Longzhu Island, in the underground alchemy room.

Renn threw the dimension door in the Taiyin Jade Ring into the Liangyi Dust Formation, suppressed it, and ignored it.

This thing has been trembling ever since Ren took a look at the dark dimension.

The Liangyi dust formation has the ability to create and destroy the world, which is enough to block any powerful power from spying.

However, Ren was so anxious to refine the treasure that he failed to notice.

After the dimensional gate was thrown into the Liangyi mote formation, the embryo of the chaotic exotic treasure that had been nurturing swallowed up the dimensional gate in one gulp like a pervert who saw a beautiful woman.

At the same time, in the endless and distant dark dimension.

Dormammu felt an unprecedented sense of panic coming over him.

Then, the entire dark dimension was shattered from the edge, as if an unknown existence opened its mouth and bit out a”one-eight-three” mouth from the dark dimension. puff!

Dormammu spurted out blood, and felt that a piece of his demonic core was missing.

“who is it? Who did it? That direction is the earth……”

“Gu Yi, I’ll fuck your mother! I’m going to fight you!”


Renn didn’t know what happened in the dark dimension.

At this time, in the underground alchemy room, Ren took out another wizard’s hat and easily cut it open with the blood-transforming magic knife.

The huge dragon bone fell from the void, almost bursting the entire Danfang.

Fortunately, Ren was prepared, and quickly used the technique of Ruyi to transform the dragon bone into a foot-sized one, and threw it into the heart-refining furnace of mortals.

The dragon bones were put into the furnace, the eternal fire was burning brightly, and Renne began to play the treasure refining techniques one after another.

Not long after, in the firelight, there was a real dragon bone that kept wandering around, swallowing up the bone essence that Ren had accumulated.

The form of the Bone God and Demon is actually unimportant.

Anyway, after the bones of the gods and demons are refined into the final product, they will turn into bone patterns and be integrated into Ren’s body.

After fusion, Renn can use the bone patterns to carry the formation restriction.

An alternative type of possessing magical treasure.

Finally, you can use this to draw on the power of time, increase your physical body, strengthen your magic power, fight, etc.

In the end, what a monk focuses on is attributing great power to himself.

Of course, if necessary, Renn can also separate the bone patterns and turn them into various shapes of bone god and demon puppets to perform some operations.

The sacrifice lasted for twelve days.

When the dragon shadow in the mortal heart-refining furnace swallowed up all the bone essence accumulated by Ren.

The original dragon shadow has split into twelve.

As Renn blocked the formations into it, 300 years of mana cultivation were almost completely consumed.

The Bone God and Demon finally took shape, and began to warm up his supernatural powers with the help of the Red Dust Heart Refining Furnace and the Eternal Fire.

Renn finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a short pause, with the assistance of Zola, he opened the Zhoutian Galaxy Formation with all his strength, and then swallowed the spiritual energy of the stars in the sky to restore his own mana.

After another two hours.

Ren’s energy and energy returned to perfection again, and his eyes were filled with energy and sparkle.

“Turn on the stove, come on!”

The last sacrificial seal of the Jade Record Treasure Refining Seal was fired, and twelve real dragons as pure as jade flew out from it. After letting out bursts of dragon roars, they merged into Ren’s body like thousands of rivers returning to the sea.

In an instant, Ren only felt a power that was enough to shake the world to spread from his bones.

He clenched his fist slightly, and even the void became blurred and distorted in his palm.

Launching the Twelve Yuan Chen Formation, there will be endless possibilities. The endless power of time was swallowed up by the whale and turned into the driving force to drive the true body of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and the pure white jade bone armor covered the whole body.


Ren shouted loudly, and the white jade bone armor glowed, turning into a height of more than ten meters, almost piercing the roof of the Danfang Building.

Regenerating his spiritual thoughts, a pure white heavenly sword took shape in his palm.

He raised his head and Inhaling, the rolling star spiritual energy merged into Ren’s body at a hundred times speed. After half an hour of refining, Ren’s mana cultivation level increased by another point.

It can be said that it is omnipotent for body protection, combat, and auxiliary training.. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is both a magical power and a spiritual treasure.

This thing is much stronger than the so-called steel armor, destruction armor and the like.

And it will be accompanied by the elders in the future. The number of corpses and bones accumulated in the underground abyss of the hospital will increase, and there will be a steady stream of bone essence, which will continue to enhance the power of the bone gods and demons. It is to suffer the large number of bone demons born in the underground abyss.

In the future, those bone demons and withered bone demons will Even now, we can’t swallow the bone essence wantonly.

All the bone essence accumulated through hard work will most likely have to be handed over…….

But it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, Renn has no intention of cultivating a second bone demon in a short period of time. There is no need to strengthen those bone demons, withered bone demons and the like, and they can just be tool demons.

In the twelfth Yuan Dynasty, the bones of the gods and demons were first formed, after they transformed into magical powers and entered the body.

Ren immediately had the idea of stepping out of the dojo and going to the outside world to test his power.

Now Renn has various means with the power of the soul.

Even if he were to reach for the stars and get the moon, in the eyes of Ren En now, it would be nothing more than a mere trick.

Even if it is only made with the help of magical spiritual treasures, it would be a pity not to try it if you have this power.

Just do what comes to mind.

Ren was quite excited and did not use the Five Ghosts Air Technique. He simply stepped out of the underground alchemy room and arrived at the beach beside the island.

However, what Ren didn’t expect was to see an unexpected figure on his beach.

The beach on Longzhu Island, after spiritual transformation, is definitely the most beautiful beach in the world.

Gwen, Isabel, Natasha and other girls, when they have nothing to do, their favorite thing is to go to the beach and play in the water.

After many witch servants came to Longzhu Island, they became regular visitors to this beach.

But when Gu Yi appeared here wearing a moon-white monk’s robe and with a bare head, he was quite… conspicuous.

Ever since Dragon Ball Island was transformed into Rain Dojo.

Not just anyone can break in.

2.4 just sneaked in by accident, and not everyone can act wild.

Neither can Ancient One.

And at this moment, Gu Yi was very calm and gentle, chatting with Gwen and Isabel on the beach, obviously not looking for trouble.

Maybe it was Gu Yi or Gwen and Isabel who invited them to the island.

Ren’s guess was correct.

Gu Yi actually squatted outside Longzhu Island for more than ten days. When Gwen returned to Longzhu Island for vacation, he lied that he was Ren’s friend in the magic world and snuck in.

Of course, Gu Yi would never admit this.

Asking is a friend, not a lie[]

In order to get the branches and leaves of the world for Ren, he had a fight with God King Odin.

Not a friend, who can help him do this.

Not a friend, but a friend..

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