American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 585: The Adventures of Cat City Gotham (Part 1)

The first floor of the Hall of Thought, or the ground floor, has no rooms, only the doors, windows, the ground, and the stairs leading to the upper floor. Because of this, Schiller can observe the outside of the Hall of Thought through the windows on the first floor.

Because this is a round tower, the view from the window is also very wide, and at this time, the tower of the Temple of Thought is right in the center of the turntable in the center of Gotham City, so the entire downtown of Gotham City situation is clear.

After being engulfed by the group of kittens that Dream of Thousand Cats transformed into, Schiller guessed what might happen next, but what he didn't expect was that Dream of Thousand Cats actually dragged his entire hall of thinking into it. in a cat's dream.

Taking a look at the situation outside, Schiller walked back to the center of the first floor. He looked at Morpheus, the **** of dreams, and without him asking, Morpheus explained: "I said before, the dream of a thousand cats. It was the cat's collective dream, and now, it must have been frightened and pulled you all into his dream."

"As I said before, cats used to rule the world, cats were masters, and humans were servants. It's just that a thousand people had a dream together, and then replaced the dream with reality, so human beings became the earth. the master."

"However, the cat's dream did not dissipate, it still exists in the kingdom of dreams, and in the cat's dream, the world ruled by cats also exists, as you can see, the cat's dream, in the world Of course the inhabitants are cats."

"The first question..." Schiller asked, "Why is Gotham in the cat's dream?"

"This..." Morpheus shook his head and said, "Although I said I didn't know, it might sound like I didn't want to tell you on purpose, but the truth is, I don't know either."

"As far as I know, Gotham is a very strange place. The dreams of all people there will bring a cold and dark wind to the dreamland. There has never been a place as special as Gotham."

"Perhaps, apart from the people who live there, the cats there are also different, and they remember this place cursed by darkness..."

Schiller frowned. Although Morpheus's explanation was ambiguous, Schiller, who has read the comics, has more speculations. Gotham is indeed a cursed place. There is no doubt that the darkness here is not simple. economic and political problems, also related to the occult.

From the point of view of breaking the fourth wall, in any state of the universe, Gotham will exist, because this is the garbage dump of the entire universe, and darkness and chaos will eventually flow here.

In this case, it is not surprising that there is such a place in the cat's dream. No matter who rules the world, the darkness of Gotham will never change. Perhaps, the place where Schiller landed is geographically similar to Gotham. Not the same, but as long as this is a sin dump, then this is Gotham.

At this moment, Morpheus turned his head and said to Schiller: "Although you made my home a mess, I let Xiao Hei out, just to let him come out and breathe, after all, stay in a dream all day. The kingdom will be annoying too.”

"I didn't expect it to react so violently, and it even moved your house away, but it doesn't matter, I'll take you back now..."

Speaking, Morpheus's hands lit up, but suddenly, Schiller stepped forward to stop him and said, "No, I don't want to go back now..."

Morpheus looked at Schiller and said, "Are you sure? But don't blame me for not reminding you that your consciousness was brought into a cat's dream, then your body is uncontrolled and may fall into eternal sleep..."

"That's better." Schiller gave an unexpected answer, and he showed a chilling smile.

Morpheus looked at Schiller's smile and felt a little chill on his back. He asked, "...what do you want to do?"

Schiller didn't answer, he just stood in the center of the ground floor, looked up, and shouted, "Superego? Superego? Are you there?"

"I'm improving my mental defense, didn't you see the chaos outside?" A voice came from upstairs.

Several people on the ground floor turned their heads to look out the window. Unsurprisingly, this huge building that suddenly descended in the middle of the town attracted the attention of all the residents of Cat City Gotham.

The piercing siren sounded, and a number of police cars rushed to the scene. Police cats wearing safety protective clothing and helmets entered the venue. They set up explosion-proof shields, erected barricades, and closed the gate of the tower step by step.

Schiller found that this is not just about replacing the human character with a cat. These cats are not the anthropomorphic cats in the cartoons, but they are very normal on all fours and their tails are raised.

The equipment used by these cats are all adapted to cats. For example, the cars they drive do not sit on the steering wheel and step on the accelerator, but stand on all fours in the cockpit to control the direction and speed of the vehicle. The device is the button under their feet.

The equipment worn by the cat police officers is also adapted to the four-legged cat shape. Their guns are not held in their hands, but on their backs, and their weapons are not live firearms that need to be loaded, but a kind of Laser-like weapons.

The communication equipment they carry extends into the ear at one end, the earphone is hidden in the ear hair, and the other end is connected to the mouth. The joystick that controls the launch extends from the side of the neck to the chest, and they only need to stretch out their claws to fiddle with it. Can shoot.

Schiller saw with his own eyes that in order to clear the curb of the road in front of the tower gate, a few cats with road-opening equipment were manipulating the laser weapons on their backs. .

In addition, the vehicles they drive are not only cars, but also small helicopters that keep circling the towers, and flying saucers suspended in the air. Obviously, the cat in this dream has developed something even better than Gotham in the real world. Much stronger technology equipment.

Although in terms of size, they should be only a little bigger than ordinary domestic cats, probably the size of ordinary Maine Coon cats, but the equipment they arrange around the tower and on their backs is not vegetarian.

The destructive power of that kind of laser is very strong, and there are many equipments that have not been fired. I don't know what the effect is, but it is definitely more than enough to hit ordinary humans.

This also means that it is not a good idea to rush into the cat group with the advantage of size. Schiller touched his chin and said, "I think we should not be able to beat them, so we should change the way."

"Wait a minute!" Morpheus interrupted Schiller's plan, he said: "Don't tell me you plan to enter this city, this is not a good idea, in a world ruled by cats, humans are either slaves. , or it's a pet, I'll just take you away directly..."

Schiller completely ignored him, but said to himself: "...But, we can join if we can't beat it, superego, are you done? If you're done..."

Schiller took a long tone, then looked at Moonlight Schiller, Lex, Konsu, who stood in the center of the room, and Yermengard, who stuck his head out behind them, and continued:

"...It's time for those who got into trouble to make up for their mistakes."

The two people who were watched by his eyes, one snake and one bird, were stunned for a moment, Lex said first: "When I came out of the room, I only saw a cat and a snake, and then the cat disappeared. Now, only the snake is left..."

Saying that, he turned to look at Yemenggard, who said angrily, "What does it have to do with me? I'm also a victim, that cat bit me and ran away, otherwise, I have to Make him look good! And he was the one who scared the cat..."

Yemengade turned his head and looked at Moonlight Schiller, who was carrying the umbrella knife. Moonlight Schiller didn't say anything, just turned to look at Kong Su, meaning that if Kong Su didn't suddenly skip work, then he wouldn't either. Break out of the room.

Kong Su turned his head to look at the God of Dreams, meaning that if Morpheus, the God of Dreams hadn't chatted with him, he wouldn't have delayed work.

Morpheus turned to look at dc again, meaning that if Schiller hadn't brought him here, he wouldn't have chatted with Kong Su.

Schiller snorted coldly with his arms crossed, and said, "Do you still want to blame me?"

Suddenly, with a "bang", a puff of smoke appeared beside dc Schiller, and when the smoke dissipated, Schiller turned into a black cat.

An invisible hand grabbed the back of his neck, the door opened with a squeak, the hand grabbed the Schiller cat and shook it twice, and then threw him out of the door with a bang.

Everyone standing in the center of the room looked at Schiller who was thrown out, and they heard the voice called "superego" just now say:

"It's time for the man in trouble to make up for his mistakes."


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