the beer handed by the maid next to him to suppress his shock, and asked doubtfully:”Are you really the Ancient One? Isn’t it some actor who comes here to eat and drink?”

Gu Yi calmly drew an aperture and took out a strange creature.

But before the strange creature had time to pass through the aperture, the portal was extinguished with insufficient power.

Then the tenacious strange creature with a life of 24 , wailed with great indignation, and walked straight over.

Gu Yi spread his hands and said:”I heard that Lord Ren was collecting some dark creatures, and I originally brought you a gift, um… the magic on your island is The array’s protective power is very strong.”

After saying that, Gu Yi made a circle again and threw the half of the monster in.

Ren rolled his eyes.

I really want to thank you for eight generations of ancestors for that dark creature.

But complaining Afterwards, Ren was very satisfied with the power of his island-protecting formation.

Even if the island-protecting formation was not actually activated, it could still greatly suppress the power of the Heavenly Father-level powerhouse.

This was still done internally by Ancient Yi. The spell was activated in it.

If it were done externally, it would be difficult to even shake the magic circle.

After realizing this,

Ren felt much more comfortable and became lazy, saying:”Master Gu Yi is not here. Temple Nafu, came to my Dragon Pearl Island, but something happened?”

Before, Ren was still a little afraid of Gu Yi.

Now that the Bone God and Demon has just become a demon, he has a blood-transforming demon sword by his side.

Not to mention in his own dojo, even if he goes to the outside world, Lei En En is no longer afraid of the opponent.

Ancient Yi saw Ren’s changes, but no one had any mood swings.

After casually closing the sickly portal in mid-air,

Master Ancient Yi clapped his hands and said:”Does Sir Ren know how many dark creatures like those just now have been attacking the earth in the past twelve days?”

Ren was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly.

The dark creature just now.

Ren just glanced at it, but he could also detect it.

That thing was just cannon fodder, without reason, only with killing instinct, but it was not weak at all. , enough to reach the limit of the human body like the captain of the United States.

Ancient Master did not expect Ren to respond, and continued:”Like the tide, endless”

“That is a monster spawned by the dimension demon Dormammu with the power of darkness.”

“In the hundreds of years since I became the Supreme Mage, I have never seen Dormammu so crazy. It can even be said that he is so desperate that he does not hesitate to sacrifice his origin.”

“During these twelve days, Dormammu tried to break through the Temple’s magic network more than seventy times in total.”

Ren’s frown became more and more intense, and he said calmly:”Then what?”

The ancient master’s mood finally fluctuated, and he said:”Dormammu’s ultimate goal is Dragon Pearl Island. Ren said solemnly:”Master Gu Yi, you must speak responsibly. Are you trying to kill someone with a borrowed knife and tricking me into carrying Dormammu for you?””

Mage Ancient One said:”Dormammu has been severely injured by me. In a short period of time, the other party will calm down.”

Ren was silent, knowing that what the other party said before was definitely not false.

Otherwise, even if Gu Yi had the home field advantage, he would not be able to be so leisurely and come to his place for a drink when Dormammu was struggling.

But the other party The more truthful the truth, the tighter Ren’s brows furrowed.

Because it is very possible that Dormammu’s goal is his own dojo.

The dimensional gate he brought back from the witch’s collection should not appear It’s a problem. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But it’s not a big problem.

Anyway, there is Master Gu Yi in front of him, so yes, it’s not a big problem.

Ren coughed dryly, wiped the beer and drank it. He took a sip to hide his subtle emotions.

But even so, Ancient One finally saw something.

After a brief silence,

Master Ancient One said:”Your Excellency Ren, it seems that you already know that Dormammu is acting so strangely. The reason is there. Do you mind telling me the reason?”

“If I could, I could, no, the whole Kamal Taj owes you a favor.”

When it comes to Master Ren and Master Gu Yi, words come from the heart.

Generally speaking, as long as you make a promise, you basically stick to your word, even if you have to pay a huge price for it.

Cause and effect are very light, but sometimes they are very heavy..

Renn uses Daoji to sense cause and effect, and can even realize how huge the promise made by the ancient master is.

The entire sect owes Ren a huge favor.

This thing is almost as difficult as the difficulty of re-opening a sect..

Ren wanted to agree immediately, but after thinking for a while, he still said truthfully:”Master Gu Yi, I just finished retreat. To be honest, I don’t know what happened.”

“But twelve days ago, I brought back the dimensional coordinates of a dark dimension world from the Female 970 Witch Coven.”[]

“Well, it’s a dimension door that has already been formed.”

“Just in case, I put it into the Liangyi Dust Formation to isolate the dimension demon’s induction.”

“If there was any accident that caused Dormammu to go crazy, it could only be this reason.”

When mentioning the Liangyi Mote Formation, Master Ancient One thought of the branches and leaves of the world.

Almost unconsciously, Master Ancient One touched his right arm.

When he took away the branches and leaves of the world, Odin used Ganger Neil’s gun penetrated here.

Seeing this scene,

Renn also smiled awkwardly, feeling a little guilty.

Renn remembered clearly that when the ancient mage came back from Asgard, he was very He was weak, his face turned pale, and he was definitely seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, Master Gu Yi also had a profound memory.

It was a sin, it was really a sin

“Ahem! Ren coughed twice and said:”Since the Ancient Master is here, how about we go and see the situation of the dimensional gate together?””

Master Gu Yi gave Ren a meaningful look and stood up silently.

At least, at this moment, Master Gu Yi didn’t seem to want to talk to Ren.

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