American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 390: Outrageous stitching (below)

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Stark's attitude towards magic is very rational. He believes that this is a power that can be used. If a person spends his life studying this power and using it to the extreme, then he is still worthy of admiration. scholar.

But this does not mean that he wants to learn magic by himself. Although Strange has seen the convenience of magic, and he has experienced the power of magic energy core, Stark always believes that this is not a an ability that can be systematically learned.

The magic he had been exposed to, the kind Strange used, was filled with too many occult vocabulary and all kinds of ambiguous hints. I'm not responsible for leading the door, and I rely on individuals to practice from beginning to end.

Stark prefers to make everything accurate to the limit that they can be accurate. He hopes that there will be a result if there is a reason. He hopes that the input and output can have a clear and quantifiable value, rather than a sentence of "depending on your understanding".

So when he heard the words magic and wand, he knew he was in the wrong place.

A school for learning magic? Stark can't imagine, because in his opinion, school is a place where knowledge is systematically taught, and a subject without any systematic education plan should be taught in school, which is completely misleading. .

Stark froze for a while, and the other students took out their wands. The teacher looked at Stark who was staying there. He shook his head helplessly, cleared his throat, and then used his hand of the wand lightly.

A cluster of small sparks bloomed in front of Stark, which brought him back to his senses. He touched the pocket of his clothes, and then took out a small wooden stick from it and held it in his hand.

He had discovered this thing since last night, but he was completely unaware that it was actually a spellcasting tool.

See, that's what magic is like, and that's a bit absurd, Stark thought, looking at the stick in his hand.

But then, the knowledge taught by the teacher was a bit beyond his expectations, and Stark did not hear those ambiguous words, such as perception, induction, communication, fate, etc.

He heard the teacher say: "First of all, I want to remind you of the way of holding the staff. Some people like to hold the staff with their index finger and thumb. Most wizards like to do this, but some people are special. They like to use The index finger and the middle finger, or the **** and the ring finger sandwich the staff, this is also possible, just look at yourself."

"But there is no doubt that you need to find a comfortable position to hold it. The next thing to pay attention to is that when swinging the staff, don't swing your arms too much, but use the skill of your wrists."

"This is exactly the point of the levitating technique that this lesson is going to talk about. Its basic casting action is 'swipe and shake'..."

"First, let's practice swinging the wand, and then we can add the spell. Now do it with me, a wave, a shake, a wave... a shake..."

Stark turned his head left and right, and found that the others had already begun to make movements, and he hurriedly picked up his wand and began to do so.

For a normal 10-year-old child, this action is not too difficult, not to mention Stark, who has adult wisdom. Soon, he did a good job and even got praise from the teacher.

When he heard the teacher say "Anthony did a good job, let him show everyone a demonstration", Stark nodded reservedly and said, "Thank you, just call me Tony."

As he said that, he raised his wrist and waved his wand lightly, drawing a graceful arc in the air. The teacher applauded, and everyone else cast envious glances.

After doing all this, Tony was stunned again, what the **** is he doing? Why are you arguing with these kids? What's the point of this?

But I have to admit that this is a brand new field for him, and the absolute confidence in Stark's heart has risen again. He believes that as long as it is something that can be learned systematically, there is absolutely nothing he cannot learn. .

"Next, we're going to talk about the spell part, follow me, Wingardim - Leviosa -!"

After a class was over, Stark was still waving his wand. He had successfully floated the feather, but he felt that he could do better. After the teacher announced that the get out of class was over, the classmate next to him pulled him. He just reacted.

Stark suppressed the excitement in his heart. When a brand new field was in front of him, he would study it without sleep or sleep, but obviously, there was the next class to listen to, and more. What amazing things are waiting for him to witness.

The teacher of the second class is very familiar, it is the male teacher who received them that day in the branch, he pushed his glasses and said, "I am the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, this is a course that teaches you how to defend against dangerous black magic. Subjects, we will start the class next."

"Defense against the Dark Arts has a long history. Many evil black magicians have used powerful black magic to endanger the safety of the wizarding world. Today, I want to tell you about a dangerous person I have personally dealt with. Called the strongest demon ever..."

The students were all aroused and listened attentively. Stark listened to the stories and regretted not learning new spells.

After hurriedly eating lunch in the auditorium, the first class in the afternoon was called flying class. Stark was very excited when he heard the name. To learn magic, of course, learn how to fly.

