American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 540: When is the time for retribution (below)

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Schiller's roar echoed in the New York night sky.

Natasha lay on the window, looked down, and saw Schiller, who had turned into a cloud of gray mist, flew straight down.

After Schiller landed, he took a deep breath and said to Spider-Man, "Even if you want to play games in the middle of the night, you don't have to throw my bedroom off the earth first, right??"

At this time, Pikachu, who was dazed by the fallen building debris, crawled out of the broken arm, stretched out a small short hand, and said, "I swear, he didn't want to play games, because... "

The little short hand pointed to the sparking wires next to it. Obviously, the game console that Peter loved the most was not going very peacefully.

Schiller took a deep breath. He hadn't completely gotten rid of his sleepiness, so he didn't take a closer look at Spider-Man's state. He said, "Well, it seems that the rebellion period is over. I don't ask you to go to bed at eight every day, but Should you go to bed before 12 o'clock? You..."

At this moment, with a "whoosh" sound, an afterimage rushed towards Schiller, and Schiller turned into gray fog with a "bang", only then did he notice that Spider-Man was in a wrong state.

"Spider-Man! Spider-Man!" Considering that the previous commotion might attract onlookers or reporters, Schiller didn't call Peter's name, but his code name, but Peter didn't respond, like sleepwalking Like other people, he chases all the living things around him aimlessly.

Schiller thought for a while and thought of Peter's state, which may be caused by the surface consciousness completely sinking into the conscious world, causing the instinct to rise, and the instinct taking over the body.

But now, the most important thing is to subdue him, otherwise it will be more than just game consoles that will break.

Schiller is very aware of how strong Spider-Man's instinct is, or in other words, Spider-Man's instinct is much stronger than Spider-Man himself, and it is much more difficult to defeat Spider-Man's instinct than to defeat Spider-Man.

The potential of the current little spider has not been fully liberated, but Peter's scientific research is more helpful to the team, but now, Schiller is facing a Spider-Man in its heyday.

If you want to subdue him, you must first defeat him, but you can't take extreme measures. After all, Spider-Man is his own person and can't kill him. Therefore, Schiller faced the problem of Stark before. Knowing that the other side is crazy, he knows You have to fight yourself, but you have to release water.

As a result, Schiller could only once again release the character he was most capable of playing, that is, Moonlight Schiller.

The reason why Schiller dared to do this is because Spider-Man in his heyday had a big killer, that is, spider sense, or it can no longer be said to be spider sense, it should be said to be spider prophecy.

The spider sense that has developed to its heyday is outrageous, and it can almost be said that it is looking into the future. The spider sense that Schiller copied is not so strong, it can only be said to be a danger sense.

However, Moonlight Schiller had the power of the Moon God Kongsu, plus the gray fog, plus he needed to keep strength, the battle situation was basically able to maintain a balance.

The balance of the battle between Schiller and the mindless Spider-Man means that the fight will be long, with the two constantly tossing and turning over New York, the moon is bright and the knife is flashing.

This is an extremely exciting battle feast. The battle between two superhumans with a sense of danger looks like a fierce game of Go. It is necessary to predict the opponent's prediction, and at the same time, set traps for the opponent and confront each other. Intuitively dismantle the opponent's trap.

Soon, the surrounding residential buildings lit up, and many people discovered this abnormality. Schiller led Spider-Man all the way out of the prosperous city until he came to the suburbs of New York. At this time, the battle between the two continued. It even reached a white-hot climax.

At the same time, the meeting of the Radiance Alliance had just ended. Stark woke up from his sleep. The Stark Building in the early morning seemed a little too quiet. At this time, the harsh phone rang, and the voice of Luo Ji came from the opposite side:

"I have already determined the first batch of enemies. Their strength is very low. Even without the support of your technology and S.H.I.E.L.D., they should be able to deal with them only with human military strength."

"Then, according to our arrangement, get ready to start."

Stark exhaled, looked up at the starry night sky, and said, "...then let's get started."

"You'd better think about it, Stark." There was a sigh in Loki's voice, she said: "Human history may not record these things truthfully, and they may not be grateful to you, this is a dangerous move, And all the price, you have to pay."

"Do you think I'll back down?" Stark asked, looking at the stars.

