American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 391: Avengers Great Adventure! (superior)

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"After I opened that door, I found that my body had changed, I had become very short, and everything seemed to have grown huge, my hands became C-shaped, and my head became a cylinder , like the usual building blocks..."

Steve took a deep breath, and the memory gradually returned to the moment he pushed the door open.

When Steve just walked in, he felt himself dazed for a moment, and then he found that his field of vision became lower, and when he lowered his head, he saw his body turned into a square.

At this time, he recalled the shape of the doorknob he twisted. He shrugged and said, "Okay, building block man, I have played with it too.".

When the dim light in front of him dissipated, he realized that he had appeared in a bright store. Steve was walking in the store with great interest, looking at the shelves made of small blocks, and the put goods.

It was a very novel experience, he had never seen the world as a building block villain, but the happy time passed quickly, and Steve suddenly heard a high-pitched scream.

He rolled on the spot reflexively and hid behind a large shelf, and then he heard a "bang" gunshot, and a voice with an exaggerated tone sounded: "Take out all your money, just take it out. Now you don't want to get shot!"

Steve stuck his head out and saw a robber pointing a gun at the owner of the convenience store. He was about to run out to stop him, but he looked down at his fingerless C-shaped hand. I looked left and right, and saw a mop in the corner of the convenience store.

In front of the counter of the convenience store, the robber pointed a gun at the store owner and said, "I'm from Texas, you better not mess with me, I have a farm of more than 800 acres there, and there are two A ram that gave birth to 74 ewes!"

"You know? If I pull the trigger and fire this shot, according to Texas law, I have to file a declaration form for a farmer's active defense agreement. Do you know how many regulations are there? There are 172! But I'm not going to abide by any of them, hahahahaha!"

"Okay, now I'm going to shoot, what? You've got the money, no! It's useless! Do you know where this is?!"

"Bang!" A mop slapped him directly on the wall, and the mop slowly lowered, revealing Steve's face.

At this moment, there was a cracking sound from the glass window above Steve's head, and a small building block man in black landed in the room, and he said, "Stop! You evil robber! I am Batman and I will make all criminals pay!"

"...Wait, how did he fall to the ground? Is this a new type of robbery?" The little black man who called himself Batman looked down at the robber on the ground, Steve picked up the mop, sighed and said:

"Thanks to him, like you, who likes to read such long lines before he starts, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance to knock him down."

"Oh, who are you? Wait .

"...No, my name is Rogers, who are you? Your name is Batman? That's a really weird name."

"That's right, I'm Batman." The black building block man stepped forward, he narrowed his eyes, showing a suspicious expression, and said, "Judging from the speed and strength of the mop you just swung, you shouldn't An ordinary person, who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?"

"Uh, I'm not an ordinary person, but I'm here to find something. Have you ever seen a key?"

"Key? What key do you mean? A real key, or a conceptual key, or a philosophical key?"

This Steve thinks the current scene is very funny, because he is trying to explain to a building block villain what his purpose is, but the atmosphere of the scene makes him have to treat the building block villain with a serious attitude, Because the whole world is made of building blocks, he himself has become a building block.

Steve walked out with Batman, and as he walked, he said, "It's a madman's mind hall, and now, we're stuck here, we have to find the key to get out, I just randomly opened one. The door is here..."

"Mind halls, keys and doors?" Batman grasped the point sharply. "I don't know what these concepts you are talking about, but I will investigate him, as you can see, this is Gotham..."

At this moment, a sudden beam of light shook Steve, who couldn't open his eyes. He blocked his eyes with his arm, and when he put it down, he saw that a bat-shaped light suddenly appeared in the dark sky. Eucalyptus.

He heard the building block guy next to him say, "Oh, **** it looks like it's the Joker guys making trouble in town again! I've got to stop them!"

"Clown Gang? Who is that?" Steve asked in confusion.

"It was a bunch of lunatics, they were good at making explosions and kidnappings, and the purpose was to force me to appear."

"Can I come with you? I can help you deal with them."

"" Batman shook his head, and Steve could see a hint of depth and mystery from his cylindrical head.

"The clown and I are fateful opponents. Wherever he appears, there must be me, and wherever I am, he will certainly appear. This is a battle that only belongs to the two of us!"

Steve looked at the serious look on the cylindrical head, and he could only nod his head and say, "Okay, do you mind multiple audiences then?"

Two minutes later, Steve came to the roof of a building, and he saw on the building opposite him, a little man with green hair and a purple suit, standing among a group of tightly tied children. in front of people.

Due to the distance, Steve couldn't quite hear what Batman and the little building block guy named The Joker were talking about, but the two of them stood on the top of the building and talked for almost an hour anyway.

Steve thought to himself, fortunately, the people who were **** were all building blocks without blood vessels, otherwise, for such a long time, the limbs might have to be amputated due to ischemia...

He was thinking like this when he heard a "boom" explosion, and the entire building opposite was collapsed. Steve watched countless parts flying out with the explosion.

The aftermath of the explosion also hit him. To be precise, Steve was hit on the arm by a small building block that collapsed.

What's even more outrageous is that the explosion that was originally small in scale actually produced a shock wave like a nuclear explosion, which directly sent Steve flying thousands of kilometers away, like an exaggerated animation shot.

Steve was dazed for a while. When he woke up again, he blinked hard. When he stood up, he suddenly found that his body's center of gravity was a little out of tune. Looking down, he found that his entire left arm was gone.

He thought to himself again, fortunately, I am also a building block person, otherwise, I might have been in shock due to excessive blood loss.

Just as he was about to look for his arm, he saw a building block figure in a strange samurai suit with a glow stick in his hand walking towards him. He saw Steve's appearance and said to him: "Are you affected by the bombing just now?"

