American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 535: 1 ghost named Xun Zong... (Part 1)

The weather is getting colder again, the morning and evening are no longer as breathless as before, instead it becomes cooler. The unique humidity unique to the cities on the east coast, with the sea breeze coming ashore in the morning, blowing in the windows. At times, the heat from the coffee became a little thinner.

Schiller picked up the coffee cup, took a sip of coffee, and turned to look out the window. On the brightly colored walls of Hell's Kitchen, there was just a graffiti on it last night. Just looking at the Mexican-style undead pictures, he knew that. It must have been painted by Gonzalez, the taco vendor.

Yes, Schiller moved back to that clinic in Hell's Kitchen, but in a way, he's doing it himself.

Some people may still remember that Schiller's original purpose was to find some work for the Avengers, so that they would not always stare at the weak and helpless Hydra, in order to keep the last spark of the poor Hydra.

The first accident occurred when Nick Fury reported Schiller directly on the spot.

Some people may still remember that when DC Schiller went online, he damaged several secret bases of Nick Fury. Spilled blood, it can be said that the report on Schiller has been premeditated for a long time.

Later, Schiller was taken to the CIA and met the Moonlight Knight, which can only be said to be a coincidence.

But after that, Schiller started non-stop spending line tasks. First, because he was curious about the secret of the resurrection of the Egyptian gods, he made a deal with Kong Su. After drawing out Amit, he asked Amit to kill himself in order to restore the Moonlight Knight TV series. In the middle of Mark's experience, so that he can go to the underworld.

After robbing a ship in the underworld, the accident started again. In order to retaliate for Marvel Schiller for finding him so many jobs in the green light industry, DC Schiller simply released the security authority of the Temple of Thought and let Star K and Steve entered the bottom floor of the Hall of Thought.

Then, DC Schiller persuaded the id again to cast Stark and Steve in a play, concocting himself an origin story of a tragic childhood.

But who knows, according to this, Stark and Steve thought that Schiller was caught in the obsession of resurrection, and they hurriedly found Schiller who was exploring the secret of resurrection, and the process of Schiller and death calling again. It was too crazy, which deepened their misunderstanding.

The third accident occurred in the stubborn attitude of death.

I don't know what the reason is, death will never allow Schiller to go to the country of death, and Schiller, because of his competitive spirit, combined Strange and Loki to come up with hundreds of sales pitches, not to win the big game of death. Customers never give up.

However, the balance exists in the dream world. If Schiller wants to sell, he must fall into a dream. From the outsider's point of view, he fell into drowsiness due to mental problems, which made Stark and Steve even more worried. .

At this time, DC Schiller's revenge is not over yet. He has long ago left the Philby list and the Red Banner Medal he found in the Metropolitan Manor in the cabinet of the nursing home that Schiller now owns. In addition to causing some trouble for Marvel Schiller, you can also lift the ceiling, so as to solve the identity problem of the Hydra snake head left when he replaced the class.

Stark and Steve were guided by DC Schiller and found these clues in the nursing home. They made up a strange story, but were later refuted by Natasha.

But the fourth turning point is quite unexpected. At a time when the superhero culture has just developed and gained a lot of popularity, the Congress can't wait to harvest some of this wave of popularity and use superheroes for them. As a result, they proposed Superhero Registration Act.

At that time, Marvel Schiller already knew that he was also in the game. He did not confirm his identity as a KGB. Stark and Steve would only endlessly guess those **** stories, in case their mouths were bigger. , let the members of the Avengers know, that Schiller really can't explain it.

In order to take back the final interpretation right of his background story, Schiller can only take one step to confirm his identity, and then have room for explanation, and the superhero registration law gave him this opportunity.

On the way to Capitol Hill, Schiller thought about this series of plans, the ultimate goal of which is to make all countries on the earth more united.

In fact, a long time has passed since the concept of Stark's solar system construction plan was proposed. According to Stark's productivity, if no one is holding back, this probe should have touched every corner of the solar system. all over.

The problem is that there are too many people who are holding back.

The United States must want to seize the opportunity in this plan and restore their hegemony, but the countries in the Far East will not agree. After their dispute, the United States found that instead of trying to build this plan and fight for a larger territory, it is better to frame others. As long as the opponent doesn't have a large enough territory, they can still maintain the advantage.

To put it simply, this is already a bad era. If anyone thinks well, then everyone will rush to drag their feet.

In the solar system construction plan, this is especially obvious. Stark's productivity has actually far exceeded the needs of the initial plan, and the reason why this plan cannot be carried out is because the political resistance is too great.

Stark's purpose is not to walk into the universe alone. If he wants to, he can even directly break through the single universe, but his fundamental purpose is to enable human civilization to enter the universe and enter the interstellar society, so although this plan is based on turtles. Fast forward, he is still pushing hard.

In this regard, Stark is particularly patient, but his patience does not mean that Schiller is also.

In most cases, Schiller is more patient, but since the gentlemen of Capitol Hill have given such a good opportunity to attack, and Schiller's own identity background has also been paved, then the next play will be Well done.

In fact, Schiller wants to form a pole of its own, and then return the earth to the peak era of the confrontation between the two poles, and force mankind to unite with ideological confrontation.