Rocky sighed again, and then said: "The portal will open in Earth's low-Earth orbit in 10 minutes, and the three space battleships of the Chitarians will approach the Earth."

"According to the information I learned recently, their space battleships are not powerful, at least they are much weaker than the Kree frigates you captured before."

"As far as I know, human conventional nuclear weapons can destroy such battleships, so what you have to consider in this war is not how to destroy them, but how to ensure that your earth will not be destroyed under the premise of destroying them. contamination and damage.”

"I think this strength should be considered more appropriate. After that, there are their motherships and Will-class battleships. After this, there are..."

"Wait, what did you deceive them into, so that they will continue to invest troops here??"

"Don't worry about that." Rocky interrupted Stark and said:

"Now, get ready, the first shot of human civilization entering the universe is about to fire."

The people of New York, who were awakened by Schiller and Spider-Man, suddenly found that a particularly bright star appeared in the starry sky above them.

Then, the star gradually enlarged, and everyone found that it was not a star, but more like a space crack that can be seen in a novel or a movie.

This is a special technology possessed by the Chitauri, but it is far less convenient than the portal of the Earth Mage. There are many restrictions, and it must not be interrupted. Therefore, without the approval of Asgard, the Chitauri would have no chance. The way to invade the earth through this portal.

But it just so happened that the eldest princess of Asgard had just defected, and she was pulling people all over the universe to restore her great cause.

No matter how the deceitful **** deceived the Chitauri with such a simple deception, but now, under the cooperation with Loki, the Chitauri battleship has indeed descended on the earth.

Just like what Loki said, the battleships of the Chitarians are far worse than the spaceships of the Kree. The size is only about one-tenth of the spaceships of the Kree escorts. Like a torpedo, not as powerful as a Kree frigate at all.

But for humans, this kind of spacecraft is already outrageously large. At the distance of low-Earth orbit, ordinary people living on the surface can faintly see the shadow of the spacecraft.

Almost instantly, panic engulfed everyone.

Stark didn't tell anyone about the exercise in advance, because he remembered what Schiller said, and now he agrees with it very much--

Fear is the deepest and most difficult scar to be etched in the human soul.

The apocalyptic atmosphere began to envelope the planet, and countless communications rang out, and the group of people standing in the leadership of mankind had never been in contact as often as today.

The tactics of the Qitarui people are very simple. They began to directly destroy the satellites around the earth with their spaceships. Satellites are not only found on the earth, but also by other civilizations.

In short, first empty all the equipment near the earth, watch themselves panic, and then the army will come to take the planet at the lowest price. They have done this many times, so they are very skilled.

The commander of the Chitarians stood in the command room, and he curled his lips in disdain and said, "That princess of Asgard wants to use the earth to see our strength? It's funny, without Asgard's What can this surface civilization do?"

"In my opinion, the generals overestimated them, so why send three battleships? As long as there is one spaceship equipped with electromagnetic weapons, it is enough."

"Zi La-Zi La-"

There was a sudden noise in the communication channel, the commander frowned, picked up the communicator and asked, "What's going on, what happened to ship 302?"

"Help! Help!" A series of screams came from inside: "A red and blue monster! Help..."

"He's coming from the gray fog, and we can't deal with him... sir! We need support... uh..."

"Zi La-Zi La-"

The commander took the communicator and said, "Hey! What's the matter? Reply!





The commander turned his head slowly, and he saw that the door of the command room was kicked up to the wall, and a ghostly figure appeared outside the door.

Standing in the control room on the top floor of Stark Building, Stark, who was always ready to deal with abnormal situations, glanced at the monitoring screen habitually.

He opened his mouth wide and looked at the Qitarui battleship that was suddenly shriveled. The entire battleship was suddenly hit from the inside with many spikes protruding, and within a few tens of seconds, it turned into a round sea urchin.

One battleship exploded in an instant, the second battleship repeated its tragedy, and within a few minutes, the third battleship also turned into a hedgehog.

Suddenly, a spike exploded on the surface of the last battleship.

Stark looked at the commander of the Chitauri who flew out in shock, and the spider-man who flew out after the commander, wrapped in gray fog, rubbing his eyes, sleepy, and just woke up.

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