"Where is this?" Steve looked at the light stick in his hand suspiciously, and said, "What are you holding in your hand?"

"This is a lightsaber, don't you know? Where did you come from?"

"I just came from a strange city. I came here to find the key. Have you ever seen anything like a key?"

"No, but I'm on my way to Master Yoda's house. He's a man of great knowledge, and if you're looking for something, maybe he'll know."

"Okay, can I go with you then?"

"Well, this is fine, but your arm is gone..." The strange warrior turned his head to look around and said, "Oh, here it is."

Saying that, he walked to a ruin, and among the small pieces of building blocks, he found an arm, then walked to Steve's side again, placed the part on his side, and tried hard. Press, "click", Steve found that his arm regained consciousness.

"But it's not enough just to have an arm. You still lack a hand. Come on, let's look around here, maybe we can find useful parts."

Steve looked at his arm speechlessly. He was pretty sure it wasn't the one he lost, but then again, the arms of all the building blocks looked the same, and they were all cuboid anyway. There's nothing wrong with it.

So, he followed the warrior to the ruins to rummage, not to mention, not only found a hand part, but also found a lightsaber thrown here.

Steve took the unlit lightsaber in his hand, looked left and right, and said, "Is this a weapon? How do I activate it?"

"Calm down, feel the Force within you..."

"The Force? What is that?"

"Ah, if you don't have the Force, just press the button on the key, just light it up..."

Steve squeezed the handle, and with a "hum" sound, a shining beam appeared at the front of the bare handle. Steve put the sword in front of him and looked at it, he said with a smile: " This is too convenient, isn't it? In normal combat, you only need to take a hilt, press it, and you can turn it into a melee weapon. What's the lethality of this thing?"

"Are you also interested in the Force Sword? Then we can go to Master Yoda together, and he will explain it all to you..."

Steve put out his lightsaber and said, "Come on, I'm really interested."

As the two of them walked, Steve explained: "I used to fight with shields. It's a very useful weapon. It can be used for defense, or it can be thrown and used to attack."

"But in fact, I have also considered some sharper melee weapons. However, weapons with a long enough attack range and sufficient lethality are often bulky and inconvenient to carry, but if you want to be light, the attack distance will definitely be shorter. , then I might as well use a shield."

After speaking, he looked at the lightsaber in his hand with only one handle left, and said, "Although I haven't tried retractable weapons, they are limited by materials, and most of them are not so easy to use, but this one The sword looks interesting."

After speaking, he used the hand he had just put on, and said close to the beam part of the light: "It's not quite the same as the laser. Don't worry about hurting your energy weapon, it's interesting..."

Just as they were passing through the ruins that looked like they were being bombed, suddenly, a group of small building blocks in white armor appeared in front of them, and the samurai immediately took out his lightsaber and took a fighting stance, he said: " Be careful! It's the enemy! They kidnapped Princess Laiya!"

Steve took out his lightsaber and imitated the warrior in front of him to make a defensive stance. He turned his head and asked, "My name is Steve, what's your name?"

"My name is Luke."

Saying that, the two of them swung their lightsabers to meet the little building blocks in white armor.

When waving the lightsaber, Steve had a very strange feeling. Although what he was hacking was a little man made of plastic blocks, the lightsaber felt really good. It seemed that the beam should have no weight, but in fact When waving it, you can feel a clear blow.

Just as he was cutting vigorously, more and more villains surrounded him, and Steve and Luke had to face back to back, holding lightsabers, to face the siege of a large number of enemies.

At this moment, they suddenly felt the earth tremble, and the sound of "Rumble" came from afar, and it approached in an instant.

Between the countless parts flying, Steve saw that a huge building block dinosaur ran over and stepped on all the white armored villains under his feet into parts.

Steve thought it was reinforcements, but when he saw the Schiller-like building block man riding on the back of a dinosaur, he had a bad premonition.

And unfortunately, that hunch came true.

"So, you were trampled to death by a dinosaur?" Stark said while holding back a smile.

Steve covered his forehead and said, "How do I know that a place that looks like a sci-fi movie will suddenly pop out a dinosaur??"

"And Schiller was still riding on the back of the dinosaur. I accidentally shook my head, so I didn't dodge..."

"By the way, what was the room you went to, professor?" Steve asked Charles, looking at him.

Charles shook his head and said, "I can't even describe it to you because I don't know much about it. It looks like a room with all kinds of games."

"I met a little boy, he gave me a ball and asked me to catch some I could understand what he said, but I didn't quite understand what he meant, I was there I turned around and found that I really couldn't understand it, so I came out."

Stark sighed and said, "I think Schiller did it on purpose. What random selection of rooms must have deliberately found a room that we are not good at, so as to trap us here."

"We have to figure out a way, we can't stay here all the time, right?" Steve covered his forehead, and suddenly, as if thinking of something, he turned to look like Charles and said, "Professor, you can call other people in here. come?"

"Theoretically, the process of getting in and out is the same, I have to cut a hole in the wall, um... But if Schiller agrees, he may also be able to enter through the side door."

Stark looked at Steve and asked, "What do you want to do? Is it possible that you want to pull more people in and trap them here?"

"Didn't you find it? There are problems that we can't solve, but some of our friends can solve. For example, Strange is good at magic, and Peter is good at games. As for dinosaurs, I think Connors, a biologist, should have any way?"

"Professor Charles, please help us ask, can more people come in here? We have to cooperate to solve these mysteries."

"Okay, wait a second." Charles closed his eyes as if he was communicating with Schiller. After a while, he opened his eyes and said:

"No problem, he agreed, but you better think about it, if they come in, they'll be stuck here too."

"I believe that if we work together, we can definitely solve the problem." Steve said firmly.

Although he didn't have a shield in his hand, he raised his arm and said, "Avengers, rally!"

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