American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 584: Schiller rolls over again (below)

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All Schiller on the boat was stunned.

What does it feel like to drive to the countryside for a trip and come back to find that your home is gone? It may be difficult for others to say, but the Schillers on the ship suddenly burst into a violent discussion.

Since all Schiller's memories are stored in the tower of thinking, when they need to use them, they go to the designated bookshelf of the library to read, so many times, the memories of some personalities are not common.

Even between Marvel Schiller and DC Schiller, who are currently working in shifts, many memories are not in common. It is not because they deliberately concealed each other, but they are simply too lazy to check.

The disappearance of the entire tower of thinking means that they can't even see what happened just now, and the disappearance of the tower of thinking also means that the three personalities of ego, id, and superego stationed in the tower are also gone. so they don't even have a place to ask.

There is also a more serious problem, that is, the tower of thinking is equivalent to a passage. If the personality wants to rise to the surface to control the body, it must pass the elevator of the tower of thinking. Now that the tower is gone, the elevator will naturally disappear, that is to say , Schiller now has no way to float up to control the body.

It was Victor, who was sitting next to Schiller in the real world, who discovered this earlier than them.

The ship of the underworld first sent the passengers back to their own conscious space, so Victor expected that he would wake up before Schiller, because he saw that Schiller seemed to be talking to a guy named Morpheus. The person talking about things may come back later than him.

So, Victor stood up, folded his trench coat, and said to Yinwens and Cobot in the front row: "It's very late now, you have class tomorrow, go back to bed first, here I am. Wait for Schiller, I have something to talk to him about."

Yin Wensi looked down at his watch and said, "it's almost dawn, and now go back to the manor to sleep, why don't you just go to class later, I'll just wait here for a while, lest I really oversleep and be late. And be scolded."

Cobot didn't speak, but obviously he didn't intend to leave. He wanted to go to the Gotham University laboratory to help Victor clean up later. After all, the laboratory was bombed into a mess, and someone had to clean it up.

Victor saw that neither of them wanted to leave, nor did he force it, but Jack the Clown woke up, stretched his waist, tightened his jacket, snorted, changed his posture, and fell asleep again. .

Victor squinted in the chair for a while, and when the early morning light shone into the Gotham Theatre, he woke up, and after waking up, he said to himself, "Am I dreaming? Why do I seem to be Dreaming of Schiller calling me?"

Victor shook his head. After the previous laboratory was bombed, he hadn't slept well all night, so he just slept very deeply and couldn't remember anything he had dreamed about.

He turned his head and found that Schiller was still sleeping beside him. Victor frowned and looked down at his watch. If he remembered correctly, Schiller had a morning class this morning. Individuals who plan to delay classes.

At this moment, Jack just woke up, he staggered from the front seat, Victor glanced at him with some vigilance, but didn't say anything.

Walking to Schiller, Jack turned his neck and laughed "hee hee", then put his hand behind his ear, and asked Schiller, "Oh, let me see, there is a fool trapped in consciousness. In the space...who is it?...myself? No! Stop joking, I'm not that stupid!"

"...What? What did you say?...Oh, so that's what it is, yes, I think it's interesting too!"

"Hahahahaha! I'm going to tell my little bat right now that his teacher's soul is gone, maybe dead! Woohoo! Will Batman cry? I'm going to see it now!"

After speaking, Jack ran away in a puff of smoke. Victor listened to what he was saying, and he was a little confused. He didn't know who Jack was talking to or what he was talking about, but he could hear it. Schiller doesn't seem right.

At this time, Yin Wensi had already stood up and was about to leave. He turned his head and said, "Professor Schiller, let's go together. It happens that my first class is on the third floor... Professor? Professor?"

Victor stretched out his hand and stopped Yin Wensi from trying to reach his body. He first touched Schiller's pulse, then listened to his heartbeat, and found that these two data were a little slow and abnormal. Only then did Victor realize the seriousness of the matter.

He immediately took out his phone and called Gordon and said, "Come on! Gotham Theater... Schiller is in a coma! Prepare an ambulance!"

Gordon on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and he raised his voice and asked, "What did you say? Who is in a coma???"

"Schiller! Schiller Rodriguez! Professor of psychology at Gotham University, and now he's unconscious..."

"Is there another murder case?" Gordon said immediately alertly: "He wants to do an alibi? Or he doesn't want to tell us who the murderer is, so he just pretends to faint? Or there is something in Gotham, he doesn't want to Get involved... omg! I'll be right over there!"

When Gordon arrived at the Gotham Theater, Victor was already waiting outside the door. Gordon was faster than him and rushed directly into the audience.

Seeing Schiller really lying there, Gordon put his hands on his hips and said to Schiller, "Stop pretending, there is nothing worth doing like this, don't you still have annual leave? If you really want to hide from leisure, go to Blue Will Dehaven stay for a month?"

