American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 534: What Schiller does best (Part 2)

What is the best era?

Perhaps, everyone has his answer.

Stark feels that the best time is now, when human beings are about to enter the sea of ​​stars, and he will achieve higher achievements than his father.

Steve felt that the best era was the last era, which was his era, a pure but magnificent era.

Nick Fury believes that the best era is always the next era, and an unknown enemy means more money.

But if we add an attribute to this question, what is the best era for human civilization?

It was the era when there was confrontation across the ocean and the strongest competition.

In that era called the Cold War, two superpowers competed in all-round way. At that time, all the genius and wisdom of human beings were liberated, and when the two suns were bright, a thousand stars were lifted into the sky.

In that era, one was the red giant who worked hard to liberate the great ideal of all mankind, and the other was the beacon of the world that was never resigned to being left behind, staring at the stars and the sea.

In that silent era, the small sparks rubbed out can still light up the fire of science and technology to this day.

However, the fall of the red giant does not mean that the other side has won. It can be said that both of them have lost, and so has human civilization.

The lighthouse that used to be extremely bright, because there is no longer the night sky that needs him to light up, and there is no longer a ship that needs him to guide the way home, the pipelines are beginning to be old, and the bulbs are covered with dust.

This lighthouse that has gradually been extinguished will no longer be cleaned by night workers, because it is no longer necessary.

They don't save the ship that hit the rocks in the distance, and no one can accuse them anymore. The stormy winds and waves and the distressed sailors that are set off thousands of miles away will no longer turn to another path because of their idyll.

At this point, everyone believes that the best and worst times are over, and will never return.

Although the raging flame composed of countless stars and fires has been extinguished, now, another flame has been ignited.

It was the flame of one person, which was incomparable to the once sturdy giant, but the ability he possessed was extremely powerful, so he formed an army alone.

The terrifying and fascinating red ghost came to the earth once again. He was not resurrected, but he was resurrected.

What kind of changes will a professor X with a firm communist ideology bring to the earth?

Perhaps the only change was that the dead soul who had died was pulled back again. She stretched out her arms, took the earth into her arms, and watched everything here in the sky thousands of miles away.

The lighthouse had better be bright enough, otherwise, we will light it up.

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, Nick put down the phone and said to Coulson next to him in a rare serious tone:

"Notify everyone, prepare for a meeting!"

The bulbs in the corridor lit up one by one, and a group of people led by Nick walked quickly across the corridor. When they entered the conference room, more people were already waiting there. Nick stood at the front and glanced around. The first sentence rang out like thunder.

"Tomorrow, at the meeting of the permanent members of the United Nations, we will vote to approve the global joint solar system construction plan."

"I have received an order from Congress. From now on, S.H.I.E.L.D. is solely responsible for the scheduling and arrangement of supernatural forces in the solar system construction plan."

"For a period of time in the future, the manpower will be very tight, so I don't care where you come from or who you have served. Now, you are all part of mankind. At this node when mankind is about to step into the universe, we must unite."

"In the next period of time, the CIA's intelligence work related to technical protection and investigation will be stopped one after another, and some agents will be transferred to S.H.I.E.L.D. I hope you can get along well with your new colleagues."

Nick's face was very serious, and he didn't have the attitude of getting by in the past. He said:

"Perhaps, you have already investigated clearly what we are facing. If we do not do well, someone will be willing to replace us."

At the same time, in the CIA office, Mark raised his head and looked at his serious boss. He asked with some doubts, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my resignation letter?"

"Yes," his boss replied.

"Uh, which part is not clearly written? I can write it again." Mark said immediately.

"The problem is, you can't resign."

"Why?" Mark asked in surprise. He didn't understand why his boss made a 180-degree turn?

Before, because the investigation of Schiller's related problems was not good, his boss was very dissatisfied and looked for trouble everywhere.

Mark wanted to resign on the grounds of his poor mental state. His boss verbally agreed and only asked him to make up a resignation letter. Unexpectedly, his boss repented.

Mark's boss came over, patted Mark's shoulder, and said, "The global joint solar system plan is of great significance. I heard that the people above intend to form the Earth Commonwealth government in order to better allow human civilization to enter the universe. "

Mark's eyes were about to pop out. He said, "The government of the Earth Commonwealth? What's wrong? What happened? Didn't you say some time ago that the solar system construction plan is too controversial, isn't it difficult to divide the solar system site? What? united?"