To do this, you first need to take a stand, which is why Schiller took an extremely radical far-left attitude in Congress. He must let those lawmakers who have been at ease for a long time understand that he is A philosophical fanatic who can do anything.

Then, he needs to let everyone know that he has this ability, so he disclosed his information and special ability.

In fact, Schiller is not as strong as Professor X's brainwashing ability. What he copied is only mind reading, and in most cases he can only perceive emotions.

But on the way to Capitol Hill, he took a nap in the car and headed to Dreamworld for afternoon tea with Professor X.

Before, Schiller lent Professor X the ship of the underworld as a school bus, which made him very grateful. Professor X said that this was not a lie. He was telling the truth.

With the strongest endorsement, the rest of the Avengers did not know the specific strength of Schiller's ability. In their opinion, Schiller was more unwilling to use the ability than unable to do it.

Under the mutual confirmation of many parties, leaders all over the world believe that Schiller is an immortal who has been active since the peak of the Soviet Union, and has a firmer belief than anyone else.

And recently, he was disappointed with the situation on Earth, so he wanted to pull the red behemoth back.

Everyone doesn't want him to do this, and there is only one solution, and that is to quickly self-examine.

The places where the oil leaks are blocked and the parts are missing should be repaired quickly.

We unite to prove to the dead giants that the beacon of human civilization is still shining enough. We can join hands and step into the universe. In the deep space that you have seen countless times, but never visited in person, light a Star after star.

You can see it, we're glad, but the best place to see it is from your grave.

In fact, the smart people in the leadership have seen Schiller's purpose, but they dare not gamble. Fortunately, the vast majority of people in the country's leadership have experienced the Cold War era.

The curtain of idealism has not yet been lifted. They know that in order to liberate all mankind, this group of people can do whatever it takes. They can even give up their own lives, not to mention launching a crazy plan to brainwash all mankind?

That being the case, move quickly. The faster you move, the bigger the move, the bigger the share of the inevitable forward plan you can make. So overnight, all countries have become extremely active.

Of course, there is another issue they have to consider, that is, although there is no way to deal with Schiller, they still need to limit him.

Professor X is very strong, but he also has weaknesses that can be targeted, that is, the school of mutants, and an old rival, Magneto.

Although Congress chose to compromise, tossed the superhero registration law aside, and started cleaning light bulbs, repairing pipes, and relighting lighthouses, at the same time, they also had to do second-hand preparations, ready to limit the crazy Schiller.

If you want to know what weaknesses Schiller has, you naturally have to send someone to observe him. The FBI and the CIA have joined together for a long time and began to track them 24 hours a day.

It turned out that Schiller lived in his own super invincible luxury sanatorium, and that super invincible luxury sanatorium was located in the town with the best environment and the most wealthy people near New York. The buildings other than the sanatorium were also luxury villas.

Congress has given enough funds, and these agents live as luxuriously as they want.

They are happy, but there is one person who is not happy, that is Schiller.

He worked so hard and spent a lot of effort to get this sanatorium. As a result, the gang of agents came over to monitor it, but they wanted to have the same luxurious hardware conditions? This is too much!

In line with the concept of European and American diplomacy, if you are good, you can't be good. If you are good, everyone will not be good at European and American diplomacy. Schiller resolutely gave up the super invincible luxury nursing home, and then moved back to his small clinic in Hell's Kitchen.

In this way, although his living conditions became bad, the living conditions of the agents who followed him became very bad.

Because the location of the clinic is actually the best house in the three surrounding blocks.

In this way, Schiller was finally relieved, because in his opinion, he was a complete victim in this series of times. Now, these agents actually let the culprits not be caught, and came to stare at him. The victim? Simply unreasonable!

Aside from the stalking of the agents at the bottom, the top level is also discussing what exactly Schiller's weakness is, and how to restrain Schiller, so that he can think more before going the vice president's office , The old man with gray temples rubbed his temples. He looked a lot more haggard than usual, and even had more white hair on his head.

Obviously, little progress has been made in Schiller's weak attack plan. In recent days, he has frequently hit a wall, and his blood pressure has been extremely high.

The secretary came over and handed him a security phone. After he picked up the phone, he said to the other side:

"How is the relationship survey? If he is really a Soviet, he should have had a history of marriage, right?"

"...Can't find it out? Could it be that he is also a high-ranking secrecy officer? What did the Russian Federal Security Service say?"

"Is there no such person? It seems that his secrecy level is not generally high. Is he also part of a recovery plan in the former Soviet Union?"

The vice president sighed, covered his head, and said:

"Okay, let's not talk about the past, what about recently? Does he have any frequent contacts of the opposite sex?"

"Well, when he was teaching at the university, didn't he have any close female students?"

The person who answered the other side seemed embarrassed. The vice president waved his hand and said, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"He has almost no communication with the opposite sex. If he has to say that he has frequent contact with the opposite sex, there is indeed one, but it is not a student, but an agent."

"Agents? Where's the agents? The agents are better, even without persuasion and training."

"Uh, it's an agent of SHIELD."


"Natasha Romanoff, who just recently concluded an internal investigation into suspected KGB spy..."


"Vice President! Vice President! What's the matter with you? ... Your Excellency! Wake up! Quick! Call the doctor! Mr. Vice President has a heart attack!

! "

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