American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 539: When is the time for retribution (middle)

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When night fell, the second hand ticked softly in the clinic of Hell's Kitchen. On the dial, the hour hand had turned to nine o'clock.

At this time, Schiller had already slept, and only Peter and Pikachu were still playing games in the living room.

Suddenly, Peter exclaimed, startling Pikachu next to him. With a shake of his hand, the villain on the screen fell into the lava. Pikachu turned to look at Peter and asked, "What's wrong?"

Peter turned his head to look at the dial of the clock next to him and said, "It's nine o'clock, I have to go to bed!"

Pikachu stared at Peter with wide eyes, as if he didn't know him, and exaggeratedly opened his mouth and said, "You're going to bed at nine o'clock?? Are you really Peter Parker? Are you being controlled by Schiller?" ??"

"No." Peter threw down the handle with some reluctance and said, "Today, Mr. Stark repeatedly emphasized to me that I should go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening. You see, just now, he sent me a text message. , ask me if I'm already in bed ready to sleep..."

Peter handed the phone to Pikachu, and Pikachu saw that there was indeed a message from Stark on his phone's text message interface. Pikachu shook his head and said, "It seems that he thinks you lack fatherly love."

Peter sighed and looked back at the game console, but eventually went upstairs to sleep.

Lying on the bed, Peter turned over and slowly became sleepy. Originally, he was worried that he might not be able to fall asleep at such an early hour, but soon, he fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, Peter was facing the gazes of Stark and Charles, both of whom were full of "Cubs, Abba is very disappointed in you".

"You didn't go to bed on time." Stark spoke first, Peter didn't understand what was going on, but he explained instinctively: "No, at nine o'clock, I had put the handle down, but I The room is upstairs, so…”

"So, your performance today is not bad?"

"Of course, I've never slept so early in my life, usually at the earliest at 12 o'clock..." Facing Stark's death stare, Peter's voice became smaller and smaller.

Afterwards, he finally began to look at the surrounding environment. This is a very spacious conference room. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is a city full of science fiction, which does not look like the earth.

Peter was very smart and reacted immediately. He said, "I'm dreaming? Professor Charles, did you pull me here?"

"Yes, you are very smart, boy, if you play less games, your brain will be better." Charles walked to the conference table in the center of the room, but Peter caught up with him a little anxiously, he said:

"Wait a minute! Professor! You have to let me go back, I need to control my body so he can lie there, or else..."

Charles walked straight forward, and Peter looked at Stark anxiously and said, "Mr. Stark, as I told you, my body has a strange instinct, out of my control, it may..."

Before he could finish speaking, Stark directly stretched out his hand, hugged Peter, and said earnestly, "You're already late, everyone is waiting for you."

"Peter, you're not too young, you have to understand some things in the workplace. It's impolite to let colleagues waste time waiting for you because of your personal reasons."

"Besides, those instincts may just be your imagination, relax, nothing will happen..."

Peter didn't see Stark's successful smile. He opened his mouth and felt that he couldn't shirk. After a long time, he could only bow his head and say, "Okay, I hope my bed is stronger."

A few people walked over, and many people were already sitting at the conference table, including Mark who was still a little confused, and Natasha who was already skilled in smoking cigarettes.

Stark went to the table, looked around, and said:

"Presumably, everyone here has been involved in an incident recently, and the culprit in this incident is Schiller."

"'One thing' is not very accurate," Steve said.

"The culprit is not very accurate," Natasha said.

Stark let out his suffocated breath. He hammered the table and said, "Okay, let's get straight to the point."

"Just yesterday, because of some of Schiller's actions, the members of Congress almost cried and lifted me to the position of the leader of the solar system construction program."

Speaking of this, Stark was very helpless. He also asked several people successively, and finally asked Natasha, and finally figured out what Schiller did.

To put it simply, Schiller let a ghost named Xun Zong float above the Avengers base, and there are a lot of tens of billions of subsidies, and everyone has a share of the medal.

It is very reasonable to give Natasha one first. After all, she is a Soviet agent and has merit, and then gives Captain America one. It is also reasonable. Steve is also a World War II hero, who once fought against the mustache troops. As for Xi Le himself and Mark, in fact, just add to the head.

The red allergy of lawmakers, especially the older ones, is almost incurable, and Shiller is all about making them feel like they're surrounded.

Then, they will find that these medalists have a common enemy, and that is Stark.

Natasha had infiltrated Stark's company to steal intelligence. In the eyes of the congressmen, Stark would definitely not have a good impression of her, and the relationship between the two of them was not very good.

According to the investigation, before, the relationship between Iron Man and Captain America fell to a freezing point, and the two even fought several times, almost triggering the civil war of the Avengers, so the relationship between the two of them is not good.

Needless to say, Schiller, at the meeting of the superhero registration law, he and Stark faced each other, one left and one right, if Stark and Schiller were on the same front, why did Stark Jump out to refute him? It can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is not very good.