The boss obviously knew more than Mark. He sighed and said, "Because the biggest resistance has disappeared, Congress has figured it out, and the Russian side has figured it out faster than they can."

"Why? Why did they all figure it out all of a sudden?"

"Because Congress doesn't want a resurrection of the Soviet Union, and Russia doesn't want it more than they do."

"So, Mark, throw your resignation letter in the trash and prepare to continue contributing to human civilization."

The surprised Mark's face gradually changed, slowly turning into Natasha's face. She opened her mouth in shock and looked at Nick in front of her and asked:

"Removal of the investigation?? Reinstatement?? But the investigation hasn't even started yet! How come it's over?"

Natasha was perplexed. Although under Nick's favoritism, she was not really under house arrest for investigation, nor was she under surveillance, and she could even work normally, but nominally, she was suspected of being a KGB spy. , while under investigation.

But it took only a few days of investigation, and the results came out? When did the investigation efficiency of SHIELD become so high?

"Yes, you have been cleared of suspicion. On the one hand, it is because we really don't have enough manpower, and you have to do a lot of obvious work. On the other hand, it is not particularly important whether you are the KGB or not. Close one eye."

"Why?" Natasha asked in shock.

"Yesterday, the presidents of the five permanent members held a teleconference and finalized the main line for the development of human civilization in the next hundred years. Simply put, it is one word, cooperation."

Natasha was really shocked. She covered her forehead, looked up at the ceiling, and said, "Did I slept all night? Instead of sleeping like Captain America for 70 years?? What in the world? Now? Congress will actually talk to people about cooperation?”

Nick briefly explained to Natasha what Schiller did in Congress yesterday, and then he commented:

"A madman who wants to revive the Soviet Union at any time is watching the world. If we do not do well, he will let the Soviet Union do it. Do you want the Soviet Union to do it?"

Natasha hesitated for a moment, then said, "That depends on when the Soviet Union was."

"That's for you, for them, if Schiller gets the late Soviet Union back, but if he gets the early Soviet Union back, everybody in the U.S. and the Russian Congress will be tied together, and they'll have to hang the street lights."

Natasha showed a very complicated expression, some crying, some fear, and some nostalgia.

After Nick left, she took out the Red Banner from her pocket.

She stroked the surface of the medal with her fingers, and said in a complex tone that no one else had ever heard:

"That era is over and won't come back..."

"But all those who have been healed by him, who have been proud of him, and who have slept through the night with hatred for it, we are all alive..."

"He doesn't need to be resurrected because the spirit never dies."

"Do you really want to resurrect the Soviet Union?"

Standing on the roof of Stark Building, dusk fell again, and in the evening wind, Stark turned to look at Schiller.

Schiller's hair fluttered in the evening wind, he also turned his head, looked at Stark, smiled and said:

"He's not dead, what about resurrection?"

Stark was a little silent, but Schiller's voice drifted away with the evening wind, which seemed a little unclear.

"In this world, a credible doctrine and belief will not be dissipated by the fall of a country."

"A certain great ideal that once fascinated countless people and sacrificed their lives for righteousness, UU reading will not weaken its charm because of the passage of time."

"First Evolution"

"As long as this ideal and belief is still circulating in human civilization, even if the road is tortuous, the future is still bright."

With a slight sigh, Schiller looked at the New York skyline, where the splendor and prosperity were still alive, and he said:

"The real communists never pursue geography, institutions and positions. We pursue only one purpose, which is to liberate all mankind."

"Therefore, it is not on that land that resurrecting that group of people will resurrect that era. I never intended to do that."

"There are neither objective conditions nor complete necessity. If you insist on this, you will fail to grasp the main contradiction and fall into a vicious circle of metaphysics."

Stark turned to look at Schiller and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

Schiller said in a very calm tone:

"They are afraid of me, they are afraid of me, but they can't eliminate me, so they can only work hard and prove that they can do better. Don't you think this is a little familiar?"

"That spirit and faith that has been resurrected in me has been resurrected in this world."

"And one day, this lighthouse will be bright enough to illuminate all mankind and the entire universe..."

"Then who can say that he is not resurrected?"

"So all this is your plan?!"

Stark looked at Schiller with his arms crossed, and said angrily: "The reason for playing a big circle with us is to make the people in Congress feel nervous that they will be replaced by the Soviet Union, so that they can stop infighting and unite. And then into the universe?"

Schiller showed his brightest smile so far, saying: "This is the lighthouse of the world..."

"And I'm the best at twisting light bulbs."

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