Schiller didn't respond, Gordon scratched his head, he felt that if Schiller refused to cooperate, he didn't seem to be able to use violence to wake him up, after all, Victor was watching.

So, Gordon could only say helplessly: "Okay, I'll call an ambulance and give you a certificate. You can do whatever you want on vacation in the hospital."

As he spoke, he took out his phone and called an ambulance. The doctor who walked in was obviously an old acquaintance with Gordon. Gordon pointed at Schiller and said, "Put him in the car first, and then check his life. Signs, if there is no problem, open a diagnosis and treatment order for long-term hospitalization, and then prepare a ward..."

The doctor shrugged and waved his hand. The nurses behind him stepped forward and were about to carry Schiller away, but the leading old nurse frowned the moment she touched Schiller's skin, and she turned her head. Said: "Doctor! The patient's temperature is abnormally low!"

The doctor frowned, walked up quickly, touched Schiller's pulse, checked his eyeballs, his face became a little dignified, and he said quickly: "Quick! Prepare the first aid equipment! The patient's vital signs are not stable!"

Seeing that the doctor's reaction did not seem to be fake, Gordon finally became nervous. He asked the police officers to cooperate with the nurses to lift Schiller into the ambulance, and then he saw that the doctors and nurses in the ambulance were messing around. took out the first aid equipment and began to prepare.

"What the **** is going on here? How could Schiller suddenly... not right. He's not an ordinary person, so it's impossible for him to suddenly lose his vital signs?"

Victor narrowed his eyes, obviously thinking of what happened in the dream world, he took a deep breath and said to Gordon: "You go to Batman, I'll call that Constantine, they should know what's going on."

When Batman received a call from Gordon, his first reaction was: "Is there another murder case in Gotham? Schiller knows who the murderer is, but he doesn't want to tell us, so he pretends to faint?"

Gordon described the doctor's reaction very seriously, and Batman also realized the seriousness of the matter. When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor had already come out of the intensive care unit, and the doctor said: "It's a bit strange, the patient's life The physical signs have dropped to the lowest point, but they remain still, as if they have become a vegetative state."

"We did a brain wave test on him. The strange thing is that his brain waves disappeared. It should have been brain dead.

Batman walked into the ward, and he had to admit, he got nervous when he saw Schiller, who was wearing a ventilator and barely had any vital signs.

However, before he could make the next move, Constantine rushed in. When he came to the door and saw Schiller's state, he turned to Batman and asked, "Is there any trouble in Gotham recently? Is it worth Schiller to make himself like this and avoid it?...Wait a minute, should I also leave this time for a while, I'm afraid it will be a big trouble..."

After he finished speaking, Constantine turned around and was about to leave. Batman held him back. Obviously, after the first moment of nervousness, he thought of the previous situation in the dream world. He held Constantine and asked: " Schiller left with Yume, and then he fell into this state, do you know what's going on?"

Constantine was indeed stopped by him. He hesitated and said, "Do you think the Dream God will trouble Schiller? But to be honest, if he is really angry, we can't leave."

"Maybe you don't know how powerful the Dream God is. Dreams are still reality. It's just a matter of his thoughts. He can weave a dream that we all die at any time, and then replace the reality, so that we are really dead."

"Besides, he really wants to deal with Schiller, why let him lie here? You don't think Dream God doesn't kill like you, do you?"

Batman kept staring at him, Constantine hesitated, and said, "Okay, let's go to Dreamland and ask, but it's better to go It's actually quite dangerous."

"Oh, yes, be sure to take that bomb with you. He will be our most powerful weapon. With him, our safety in the dreamland will be guaranteed."

Batman didn't know what the bomb Constantine said at first, and then he thought that Constantine should be referring to Clark. Batman didn't really want to bring Clark, but when he thought that Clark's role was just a bomb, Batman felt that there was nothing wrong with him.

So, Batman called Clark and explained Schiller's current situation. Clark rushed to the hospital. When he came to the hospital, Schiller had been transferred from the intensive care unit. Although he was still on a ventilator, It doesn't look so scary anymore.

With sadness on his face, Clark asked, "What do you want me to do? I will definitely save Professor Schiller!"

Constantine just wanted to say that you can make a bomb, but Batman patted Clark on the shoulder and said, "Next, we are going to a place that may be very dangerous, and you are our force guarantee."

Clark nodded solemnly, his expression full of a sense of mission, and when Clark, Constantine, Batman and Victor gathered together, they began their plan to go to the Dreamland to find Schiller's traces.

At the same time, after the tower overwhelmed by cats disappeared from the world of consciousness, it landed in an unfamiliar but familiar place, the center of Gotham City's central turntable.

Schiller opened the window and looked out. This is indeed the familiar Gotham City, with cloudy and rainy days, bad traffic conditions, endless gunshots and scolding...

But the only difference is that all the residents living here are cats.

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