And Mark, who was the last to get the medal, had a fight with Stark over New York on the spot. Although this was entirely the result of Schiller colluding with Kong Su and Director Jack, the fight was a real fight. Everyone has seen it, and their relationship must be very bad.

If you dig a little deeper, Stark's father, Howard, once cooperated with a Soviet scientist, but the two of them had already fallen out. Even the son of the Soviet scientist had already found Stark and wanted to To take revenge.

All of this evidence put together means that Stark can be called an enemy of the Soviet Union.

From the perspective of the congressmen, Stark has been surrounded by members of the Communist Party headed by Schiller, and can only support it. It can be said that he is a boat that keeps shaking under the red tide.

And in this case, he still hasn't compromised, what is this? !

This is, Stalingrad street lamp decorations, Kremlin flagpole nails, the father's first choice for the flag, the soul mate of the devotion, the far right, the far right in the universe, the lone exploiter, the chosen capitalist - Tony Star gram!

Therefore, Stark, who was supposed to play a left-leaning role in the registration law incident, was kicked into the far-right camp, and was pushed to the most important position by the group of congressmen crying and shouting.

Even if the relationship between Stark and everyone is put aside, the councilors do not know that Stark has become a steel demon, transcending the perspective of a single universe. In their opinion, it is impossible for people to betray their own class. Gram is a capitalist who made his fortune selling arms, which is eternal and unchangeable.

They thought that Stark was still subject to the Stark Group's capital, which would make him unable to accept all ideas that demanded fairness, which is why they dared to admire Stark so much.

In addition to getting him the position of the leader of the solar system construction plan, at the same time, Iron Man's reputation has improved rapidly, and the result of vigorous public opinion warfare is that Iron Man has become an Iron Patriot, replacing Captain America and becoming the spirit of America. new benchmark.

If it was before, when Iron Man learned the news, he would immediately wear his suit and go for a few laps in the sky over New York to receive applause from people, and then ask reporters to take some handsome photos of his new suit, print them out and take them to Pepper. show off,

But now, Stark only feels absurd and disgusting, because he knows that behind all the applause and flowers, there are a group of idiots who only focus on the dross of human beings.

No wise person would be happy to be applauded by a bunch of idiots who couldn't be more idiots, only to feel that their approval was like saying, "You are as stupid as we are."

Thinking of this, Stark at the conference table sighed deeply, he resisted the emotion of gnashing his teeth, showed a fake smile, and said, "I can sit in this position, and I have to thank one person, that is Xi Jinping. Le, for this, I must repay his favor."

"Then why did you let Loki defect? ​​What the **** are you doing?" Strange asked.

"After yesterday's vote in the United Nations, the path of all countries' union has been basically determined, but obviously, many people are still focusing on infighting. This is the inferiority of human beings, and it cannot be changed within a day or two. Going to speed up the process." Stark's face returned to seriousness, and he continued:

"Schiller put some pressure on them, but it's still not enough. The civilization inside the earth always knows itself and the enemy. Even if it exceeds, it will not exceed too much. Although the Soviet Union is strong, it is not too much."

"Therefore, we have to put some absolute pressure on these idiots who can't figure it out, from outside the earth."

Charles touched his chin and said, "So, it has something to do with Loki's defection, right?"

"I made a deal with that... princess. She brought some suitable external enemies to the earth, and at the same time, with Asgard as the backing, she gave human civilization a chance to train troops."

"Then what do you need to pay?" Strange asked.

"One of my favors," Stark replied.

Just as Steve was about to ask, Strange followed Stark's train of thought and said, "Indeed, this deal is fairly fair."

"As far as I know, the change of Asgard's power is not completely unaffected, and the rule of some parts of the nine kingdoms has become unstable. At the same time, the object of their competition is the interstellar For the most developed civilizations, it does not hurt for them to have a good relationship with a single-universe-level powerhouse who can become a multi-dimensional powerhouse at any time."

"And, there is Ragnarok." Stark said with his arms crossed: "Of course, I can't sacrifice myself to protect them from disasters, but helping them when necessary is also beneficial to human civilization. benefit."

"In addition..." Stark added: "Once the foreign enemy arrives, all countries will definitely focus all their attention on the foreign enemy, and they will concentrate all their strengths to protect themselves and their position."

"And at this time, it doesn't matter what Schiller's position is, as long as he is a human, he can help, so that he will not be stared at by those messy agents every day, even if I return his favor ."

At this time, in the dark night of Hell's Kitchen, the sleeping Schiller turned over. What he didn't see was that a ghostly figure suddenly walked into the dark bedroom.

At this time, Natasha, who had left the dream meeting early because she wanted to smoke in the airship's bedroom, habitually glanced out the window.



! "

Natasha opened her mouth wide and looked at the roof that was thrown high and appeared outside the window. When she was thrown to the highest point, it stagnated for a moment, and then "Hugh" fell down.

Then there was another "bang", and Natasha looked up again, looking in shock at a bed that appeared outside the window, and Schiller, who was still sleeping, clutching the quilt, and staring wide-eyed above the bed.

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