Then, when he saw a row of brooms lying on the ground, he was stunned again.

"Now, stretch out your hands and shout 'get up' at it!"

The students all stretched out their hands and shouted at the broom. Stark stood there hesitantly. He had a bad premonition, but at this time, the eyes of the flying teacher had already swept over, and Stark had to Slowly stretched out his hand and shouted at the broom, "Get up."

With a "bang", the broom was like seeing a long-lost relative, and slapped Stark directly on the face, causing him to stumble a few steps and fall to the ground.

The students around were wide-eyed, and the flying teacher said, "It seems that we are going to have another talented Quidditch player. Your coordination with the broom is very good."

Stark covered his eyes and stood up clutching the broom. He held the broom in his hand as if he was pinching the broom's neck, looked it up and down, and then looked at the flying teacher again.

Sure enough, under his gaze, the flying teacher stepped on the broom and said, "Now, like me, get on the broom and kick your legs on the ground..."

Stark covered his eyes again, all this was outrageous, far beyond his cognizance.

If in reality, someone told him that he believed that a broom could fly, and that he had to ride on it seriously and kick the ground with his legs, then Stark would definitely give him a punch.

But in order to make this dream continue, Stark still did it. He just stepped on the broom, and before his legs hit the ground, the broom jumped up with a "swoosh", and then took him directly to dozens of meters in the sky.

Stark firmly grabbed the front end of the broom. He had to admit that he was a little scared now. Flying through the mecha to an altitude of several kilometers is also iron-clad meat. Now, even if it is only a few dozen meters, it is still meat. Bao Tie, if he didn't catch him and fell, he would definitely fall into a puddle of meat.

Stark kept competing with the broom in the air, but the broom seemed to have its own mind. It had to go against him. Stark let it lower, but it wanted to rise. , and finally the teacher of the flight class rescued him.

Stark gritted his teeth and stared at the disobedient broom. Before the end of the flying lesson, he grabbed the broom and said to it: "Next time, wait for me!"

The last class of the day was potions class. As soon as he entered the classroom, Stark saw a very familiar figure, Schiller in a black robe.

Seeing Stark walking in, Schiller widened his eyes, then looked him up and down with a smile of interest, Stark stood there staring at him, but Schiller walked near the podium and said : "Go back to your seats, the class is about to start."

"As you can see, this class is a potions class. This is a class that is a little different from other subjects. I really like what the former professor said..."

"You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of this potion preparation."

"It's not the same as waving a wand and casting a spell, and it's different from what you think of magic, but it's equally charming."

Stark felt that Schiller on the stage was different from the Dr. Schiller he usually saw. In addition to his younger appearance and voice, he also appeared to be more active. He guessed that this might be a young doctor. Le.

When Schiller began to teach the configuration method of potions, Stark's eyes gradually lit up. He was familiar with it!

There are formulas, formulas, quantifications, and magical and convenient magic. Isn't this a subject tailored for him?

The first potions class didn't talk about any very complicated recipes, but Stark listened very intently and couldn't wait to try it out.

But in the process of actually making the potion, Stark discovered that required more education in biology and chemistry than mechanical engineering and physics. He touched his chin as if Think about something.

This is the end of the day's lessons. On the way back to the dormitory, Stark is alone, so he must face the problem of the knocker alone.

He walked to the door of the Ravenclaw lounge, and heard the humming knocker ask him, "Do you think 40-plus wedges are enough?"

Hearing this question, Stark narrowed his eyes and stared at the door knocker, but the door knocker seemed to have suddenly lost its vitality and remained motionless.

With a "click", the door opened, and after Stark walked in, he turned around and glanced at the knocker, but said nothing.

Another quiet night, a good night's sleep.

In the corridor on the first floor of the Hall of Thought, the first figure to appear was Charles. He shook his head and sighed, apparently encountering a room that was not suitable for him.

The figure that appeared next was Stark. Charles saw him coming and said in surprise: "I thought it would be Steve coming back for the second time."

Stark sighed deeply and said, "You will never believe that I came back here because of what."

Listening to the anger in his tone, Charles asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because of a broken broom!"

"I fell off a **** broken broom!

! "

Just when he was about to tell Charles about the extremely unsuccessful flying lesson the next day, Steve's figure appeared, his face was exhausted, and his voice was hoarse: "You will never believe what I have just experienced. something..."

"You guys don't know how horrible that place I just went!


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